Waiting for ProTx to appear on-chain


This is my masternode status after a few hours of starting node:

"status": "Waiting for ProTx to appear on-chain"

Block chain is fully synced and I don't seem to have any pose ban:


I start the node using DMT with "start masternode" option. The only thing changed was payout address and then I pasted the new key into dash.conf and restarted dashd.

Thanks for any advice.

A Provider Update Registrar Transaction (ProUpRegTx) is used to update information relating to the owner. An owner can update the operator’s BLS public key (e.g. to nominate a new operator), the voting address and their own payout address. A ProUpRegTx can be created from DMT by clicking the Update operator key, Update voting key or Update payout addr. buttons

Did you click the Update payout addr. button in DMT and did that create a protx transaction ? Was there funds for that transaction (to pay for the transaction fee) ? And did that protx transaction receive a block confirmation ?
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Did you click the Update payout addr. button in DMT and did that create a protx transaction ? Was there funds for that transaction (to pay for the transaction fee) ? And did that protx transaction receive a block confirmation ?

I did. I just checked in DMT and it says the correct payout address (and if I try to change it there is a message saying "Nothing is changed compared to the data in the Dash network").

However, now DMT is saying "POSE_BANNED, PoSePenalty"
Strange. I guess you now need to do a ProUpServTx / Update Service in DMT
(see Maintenance documentation)

You can also verify your masternode status (to verify your new payout address and PoSe ban fix) in Dash Core v18.01 in the 'Masternodes' tab by searching on ip address. It should end up showing your masternode with 'ENABLED' after doing the Update Service in DMT. That way you can be sure it is working correctly.
This will also need one transaction confirmation by the way.
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Strange. I guess you now need to do a ProUpServTx / Update Service in DMT
(see Maintenance documentation)

I did this and it showed enabled, and then dropped off again sometime last night. Now masternode status says "Waiting for ProTx to appear on-chain" again!
The address is definitely correct. The new blsprivkey was pasted and I restarted dashd. I'm not too sure what I'm doing wrong :|
I did this and it showed enabled, and then dropped off again sometime last night. Now masternode status says "Waiting for ProTx to appear on-chain" again!
The address is definitely correct. The new blsprivkey was pasted and I restarted dashd. I'm not too sure what I'm doing wrong :|

Can you verify your last block with this blockchain explorer : https://chainz.cryptoid.info/dash/ (to see if you are synced correctly)
Also check your debug.log to see if something is mentioned there.

You could also ask for help in this DMT thread, as you are using DMT to setup your masternode : https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/gui-tool-for-running-masternode-with-trezor.13748/page-14 (maybe Bertrand256 has a suggestion).

Or you could ask for help in Dash Discord : https://www.dash.org/connect-with-us/
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I did this and it showed enabled, and then dropped off again sometime last night. Now masternode status says "Waiting for ProTx to appear on-chain" again!
The address is definitely correct. The new blsprivkey was pasted and I restarted dashd. I'm not too sure what I'm doing wrong :|

You are either not synced, or you are using the wrong BLS key.
Can you verify your last block with this blockchain explorer : https://chainz.cryptoid.info/dash/ (to see if you are synced correctly)
Also check your debug.log to see if something is mentioned there.

You could also ask for help in this DMT thread, as you are using DMT to setup your masternode : https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/gui-tool-for-running-masternode-with-trezor.13748/page-14 (maybe Bertrand256 has a suggestion).

Or you could ask for help in Dash Discord : https://www.dash.org/connect-with-us/

Thanks for all the helpful info!
I did the resync command last night and so far it is still on dashninja (yay). I will update later if it stays this time,