Hi there,Mr.Ignore, tell me then why cant blockchain be downloaded at full speed if its not a protocol flaw.
He said 8 connections, if they all reseed at 10 KB/s ofc it wont download at more than 80 KB/s.
I think you're just a mislead boy licking ass of members with "Developer" under their name.
Actually, there is no need for everyone to get their panties in a bunch This is a good question. Now, I'm not a programmer, but I think the problem is in the structure and theory behind a distributed network, and wanting to keep it that way. If we create a centralized source for people to download, it could be corrupted, accidentally or maliciously. And I believe the limit to 8 connections is simply to keep from overloading or ddos'ing the network, so that nobody can overwhelm the network with downloads. The solution we're striving toward is to create a strong network that protects the chain and serves a cropped version of the blockchain that is relevant to light wallets or regular users. This way, less will have to be downloaded (hopefully next project) while still having a strong network and protected blockchain.
So that's why you won't have anyone create a centralized repository for the blockchain - unless things get really bad for some reason. And we definitely don't want full node wallets syncing to any centralized "authority" as that breaks down the trustless system at it's core. Did that explain the problem? If not, sorry for interrupting.
Thank you for the mature reply. It was indeed just some kind of hitch with dashd as after restart it synced quite fast.
Looking forward to using v12 on mainnet.
Oops, seems I misunderstood again Well, I'll leave it here in case it's helpful to someone
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