v13.0 Testing

Hi @qwizzie I did some more testing with @strophy and yes, it appear IS works correctly, though the UI is changed. I sent him >4 inputs to avoid the auto-IS and he attempted to send back to me before getting a confirmation, when he went to his coin control, the coins where not there, so he is unable to use them. If however, I send him coins that are IS locked, they appear in his coin control and he is able to send them back to me. So, I gotta conclude that IS is working correctly, but just the UI has changed. Try some tests for yourself. Be careful of one thing however, if you send to yourself, or attempt to use change from a TX you just created, you can spend the zero conf DASH. This seems to be a feature from Bitcoin that allows transaction chaining and is OK to do so long as you control all the inputs, specifically the first one.
Hi @qwizzie I did some more testing with @strophy and yes, it appear IS works correctly, though the UI is changed. I sent him >4 inputs to avoid the auto-IS and he attempted to send back to me before getting a confirmation, when he went to his coin control, the coins where not there, so he is unable to use them. If however, I send him coins that are IS locked, they appear in his coin control and he is able to send them back to me. So, I gotta conclude that IS is working correctly, but just the UI has changed. Try some tests for yourself. Be careful of one thing however, if you send to yourself, or attempt to use change from a TX you just created, you can spend the zero conf DASH. This seems to be a feature from Bitcoin that allows transaction chaining and is OK to do so long as you control all the inputs, specifically the first one.

Strange that dev-team did not mention this from start (or responded to my many posts on this matter) as it is a rather large visual change when using InstantSend. This will definetely need some explaining once this hits mainnet or it will just create a lot of confusion.
Thank you again @xkcd I couldn't find time to work on this until just now, I was running the correct version, now I need to update! LOL

Can't wait to see how spork 15 works out!
We've enabled spork15 and it got activated on block 277730. We've entered stage 8 now and are running in full deterministic mode now :)
We already foud a few issue which we'll fix in RC7, but testing can generally continue (except for proposal testing...)
I see a user issue: First, once DIP3 is locked in, the My Masternode tab shows "last seen" from that point and never updates again (is sentinel dead then?) And I feel this will alarm a lot of MNOs 2nd is the DIP3 tab requires a MNO user to insert search words/numbers to see how their MN is doing as you can only find your PoSe score there, or last paid block, or future pay block#s You can also check there if your payee address is correct and operator rewards are correct. This is possibly good info to keep an eye on, as who knows if someone can hack you? Change the payee, etc...

@codablock I may see a solution. 1. have the DIP3 tab give an auto filter check block for what's in your MN.conf so you can quickly filter your personal node/nodes for that info rather than typing them in one by one, and 2. give a final readout of "no longer needed" in the "last seen" spot of the "My Masternode " tab?
I am still a noob, but I just wanted to pop in and thank all of you who are working your a$$€s off on this very ambitious project. Wow, just wow!
Join in on the fun, @DAOMN :D I'm off to a dinner, but if you want to spin up a MN I'm sure we can all pitch in some t-dash :D I have about 240 I can send :D Best way to see what is going on is to participate in Testnet. Although I'll be gone a few hours, I'm happy to walk you through it all, I ask the dumbest questions all the time, so no question is too stupid for me to help out :D

To start, first make sure you're not running your own full core wallet, if you are, wait for me :D
second, download the windows.zip file at the link on the first page and pull out dash-qt, put it somewhere easy to find.
You can start it up, then shut it down, and find your .dashcore folder in c:/Users/yourname/AppData/Roaming/DashCore and open dash.conf with notepad++ (right click and choose open with notepad++) This is a very useful tool, and based off windows notepad :) Free to download :)

Just add testnet=1 on the first line, then save, close, and restart the dash-qt wallet.

Now you have to wait an hour or three for it to sync, then we can have fun :)
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Join in on the fun, @DAOMN :D I'm off to a dinner, but if you want to spin up a MN I'm sure we can all pitch in some t-dash :D I have about 240 I can send :D Best way to see what is going on is to participate in Testnet. Although I'll be gone a few hours, I'm happy to walk you through it all, I ask the dumbest questions all the time, so no question is too stupid for me to help out :D

To start, first make sure you're not running your own full core wallet, if you are, wait for me :D
second, download the windows.zip file at the link on the first page and pull out dash-qt, put it somewhere easy to find.
You can start it up, then shut it down, and find your .dashcore folder in c:/Users/yourname/AppData/Roaming/DashCore and open dash.conf with notepad++ (right click and choose open with notepad++) This is a very useful tool, and based off windows notepad :) Free to download :)

Just add testnet=1 on the first line, then save, close, and restart the dash-qt wallet.

Now you have to wait an hour or three for it to sync, then we can have fun :)
I could do this about as well as my dog could cook me dinner. There would be lots of broken dishes and probably a fire. I'm afraid the best I can offer here is moral support and gratitude. Buen provecho!
Ah well, Dash is supposed to eventually make it easy enough for anyone to use, so you will be a perfect candidate when we get so far, to see if we did it right :D
If it's any consolation, the testing work you are doing is greatly appreciated. Many people are counting on you!

They are probably doing it this way because of the intense pressure to get this release out the door ASAP. They are causing testers to bear more than is usual in an effort to conserve precious developer resources IMHO.

I feel as though these "Release Candidates" are being released too early because of the number of them and the difficulty/headache/frustration these bugs are causing for (let's be honest) beta testers.

The previous v12.3 release went through 5 release candidates and now v13 is on its 8th one. IMHO this trend needs to stop and reverse, not continue to degenerate until alpha software is being labeled as release candidates.

I looked it up and found my feelings are well-founded; in the literature Release Candidates are supposed to be more mature than beta software and only one or two bug fixes away from production readiness.

IMHO it's not fair to expect erstwhile but non-developer testers to slog through so many alpha/beta-level bugs that should have been fixed before being offered to volunteers from the general public.

So now, the masternode status command gives this information:

me@Dash1:~/dashcore-0.13.0/bin$ dash-cli masternode status
"outpoint": "e68611bb8bfa7ef3f65e8e3a880c5088b9766de0c892f9293bd808704fa75a3d-0",
"service": "",
"proTxHash": "ff2afab72cb68194cd0f01a136a9e061825b93fa4ddbb0d4edd0ee97ae7c96b7",
"collateralHash": "e68611bb8bfa7ef3f65e8e3a880c5088b9766de0c892f9293bd808704fa75a3d",
"collateralIndex": 0,
"dmnState": {
"registeredHeight": 270638,
"lastPaidHeight": 281245,
"PoSePenalty": 0,
"PoSeRevivedHeight": -1,
"PoSeBanHeight": -1,
"revocationReason": 0,
"keyIDOwner": "f1000b25efd4a04c55f4402d1f7a8383b416db56",
"pubKeyOperator": "086666b427134ccdbb43e1a14647f61c2047107498313558e378f6c440c4d752d213a6d0a52e4b3a17c5cc62ff5f539a",
"keyIDVoting": "f1000b25efd4a04c55f4402d1f7a8383b416db56",
"addr": "",
"payoutAddress": "yg8G647Sqg6xqh3z2XSv4ZFrXmueCTa8NV"
"state": "READY",
"status": "Ready"

So, does that mean enabled?

So now, the masternode status command gives this information:

me@Dash1:~/dashcore-0.13.0/bin$ dash-cli masternode status
"outpoint": "e68611bb8bfa7ef3f65e8e3a880c5088b9766de0c892f9293bd808704fa75a3d-0",
"service": "",
"proTxHash": "ff2afab72cb68194cd0f01a136a9e061825b93fa4ddbb0d4edd0ee97ae7c96b7",

So, does that mean enabled?
Yup I see you on DIP3 list now about to get your second reward.
I am still a noob, but I just wanted to pop in and thank all of you who are working your a$$€s off on this very ambitious project. Wow, just wow!
Ah, for a $5 VPS and a fistful of tDASH, you can screw up until you get it right. It's the cheapest education money can buy, and the more hard-headed you are, the better it works!

Service Guarantees Citizenship!

Check out @TaoOfSatoshi 's guides. Your head will spin at first, because it is all over the place and doesn't really explain much. It's just rote copycatting. But, the more you do it, the more it'll start to make sense. The more you screw up, the more you'll have to re-do it, the more you'll learn. And a few weeks later, you'll realize the whole guide can be compressed to one sentence... I was initially irritated with the guide, but it did lead people to learn. The very, very hard way, but I kinda like brutality...
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I feel as though these "Release Candidates" are being released too early because of the number of them and the difficulty/headache/frustration these bugs are causing for (let's be honest) beta testers.
Uh, that's the point... TESTnet.

This used to happen on mainnet, back in the day...

A complaining beta tester isn't a beta tester. Just beta...

The whole point is that it's currently busted.
Uh, that's the point... TESTnet.

This used to happen on mainnet, back in the day...

A complaining beta tester isn't a beta tester. Just beta...

The whole point is that it's currently busted.
I think the point was that the test releases should be labeled beta releases (e.g. beta 1, beta 2 etc) rather than release candidates (rc1, rc2 etc).