Wallet unlock bug


The function "walletpassphrase <passphrase> <timeout>" doesn't work as it should. I tried this function several times, but after one transaction the wallet gets locked again.

I am using v0.10.17.23-g6be18c6-beta version of the wallet.

Could anyone try to reproduce?
The function "walletpassphrase <passphrase> <timeout>" doesn't work as it should. I tried this function several times, but after one transaction the wallet gets locked again.

you gotta set the time longer than !
120 ... 240 ....>>
I enjoy betting at directbet.eu with darkcoins. But it sucks that i have to put in my password for every single bet. I think that it is a bug in the "walletpassphrase" function. If anyone can try to reproduce this odd behavior of the function, than it should be no problem for evan to fix this bug. The priority should be that the wallet is useable now. There are a lot of people using Darkcoin right now, and in my opinion the basic wallet functions should work perfectly before trying to add new features to the coin like instantx. One thing after an other.
Stupid question, but did you remove the brackets when entering the command walletpassphrase <passphrase> <timeout> ?
walletpassphrase thisismypassphrase 120
and not
walletpassphrase <thisismypassphrase> <120>
The function "walletpassphrase <passphrase> <timeout>" doesn't work as it should. I tried this function several times, but after one transaction the wallet gets locked again.

I am using v0.10.17.23-g6be18c6-beta version of the wallet.

Could anyone try to reproduce?
There was another similar complaint like your complaint here:

And here's the answer to it:

Edit: And here's another answer also from UdjinM6:

I haven't bothered to test the encryption on v.10.17.xx because the windows wallet versions are too bloated, not going to test encryption until a better version.
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There was another similar complaint like your complaint here:

And here's the answer to it:

Edit: And here's another answer also from UdjinM6:

I haven't bothered to test the encryption on v.10.17.xx because the windows wallet versions are too bloated, not going to test encryption until a better version.

So does that mean that it stays like it is? This is not userfriendly... So i have to make my bets with litecoins....
Is the wallet.dat from the original wallet compatible with this new wallet?

Should be since it was built from an older branch. Besides, if you have a duplicate wallet file, if it corrupts, it's not the end of the world. Always have backups. I haven't personally used Darkcoil but it might be worth trying in your case.

Also, doing a secondary wallet.dat with no password might be an alternative direction to go. Specify the return payouts either to that address for when you have it open or your primary with the password and then send what you want to bet to this new, password-free wallet, loading it, and betting from there.
Hello everyone and than you moli for pointing to my previous answers. :smile:

Yep, that is how it works now. I know it's confusing, sorry about that.:oops:
This anonymizeonly feature was made in hurry to let people mix coins while staying more or less safe at the same time so it's not ideal...

I actually found a way to make logic work in more expectable way (I hope), already implemented this logic in my repo and made few test, it seems to work fine. Should be like this: wallet will request "unlock for sending" only if it was "locked" or "unlocked for mixing only" before opening confirmation dialog on sending coins. This way users will be able to unlock by issuing walletpassphrase command or by using menu ("Unlock") and make as many transactions as they need until walletpassphrase timeout / manual locking / closing their wallet. At the same time unlocking during the process of sending coins will lock wallet back again immediately.

However dev team is busy right now moving whole Darkcoin code base from litecoin 0.8 to bitcoin 0.9.3. This will bring a lot of internal optimizations and new features from bitcoin core, should fix old problems with stuck syncing also, etc. A lot of work was already done by vertoe and now eduffield is pushing hard but there are still a lot of things left to do. Not to say about testing and hunting new bugs:wink:. So I'm not sure if there will be another compiled version on our old branch (most likely no) but similar patch will be included in new code base in next release I guess.

PS. It's 10 in the morning, I'm going to have some sleep... finally... I love working in the Dark :grin:...
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Well, I was wrong about compiled version :wink:


The cool thing is that while moving to bitcoin 0.9.3 we were still patching DarkCoin 0.10.17.x so making an urgent update brings all recent bugfixes/features too :cool:
Give it a try and see how it works.
Waiting for your replies...:rolleyes:
My question was wether these fixes enter the 0.11 branch? By the way, did we reply to Mr. Spreads message on BCT?
Ahh... 2 of them are mine - I made PRs to both branches and they are merged, freynder made the same and it's merged too afaik. DoS fix was already there by eduffield I believe.
The latest payment fix is still to be implemented in 0.11 though.

Evan replied https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=421615.msg9850101#msg9850101 and he said in private chat that Mr.Spread didn't reach him with any new bugs yet.