Veiwer confusion over Amanda B. Johnson as "Dash spokesperson"

I've noticed that a few commenters on YT seem to regard Amanda as a "spokesperson for Dash" if you will. I don't blame them for assuming this. I write this in thinking it might be beneficial for Amanda to make her role clear to viewers every now and again.

Example: In the recent interview with Omar (Crypt0), Amanda was unaware of recent communications from the TenX team, but viewers seemed to take this that "Dash does not no if it is being scammed by TenX". Again, clarification of Amanda's role at the time would have subdued the delusion from listeners.

Love your work Amanda, cheers
Spokesperson might not be the right word because it implies speaking on behalf of the network which is not the case. Amanda promotes Dash and explains Dash, introduces it to new audiences, and reports news. She's not the borg queen, she doesn't have to be aware of and know the veracity of every claim about what's going on with every budget proposal. Worrying about getting scammed by proposals is a job for the masternodes. Maybe she has masternodes, idk, but in terms of what the network pays her to do, it's not to be a budget proposal auditor.
An example of comments exchange on YT, I've seen other examples (won't bore ppl / my comment in blue):
"Problem for Charlie Schrem is he's inadmissible to Canada being a convicted criminal. Jaxx is out of Ontario Canada. Also ,Amanda B said recently she as no idea as to the status or future of a Dash debit card."
"Amanda is NOT a spokesperson for Dash. Amanda is not a spokesperson for Jaxx, TenX or Charlie Shrem either. Amanda simply produces videos that relate to things and people Dash related via funding through the Dash DAO and via the Dash treasury. I will seek to see if Amanda can clear up any confusion. It is not Amanda's responsibility to be up on the latest goings on involving the TenX Dash "CC" project. There are multiple projects within the Dash ecosystem and it is NOT Amanda's job to be spokesperson for any of them (except her own Dash related venture if she chooses/or perhaps her partner/whoever!). When Amanda was last asked (by Cryp0) about the TenX project it was apparent to me that she was not aware of ongoing very recent communications from both Dr. Julian Hosp and Charlie Shrem (Shrem within the Dash Slack apparently). I repeat. Amanda is NOT a spokesperson for Dash. Ryan Taylor is CEO of the Dash DAO and if anyone….would be probably be the spokesperson for the Dash DAO at this stage."
"thanks for clearing that up."

I've literally only (just now) discovered DASH through Amandas' YT channel, and have gained 90% of my DASH knowledge through it...and I am under no illusion as to Amanda's position within the DASH community. She's an individual evangelist funded through a DASH DAO disbursement.

Not hard to understand...
I don't find it hard to understand either. I'm not suggesting it is hard to understand. Nonetheless, I've found myself correcting others who don't understand. :)

I stand corrected. I should have realised the fatal flaw....thinking others are hearing the same things that you are and coming to the same conclusions. I'll have to step up my mental game...
The public concludes that a particular person is a spokesperson for an organization from observing that person's language and behavior.

The average person watching Amanda's videos will come to the natural conclusion that Amanda is a Dash spokesperson. There's really no other reasonable conclusion, going by the videos.

And look at the About page for her Dash videos -- it describes only Dash, not her. The only email address there is [email protected].

If we want the public to not be misled, Amanda can add a disclaimer. Otherwise somebody else will need to do that on her behalf.

So you can decide which is more efficient, Amanda herself adding the disclaimer, or others doing it.

But a disclaimer alone will not necessarily be enough. The public will continue to observe Amanda's language and behavior and quite likely continue to assume that she is a Dash spokesperson -- because that's what they see in the videos.
No harm in people thinking she's a spokesperson as long as the results are positive. Amanda might consider explaining her position only on the few occasions she is asked something she does not know the answer to.
From Amanda's latest proposal, my feeling is, her desire for a break is maybe a higher priority than she is letting on. Burn out, and that's something to be concerned about. Given Amanda's relatively high profile, and given the possibility that she won't always be an ambassador for dash, I think it would be a good idea if we somehow encouraged other personalities to emerge.
Ya...not sure about the proposal...but for sure she may need to take a break and reassess what she wants to do. It would be good to have others suited to presenting making videos people can passively watch, get news, and learn from.