Hello everyone and than you
moli for pointing to my previous answers. :smile:
Yep, that is how it works now. I know it's confusing, sorry about that.

This anonymizeonly feature was made in hurry to let people mix coins while staying more or less safe at the same time so it's not ideal...
I actually found a way to make logic work in more expectable way (I hope), already implemented this logic in my repo and made few test, it seems to work fine. Should be like this: wallet will request "unlock for sending"
only if it was "locked" or "unlocked for mixing only" before opening confirmation dialog on sending coins. This way users will be able to unlock by issuing walletpassphrase command or by using menu ("Unlock") and make as many transactions as they need until walletpassphrase timeout / manual locking / closing their wallet. At the same time unlocking during the process of sending coins will lock wallet back again immediately.
However dev team is busy right now moving whole Darkcoin code base from litecoin 0.8 to bitcoin 0.9.3. This will bring a lot of internal optimizations and new features from bitcoin core, should fix old problems with stuck syncing also, etc. A lot of work was already done by
vertoe and now
eduffield is pushing hard but there are still a lot of things left to do. Not to say about testing and hunting new bugs:wink:. So I'm not sure if there will be another compiled version on our old branch (most likely no) but similar patch will be included in new code base in next release I guess.
PS. It's 10 in the morning, I'm going to have some sleep...
finally... I love working in the Dark :grin:...