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New member
I am afraid this is scam ....could you please help me warn people...I noticed that this block still receive dash es


Please help. I also probably lost 8;(
I am afraid this is scam ....could you please help me warn people...I noticed that this block still receive dash es


Please help. I also probably lost 8;(
Sorry for your loss. I sent dash to 3 days ago. Needless to say it did not show up in my wallet although it did go to the correct receiving address but was quickly moved out. I requested their support and send an email with no response. Also the phone number is not listed. It's a scam alright and I assume there is no way to get to them. My lesson is go to the forum first and then only try it with the smallest quantity until you are satisfied.
Sorry for your loss too. Now I am sure that this is scam...i noticed also that in internet are more web with the same page design but with other coins, they only create web with account to receive but you dont have access to secret keys and sectret phrase this is a fake, once you send yor coin to this account they are sending this amount to another so we will never get our coins back...this is big lesson for me;(
Sorry for your loss too. Now I am sure that this is scam...i noticed also that in internet are more web with the same page design but with other coins, they only create web with account to receive but you dont have access to secret keys and sectret phrase this is a fake, once you send yor coin to this account they are sending this amount to another so we will never get our coins back...this is big lesson for me;(
How does one broadcast a scam like this? Does anyone know?
How does one broadcast a scam like this? Does anyone know?
They have paid advertisement on Google that shows up if you search for Dash Wallet. If the amount you lost is significant you should take a lawyer. If they bought advertisement on Google it could be possible to track them.
I have reached out to Google to ask them to remove the advertisement for this site. I don't know if they react to my complain.
I wasn't fooled myself by this site because I use the Dash Core Wallet and Jaxx but I feel sorry for everyone who lost his money to them.
How does one broadcast a scam like this? Does anyone know?
They have paid advertisement on Google that shows up if you search for Dash Wallet. If the amount you lost is significant you should take a lawyer. If they bought advertisement on Google it could be possible to track them.
Thankyou Orion. My loss is probably not worth the cost of a lawyer but I guess Google should be informed.