It's hard to get shares, when you mine on node where miners have hashrate twice+ higher then yours.
Compare Hashrate, Share Difficulty and Time to Share - miner with 1.3GH same difficulty as miner with 180MH, but his Time to Share 5 times less, so probability that he get share before pool find new block is higher.
But if 180MH miner will connect to node where he only 1 or his hashrate highest - difficulty will adjust to his hashrate and his Time to Share will same as 1.3GH miner - his probability to get share will also same, and after some blocks "no share yet" could change to some numbers.
Merci, c'est plus clair.
Cela devient difficile de trouver des pools adaptés pour du 150 MH/s. Y a t il des pools spécifiques à certaines capacités de hashage? 100mh/s à 200Mh/s ...