v19.3.0 Release Announcement


Active member
Dash Core Group
We are happy to announce the release of 19.3.0. This release includes binaries that you can download on GitHub.

About this release

Dash Core 19.3.0 is an optional minor version that does not include breaking changes. You can find detailed release notes at https://github.com/dashpay/dash/blob/v19.3.0/doc/release-notes.md.

When upgrading from a version < 19.2, a migration process will occur. Although expected to complete quite quickly, this migration process can take up to thirty minutes to complete on some systems.

Known Issues
- No known issues at this time

Verification of Downloads

This release was signed by https://keybase.io/pasta (GPG fingerprint: `2959 0362 EC87 8A81 FD3C 202B 5252 7BED ABE8 7984`).

It is important to verify the binaries you download by following one of these guides:
- Windows
- MacOS
- Linux


Thanks go out to all Dash Core contributors, DCG infrastructure, everyone who submitted issues, reviewed pull requests, or helped translate on Transifex, and also to Bitcoin Core developers.

Has Dashmate been updated to fetch v19.3.0 for Core ?

Because i tried :

dashmate stop
npm update -g dashmate
dashmate update

This is the result :


Core needs to fetch Image : dashpay/dashd:19.3.0

Or Dash users need to get clear instructions on how to update Dashmate themselves, so that it will fetch that specific Image for them.
(see https://hub.docker.com/r/dashpay/dashd/tags --> we need either dashpay/dashd:latest or dashpay/dashd:19.3.0)

Maybe best to have Dashmate just fetch Image 'dashpay/dashd:latest' from now on ? So Dashmate users can just proceed with Core updates, without having to wait untill Dashmate is updated by devs to fetch a specific newer Core version.

My config.json file shows the following under mainnet :

"core": {
"docker": {
"image": "dashpay/dashd:19.2.0"

In the past (and on Testnet) i simply changed the image path in my config.json directly, to update Dashmate to a new update. But i believe there is also a more safe way for users to issue an image path change for Dashmate ? Something like dashmate config set .. something ? (i don't have that specific dashmate command at hand anymore, lost it after testing Dashmate on Testnet).

Update 1 : created a Github issue for this --> https://github.com/dashpay/platform/issues/1281

Update 2 : found the command to manually update Dashmate --> 'dashmate config set core.docker.image dashpay/dashd:19.3.0' or 'dashmate config set core.docker.image dashpay/dashd:latest'

It would be nice if this command also gets mentioned here : (https://github.com/dashpay/platform/blob/master/packages/dashmate/README.md)

Update 3 : looks like dashmate has been updated now --> https://github.com/dashpay/platform/commit/f75b036ae07b977f0e848c2f0501ae0b9d787798

so the following commands should do the trick now to update to v19.3.0 through Dashmate :

dashmate stop
npm update -g dashmate
dashmate update
dashmate start

If after doing npm update -g dashmate, dashmate update still shows :

Core | dashpay/dashd:19.2.0 | up to date

you will need to wait for another Dashmate update (v0.24.20) to be released (any day now) and repeat above steps.

You can monitor version changes to Dashmate here : https://github.com/dashpay/platform/compare/v0.24.18...master

Off topic :

Thank you for this one --> https://github.com/dashpay/platform/commit/ff64ac7d493c4c0d19c118f57f7e991dba72c87b which was merged on Dashmate master. But unfortunetely both 'dashmate status' and 'dashmate status masternode' still need fixes with dashmate v0.24.19

'dashmate status' : fix needed for PoSe Penalty (0)+fix needed for Last paid time (Never)+fix needed for payment queue position+fix needed for Next Payment time

'dashmate status masternode' : fix needed for payment queue position, fix needed for Next Payment time

I am assuming here that it is technically possible for Dashmate to fetch correct 'Payment queue position' and correct 'Next payment time' for newly started masternodes / Evo Nodes who never been paid before, just like how the Dash Core wallet and Dash Masternode Tool (DMT) manage to fetch that data for newly started Masternodes & Evo Nodes. Dash Core wallet fetch Next Payment block, DMT fetch Next payment (block) & Next payment (time).

Update 1 : even after an Evonode received masternode payments, the 'Payment queue position' and 'Next payment time' remain incorrect on both 'dashmate status' and 'dashmate status masternode' commands.

Update 2 : according pshenmic above pull request with fixes for 'dashmate status masternode' output was not yet released. Fixes should all be active in dashmate version 0.24.20, which should be released any day now.
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Maybe best to have Dashmate just fetch Image 'dashpay/dashd:latest' from now on ? So Dashmate users can just proceed with Core updates, without having to wait untill Dashmate is updated by devs to fetch a specific newer Core version.
Yeah that makes sense, and I was suggesting it a long way ago, but this is actually done intentionally. I don't remember exactly the case, but there was something that changing it manually is potentially dangerous, and we want to control dashcore version through the dashmate release proccess. We planned to include automatic dashmate package update feature in the future, to make it easier for the user.

But since its mainnet, and we don't have this thing already around, I will raise this discussion once again (y)
To Dash Core Group

With regards to the Dash Core wallet v19.3.0 :

There seems to be a mismatch in the number between next payment-last paid of masternodes/evonodes (3585-3594) and the number of enabled regular masternodes+enabled HPMN (3432) shown on Tools - Information.

some random just paid regular masternodes : 3594

some random just paid HighPerformance / Evonodes : 3585-3587-3586-3581


Number of regular Masternodes + HPMNs / Evonodes according Tools - Information : 3378+54=3432

Why is the masternode payment queue position for regular Masternodes and Evonodes higher, then the combined enabled number of regular masternodes and Evonodes operating on the Dash network ?

I asked rango of Dash Central to check his masternode queue position logic (note : his Nextpay is based on 3432), but now i am starting to think maybe there is something wrong with the Dash Core wallet in that regard and Dash Central is simply fetching an incorrect number from there.
So I suspect this issue also affects Dash Central masternode payment queue position logic.

Created a Github issue for this : https://github.com/dashpay/dash/issues/5528
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From UdjinM6 (dev core team) :


I have sent an email to Dash Central (plus a shout) to have them correct this. Dash Central need to multiply the number of enabled HPMNs / Evonodes with 4 in its masternode payment position logic, in order to provide a more accurate ‘Nextpay’ position number.

I also asked Dash Central to look into not always fetching all 4 masternode payments from Evonodes, which also causes Dash Central 'Earnings' to show incorrect information. Dash Central seems to have difficulty detecting masternode payments from 4 consecutive blocks with Evonodes.
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