Vote: Self-sustainable Decentralized Governance by Blockchain

Some thoughts about the voting:

1) Someone who does not run a masternode cannot vote. His voice will never be heard.
This will encourage them to set up a MN.
2) Is it true that the total share of the masternodes owned by big investors and the dev team/DASH functionaries exceeds 50%? If this is true, and given item 1, the whole voting process becomes redundant. If I am not mistaken, there is at least one big investor who owns ca. 600 masternodes or 25% at the monent.
Not sure but I don't think the dev team owns too many MNs. I think the majority of MNs are still in the hands of many different people.
3) If several people have shares in one masternode, how should the owners of that masternode vote before the masternode itself can vote? How to estimate the number of such masternodes?
They can work together to agree on a vote. Probably something like if 5 people own a MN, and 3 say "no", 2 say "yes", then the vote is "no".
4) Project budget is proposed to be measured in US dollar which is backed up by nothing and can be created by FED in nanoseconds out of thin air. What about using gold/silver instead (1 ounce, 50 g)?
Is gold/silver a monetary unit in any country?
Really nice graphs you added there, i have a question about the accuracy of the votes :

if you compare your site with crowing's site there is some 10% difference in the votes, do we know what exactly causes this and more importantly
can or will it be fixed for future voting proposals?

No idea, I am no core developper. From what I understood it is because I updated to .23 with 24h delay.

Still if this is going to work we need a more robust system with multiple concurrent votes and robust/consistent results accross the network (votes rebroadcast or blockchain votes).
It is easy to confuse a market with a democracy, please remember that the purpose of this system is to allow decentralized decision making and each stake holder has a bond of trust with the network through the collateral that he has tied up in masternodes, the higher the risk the person is taking the higher the weight of his vote. All voices are heard, just proportionately to the risk that voice is taking. This is more akin to a share holders assembly than an government election system. The cool thing about Dash system is it is decentralized and anyone willing to invest can set up nodes at any time by getting coins in the market and then with that risk will come the power to vote on the direction of the coin.

The system is also very healthy we know who our largest holder is, that person bought all his coins in the open markets, so he is taking a big risk, and although he obviously has influence his nodes are not even close to allowing him to approve things on his own he still needs to compromise and work with the community, plus is in his best interests since he is taking the largest risk.

It is a great solution and every coin will face this challenge of how to make coordinated decisions and keep moving forward, is a very hard issue and Dash is pioneering by creating an innovative solution instead of just ignoring the problem.
Some thoughts about the voting:

1) Someone who does not run a masternode cannot vote. His voice will never be heard.
2) Is it true that the total share of the masternodes owned by big investors and the dev team/DASH functionaries exceeds 50%? If this is true, and given item 1, the whole voting process becomes redundant. If I am not mistaken, there is at least one big investor who owns ca. 600 masternodes or 25% at the monent.
3) If several people have shares in one masternode, how should the owners of that masternode vote before the masternode itself can vote? How to estimate the number of such masternodes?
4) Project budget is proposed to be measured in US dollar which is backed up by nothing and can be created by FED in nanoseconds out of thin air. What about using gold/silver instead (1 ounce, 50 g)?

Along with what Minotaur said:

1. is not true because there will be an open forum for everyone and anyone to participate on each project. The people participating don't need to own a masternode, but can have great effect on the projects. Their input and insights will be the backbone of the system. They will be the ones to convince masternode owners which way to vote.

2. If they had that many of the masternodes, we wouldn't still be waiting for 51% of the vote! No, I'd be surprised if all together, they had as much as Mr. No. 1, who bought all his coins mid to late 2014. That was an investor, and not one of the team members as this person had big bucks even then to buy so many coins.

3. That has to be worked out by the service provider in such a way that makes his clients happy.

4. I don't see why not, except that gold is very volitile, silver is less so, so perhaps that would work? Even so, anything would work, as the purpose is to take the risk out of the contract from both sides (if DASH price goes down, we'll have to pay more toward the project, but if DASH prices rise, we'll have to pay less. It'll depend on the DASH market) So in the end, we could perhaps make it so that the payment is in a defined currency. Any currency that they developer wants to use. The contract will still be paid in DASH, but at the equivalent of the currency he wants, as long as there is an exchange for that currency.

I gotta say, I'm surprised that it's taking so long to hit 51%. Maybe we should make a vote-many video tutorial so that Mr. No. 1 can vote. I suspect he hasn't done so yet?? Then again... who knows? LOL

Getting an error when trying to vote:

masternode vote yea

Error upon calling SetKey

OP says to copy masternode.conf to the dash folder but no idea where to find the file. Flare runs the masternode servers for me.
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Getting an error when trying to vote:

masternode vote yea

Error upon calling SetKey

OP says to copy masternode.conf to the dash folder but no idea where to find the file. Flare runs the masternode servers for me.
Select one which suits to you:
To vote, simply copy your masternode.conf into your dash directory, open the software then
execute the command “masternode vote-many yea” or “masternode vote-many nay”.

To vote with a single masternode you can use the command “masternode vote yea” or “masternode vote nay”.
I just checked Crowning's chart here: and it now shows only 1.65% voted (all YEA)

I counted all the YEAs on my masternode, and got 165 nodes voting YEA.

Obviously, they don't add up, weird the number is similar, but the answer is not at all.

So what happened? Did the slate accidentally get cleared? Why can't we get a proper answer?

I had to re-boot the server where my voting daemon (v0.11.2.23 of course) runs, and for reasons only Evan knows it's now stuck at 43 YEA, 0 NAY and 2557 ABSTAIN.

I think I'll have to look into that code soon...
Ugh, something is buggy there. For all we know, we're way past 50%, LOL. That would make more sense. I don't think anyone's daemon is showing similar (correlating) results.
when I grep my own nodes, they say abstain. looks like I lost my vote somehow?

Your vote is still there, you just can't see it.

The current status is 1203 YEA, 4 NAY and 1392 ABSTAIN

Edit: when you vote again (using the daemon) this daemon's list is up-to-date again...

Edit^2: ....sometimes. Doesn't work with all daemons.

Edit^3: works again. It's always good to have some backup-nodes at hand.
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Getting an error when trying to vote:

masternode vote yea

Error upon calling SetKey

OP says to copy masternode.conf to the dash folder but no idea where to find the file. Flare runs the masternode servers for me.

Even if flare runs yours MN's you have
.conf file

What system you running on ?
1 MN or more ?
If you never backed it off or cold storage it should still be in your folder system in computer ?
You're right, I re-voted, but the numbers did not change, so just a weird blooper.

Say, Crowning, you worked on the wallet, no? Could we make a voting tab, and on that tab it would show current proposals (which would be assigned a number) and you can insert that number into a field, or click on it and it automatically is inserted into the field, and then you can vote yea or nay on that particular project proposal? It would only work if you have a valid config file for your masternode?

The same tab could give real time updates on where the proposals stand and notifications when owner/operators are needed to do something like vote or update?
You're right, I re-voted, but the numbers did not change, so just a weird blooper.

Say, Crowning, you worked on the wallet, no? Could we make a voting tab, and on that tab it would show current proposals (which would be assigned a number) and you can insert that number into a field, or click on it and it automatically is inserted into the field, and then you can vote yea or nay on that particular project proposal? It would only work if you have a valid config file for your masternode?

The same tab could give real time updates on where the proposals stand and notifications when owner/operators are needed to do something like vote or update?

I agree
in the long term (if we vote all the time now) it has to be simplified + needs a confirmation !! a button in the wallet would be great
maybe it switches colour from Green to red when voted or something
(i like colours as you know):smile:
Even if flare runs yours MN's you have
.conf file

What system you running on ?
1 MN or more ?
If you never backed it off or cold storage it should still be in your folder system in computer ?
Could you tell me the exact path to masternode.conf ?
Could you tell me the exact path to masternode.conf ?

if you do not know your path i imagine
you never backed it up ?!
so when you open your wallet your MN will be running ?!?

If not
Mac Secure Backup for Wallet.dat
user- library -application support - dash

(i know nothing about PC)
but should be in here

same as above
this one ?
You're right, I re-voted, but the numbers did not change, so just a weird blooper.

Say, Crowning, you worked on the wallet, no? Could we make a voting tab, and on that tab it would show current proposals (which would be assigned a number) and you can insert that number into a field, or click on it and it automatically is inserted into the field, and then you can vote yea or nay on that particular project proposal? It would only work if you have a valid config file for your masternode?

The same tab could give real time updates on where the proposals stand and notifications when owner/operators are needed to do something like vote or update?

I actually already thought about this, but postponed the implementation until Evan has finalized the voting architecture.

Right now you can only vote for one single proposal, but in the future it will be possible to have several votes running in parallel, and the UI for this will depend on the underlying architecture of course.
Along with what Minotaur said:

4. I don't see why not, except that gold is very volitile, silver is less so, so perhaps that would work? Even so, anything would work, as the purpose is to take the risk out of the contract from both sides (if DASH price goes down, we'll have to pay more toward the project, but if DASH prices rise, we'll have to pay less. It'll depend on the DASH market) So in the end, we could perhaps make it so that the payment is in a defined currency. Any currency that they developer wants to use. The contract will still be paid in DASH, but at the equivalent of the currency he wants, as long as there is an exchange for that currency.

At the moment it looks like most projects will be quoted in US$ so that does make sense to base project values now. There will be a lot of changes over this coming year and anything can happen to currencies, gold, or silver. Our long term plan should be to base the projects on DASH only. I have little faith in any of the fiat stuff lasting too much longer.

You have the right idea, it doesn't matter what the currency the project value is based on, as long as it is paid in DASH. Adding more currencies might be a big effort on the DASH side. Maybe the webpage that enters each project converts the currencies along with the language of that country.