Wallet + p2p pool

It's hard to get shares, when you mine on node where miners have hashrate twice+ higher then yours.
Compare Hashrate, Share Difficulty and Time to Share - miner with 1.3GH same difficulty as miner with 180MH, but his Time to Share 5 times less, so probability that he get share before pool find new block is higher.
But if 180MH miner will connect to node where he only 1 or his hashrate highest - difficulty will adjust to his hashrate and his Time to Share will same as 1.3GH miner - his probability to get share will also same, and after some blocks "no share yet" could change to some numbers.

Merci, c'est plus clair.

Cela devient difficile de trouver des pools adaptés pour du 150 MH/s. Y a t il des pools spécifiques à certaines capacités de hashage? 100mh/s à 200Mh/s ...
Is it possible to subdivide each node by grouping by hashing capacity the miners? Would that help everyone win?
Is it possible to subdivide each node by grouping by hashing capacity the miners? Would that help everyone win?

C'est plus facile que tu cherche an node jusque avec the "miners" avec the hashrate comme vous. (Sorry about my terrible french)

Remember to re-check the difficulty parameter. The baikal manufacturer said we must write our address like this:

XpoDRqoJctfbXTicxFc5vBLg9Zq4yixta4/+0.08 (this will go in your configuration baikal web page as user)

Usually when you connect the miner to the p2pool node, it will take a bit to start sharing, But no more than 3 hours (approximately)

So give it a try. I suggest you stay with the p2pool. When you mine directly on the p2pool node, you are supporting much better DASH network. Also you will see it is a better deal in the long term. Also as you can see, dash is rising up like never did.

When you use another pool, they will take (always) a fee. Sometimes they will take a % over the fee. Also they will have control of your DASH, before you can take it out.

So far I use this strategy. I will share it with you.

  • If I want DASH, I will mine on p2pool (choosing the smallest ping - which means the better for your miner and internet connection)
  • If I want BTC, and BTC is in a high price (So it can be more profitable) I will use nicehash, just to get BTC straight away
Cons: using nicehash or a pool (like clevermining, suprnova, etc) you will have to play under their rules. Fees + commissions. Also you need to wait till they make the payouts.

Salut! I hope it helps!
Oui, merci.

Le problème est que l'on ne contrôle pas qui peut aller sur le noeud que l'on a choisi. Cela peut très bien se passer jusqu'à ce qu'un miner avec une capacité beaucoup plus importante se connecte.
C'est ce qui met arrivé, je lance sur le noeud et le lendemain dans j'ouvre le wallet, rien. Alors qu'il avait tourné plus de 3h. Je ne veux pas avoir à rester derrière le PC pour vérifier si je dois changer de noeud.

Pour le moment je suis sur coinmine.pl, puisque je n'arrive pas encore réussi à avoir un noeud stable en ce moment sur p2pool. Je viens de recevoir la premier versement et c'est bien à partir de 0.1. Par contre, effectivement, il a des "fees", mais il vient d'y avoir une mise à jour et il y a moins de noeuds à 0% sur p2pool, même si des nouveaux se sont créés. Mais j'ai l'impression que sur coinmine ils exploitent bien les capacités de mon miner quand je vois je taux de hashage. Et pour le moment, il me semble que c'est plus stable que de devoir jongler entre les noeuds de P2Pool. A voir dans la durée.