Here are my suggestions for the website as it stands now. I went ahead and clicked just about EVERY link I could in there.
A lot of my suggestions are to change the target to _blank on links that leave our website. This is because it's never a good idea to send people away from your website without giving them a reasonable option to get back. The attention span people have is not high enough to hit the back button and once they are onto a new website they pretty much wont be coming back to yours unless they need too.
I've listed every link on the website that makes the user leave the actual website into a completely different website, whether it be dashtalk, the wiki, or something else. Many web designers argue about what practice is better. Some people complain that opening a new page without letting the user know is not the right thing to do, hence the reason wordpress gives us this little button to add to links
Anyways I build basic websites on the side and have a decent portfolio. If anyone needs some help with this or with another site (associated with dash) let me know.
Please note: these are only suggestions based on my personal preference. i don't expect you guys to do it all but at least take into consideration.
The Bold Large Headers are Main Menu Links. The numbered items are sub links. and the sentences with a - in front of them are my actual suggestions.
1) 'What is Dash'
- We don't want people leaving the website. Make the target = _blank,
- All other Links work here.
2) 'Team'
-Of course this would be a choice but if possible ask team members only if they are willing for:
-photo, email, twitter/social page, or even dashtalk user name.
3) 'Dash Foundation'
- We don't want people leaving the website. Make the target = _blank
1) 'Wallet'
-Three side menu links that lead to wiki take you away from website. Make the target = _blank
2) 'Where to spend'
- We don't want people leaving the website. Make the target = _blank
1) 'Mailing List'
-on right and side should be target=_blank
2) 'release notes'
-right above 'terms of use' disclaimer is a dead
-Also when fixed Make the target = _blank
1) the 'Dashtalk' link in the paragraph above the form should be target=_blank
1) Each Section has specific Blog Posts listed. These posts are links to the actual blog posts content. So it shows us a little snippet of the posts, the author, the date, the title. There should be a 'read more' button for each of these. The only way to tell if those are links is to hover them and see if the cursor changes.
1) should be target=_blank