V12 Testing Thread

Does this include screen shots like this?

Ur 2 slow :grin:: https://github.com/dashpay/dash/pull/422

So I just downloaded the latest version, v0.12.0.12-40306a1. The correct command for "mnbudget prepare" now has no votes. (From github code: https://github.com/UdjinM6/dash/commit/2dbf8290f7bc7bbae566ff0e2dd8b50bb15c67bd?diff=split)


But what am I doing wrong here?
mnbudget prepare COOLEST_APP http://www.dashpay.io/one.json 10 82800 y31PMspnaW57Q1WT1ZfNqpgLYYzYHgCNZK 500 USE_IX true

Correct usage of prepare is 'mnbudget prepare PROPOSAL-NAME URL PAYMENT_COUNT BLOCK_START DASH_ADDRESS DASH_AMOUNT [USE_IX(true|false)]' (code -1)

eduffield UdjinM6 thelazier --- I just "prepared" another proposal, got the tx ID but the tx is also conflicted.. I guess another version is coming soon?
Also, it seems for this fee there's no false, "USE-IX" is always true?

mnbudget prepare WHATSDASH http://www.dashpay.io/one.json 20 82550 yAAMVGEeY2AVSPd5QABfo7uNyaqUPcpgVM 300



EDIT: After restarting the wallet with -zapwallettxes, those tx's are gone from my wallet. There's no tx ID for the next step.
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This seems to fix most of the issues we're experiences with submiting and voting on proposals. Here's an example of how to submit a proposal to the network now:

dash-cli mnbudget prepare two http://www.one.com/one.json 10 1000 xx9FwiqeRbuxBn5Sh3SNeoxmgpwQNSuMC4 1000 true
-- will output a TXID

dash-cli mnbudget submit two http://www.one.com/one.json 10 1000 xx9FwiqeRbuxBn5Sh3SNeoxmgpwQNSuMC4 1000 TXID
-- will output a proposal ID

dash-cli mnbudget vote PROPID yes

Evan Duffield
- protocol bump / version bump
- Budget collateral changes …
- Various fixes …
- removed vote from prepare/submit and fixed some help strings
- fixed issues with rpc commands
- fixed spork show

- calculate ds progress from 3 parts
- Few fixes for mnbudget rpc …

- De-selecting all transactions resets computed sum to 0 now.
- Fix Darksend completion UI





Got my proposal submitted:


mnbudget prepare WHATSDASH http://www.dashpay.io/one.json 20 83000 yAAMVGEeY2AVSPd5QABfo7uNyaqUPcpgVM 300 false




mnbudget submit WHATSDASH http://www.dashpay.io/one.json 20 83000 yAAMVGEeY2AVSPd5QABfo7uNyaqUPcpgVM 300




mnbudget vote 9b4490a90c8ea5d29ad9f32fdfa447779b0c5a5a33f0a5c44daf89abc5b7bc43 yes



mnbudget show


"URL" : "http://www.dashpay.io/one.json",
"Hash" : "9b4490a90c8ea5d29ad9f32fdfa447779b0c5a5a33f0a5c44daf89abc5b7bc43",
"BlockStart" : 83000,
"BlockEnd" : 84025,
"TotalPaymentCount" : 20,
"RemainingPaymentCount" : 28,
"PaymentAddress" : "yAAMVGEeY2AVSPd5QABfo7uNyaqUPcpgVM",
"Ratio" : 1.00000000,
"Yeas" : 1,
"Nays" : 0,
"Abstains" : 0,
"Amount" : 30000000000,
"IsValid" : true
eduffield - This still has the problem with if the voting masternodes go down, the proposal will lose the votes. Or is this how it should be?
eduffield - This still has the problem with if the voting masternodes go down, the proposal will lose the votes. Or is this how it should be?
It should be like that, shouldn't it? If not, someone could vote and then make a new masternode with the same coins and vote again right?
It should be like that, shouldn't it? If not, someone could vote and then make a new masternode with the same coins and vote again right?
No, I'm talking about the same MNs with same IPs and vins and if they go down, the votes they made are gone. Like, suppose if someone's MNs on a same server and for some reason that server goes down, it's not the MN owners' fault that they should lose the votes. They can revote but it's a hassle. I've just tested this with my MNs.

EDIT: kadrek and you're right, it probably should be like that but I'm just wondering about the other scenario.
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Now the mnbudget proposal list is populated with some old proposals having funny looking "block start" and "block end":
"VERY-USELESS-app" : {
"URL" : "http://www.dashpay.io/one.json",
"Hash" : "20b6c7fd9bb6519b7b20ba0268e5ddae050ec39a4c0efa0dd642377041607935",
"BlockStart" : 1635660958,
"BlockEnd" : 302333530,
"TotalPaymentCount" : -26666548,
"RemainingPaymentCount" : 6045017,
"PaymentAddress" : "3QJmnh",
"Ratio" : 0.00000000,
"Yeas" : 0,
"Nays" : 0,
"Abstains" : 0,
"Amount" : -4689077204746172872,
"IsValid" : true
"proposal-qwizzie150" : {
"URL" : "http://www.dashpay.io/one150.json",
"Hash" : "3d2d5c00768347495e157d21265c02f6f8d547839de800a83ed415331912bcf2",
"BlockStart" : 1635660958,
"BlockEnd" : 302333530,
"TotalPaymentCount" : -26666548,
"RemainingPaymentCount" : 6045017,
"PaymentAddress" : "3QJmnh",
"Ratio" : 0.00000000,
"Yeas" : 0,
"Nays" : 0,
"Abstains" : 0,
"Amount" : -4689077204746172872,
"IsValid" : true
"moli-HDmultidash" : {
"URL" : "http://www.dashpay.io/one.json",
"Hash" : "4e35934b023c3573bbb3b73765f676e2623c28e3a7aedfba91882afa1ad5d35a",
"BlockStart" : 1635660958,
"BlockEnd" : 302333530,
"TotalPaymentCount" : -26666548,
"RemainingPaymentCount" : 6045017,
"PaymentAddress" : "3QJmnh",
"Ratio" : 0.00000000,
"Yeas" : 0,
"Nays" : 0,
"Abstains" : 0,
"Amount" : -4689077204746172872,
"IsValid" : true
"proposal-qwizzie0" : {
"URL" : "http://www.dashpay.io/one0.json",
"Hash" : "8d9b8aed5ab4a54f283b8b95b2b8f974c3a2959668818e561136ab61df6b73b0",
"BlockStart" : 1635660958,
"BlockEnd" : 302333530,
"TotalPaymentCount" : -26666548,
"RemainingPaymentCount" : 6045017,
"PaymentAddress" : "3QJmnh",
"Ratio" : 0.00000000,
"Yeas" : 0,
"Nays" : 0,
"Abstains" : 0,
"Amount" : -4689077204746172872,
"IsValid" : true
"proposal-HDmultidash" : {
"URL" : "http://www.dashpay.io/one.json",
"Hash" : "9ae36bdae26b33675e89301a0d5d90d9595f8d86a827a6ff6bc4522560a702e5",
"BlockStart" : 1635660958,
"BlockEnd" : 302333530,
"TotalPaymentCount" : -26666548,
"RemainingPaymentCount" : 6045017,
"PaymentAddress" : "3QJmnh",
"Ratio" : 0.00000000,
"Yeas" : 0,
"Nays" : 0,
"Abstains" : 0,
"Amount" : -4689077204746172872,
"IsValid" : true
"URL" : "http://www.dashpay.io/one.json",
"Hash" : "9b4490a90c8ea5d29ad9f32fdfa447779b0c5a5a33f0a5c44daf89abc5b7bc43",
"BlockStart" : 83000,
"BlockEnd" : 84025,
"TotalPaymentCount" : 20,
"RemainingPaymentCount" : 27,
"PaymentAddress" : "yAAMVGEeY2AVSPd5QABfo7uNyaqUPcpgVM",
"Ratio" : 1.00000000,
"Yeas" : 9,
"Nays" : 0,
"Abstains" : 0,
"Amount" : 30000000000,
"IsValid" : true
"Beer4flare" : {
"URL" : "http://www.dashpay.io/one.json",
"Hash" : "9e667a561d7667957e4f55396fe8590a910f13d86e2c55263a58489269604c06",
"BlockStart" : 1635660958,
"BlockEnd" : 302333530,
"TotalPaymentCount" : -26666548,
"RemainingPaymentCount" : 6045017,
"PaymentAddress" : "3QJmnh",
"Ratio" : 0.00000000,
"Yeas" : 0,
"Nays" : 0,
"Abstains" : 0,
"Amount" : -4689077204746172872,
"IsValid" : true
"HDmultidash" : {
"URL" : "http://www.dashpay.io/one.json",
"Hash" : "a5e942c50b1a53336fa0b80f174b5fae58a8e84c98c73d09e408cfa5552be003",
"BlockStart" : 1635660958,
"BlockEnd" : 302333530,
"TotalPaymentCount" : -26666548,
"RemainingPaymentCount" : 6045017,
"PaymentAddress" : "3QJmnh",
"Ratio" : 0.00000000,
"Yeas" : 0,
"Nays" : 0,
"Abstains" : 0,
"Amount" : -4689077204746172872,
"IsValid" : true
"proposal-qwizzie-16" : {
"URL" : "http://www.dashpay.io/one16.json",
"Hash" : "d0e9d095a84ae73f76a87e352264836c44921c8c53e62523e11b6cf9f1ce8bdf",
"BlockStart" : 1635660958,
"BlockEnd" : 302333530,
"TotalPaymentCount" : -26666548,
"RemainingPaymentCount" : 6045017,
"PaymentAddress" : "3QJmnh",
"Ratio" : 0.00000000,
"Yeas" : 0,
"Nays" : 0,
"Abstains" : 0,
"Amount" : -4689077204746172872,
"IsValid" : true
"proposal-qwizzie-9" : {
"URL" : "http://www.dashpay.io/one9.json",
"Hash" : "f5bdeb432da68d65fd516e832fa47d6ed04585187edff858fbbe139631c2e9da",
"BlockStart" : 1635660958,
"BlockEnd" : 302333530,
"TotalPaymentCount" : -26666548,
"RemainingPaymentCount" : 6045017,
"PaymentAddress" : "3QJmnh",
"Ratio" : 0.00000000,
"Yeas" : 0,
"Nays" : 0,
"Abstains" : 0,
"Amount" : -4689077204746172872,
"IsValid" : true
"lazy-app" : {
"URL" : "http://www.dashpay.io/one.json",
"Hash" : "feed4f1f8b01a21390f6cd037691267eed39348f2438a7265f4522286afe1609",
"BlockStart" : 82600,
"BlockEnd" : 85125,
"TotalPaymentCount" : 50,
"RemainingPaymentCount" : 49,
"PaymentAddress" : "yHbpSWh99GdiRhfmXBQaqyfNMhgjXK5KzK",
"Ratio" : 0.00000000,
"Yeas" : 0,
"Nays" : 0,
"Abstains" : 0,
"Amount" : 100000000000,
"IsValid" : true
Cool, now I see it working. But I am wondering about what moli has brought up. I didn't know that was a "feature" and it doesn't sound right.

So, is the protection against double voting, that after a masternode has voted, if it should be stopped or disrupted somehow, their vote will be removed? This seems like it could disrupt voting? Maybe I'm wrong, maybe MN don't go off line so often anymore. I used to have troubles, LOL, but not so much anymore. So maybe this is a good solution, as long as question number 1 turns out to be true :)

Also, I still don't understand 2 things.
1. is there a mechanism to keep a proposal, once approved and funded, from being removed in the middle of production due to it losing out on vote % count to another proposal, or will it be that once funded, the project will continue to be funded until a: finished or b: non-compliance causes MN to down vote and stop payments?
2. is there a check to make sure no more funds are created and spent than was allotted via the 10% of mining rewards?
Cool, now I see it working. But I am wondering about what moli has brought up. I didn't know that was a "feature" and it doesn't sound right.

So, is the protection against double voting, that after a masternode has voted, if it should be stopped or disrupted somehow, their vote will be removed? This seems like it could disrupt voting? Maybe I'm wrong, maybe MN don't go off line so often anymore. I used to have troubles, LOL, but not so much anymore. So maybe this is a good solution, as long as question number 1 turns out to be true :)

Also, I still don't understand 2 things.
1. is there a mechanism to keep a proposal, once approved and funded, from being removed in the middle of production due to it losing out on vote % count to another proposal, or will it be that once funded, the project will continue to be funded until a: finished or b: non-compliance causes MN to down vote and stop payments?
2. is there a check to make sure no more funds are created and spent than was allotted via the 10% of mining rewards?

I have an idea. Say a masternode votes Yes, then say two weeks later, the masternode goes offline, this "Yes" vote should now show that no masternode is backing it at the moment. And there should be a 72 hour time limit, for the original masternode owner to reclaim the vote. If not, the vote could be bought by another "new" masternode owner that goes online to "save" the vote from causing problems in the voting.
When I tried to prepare a proposal on a start-many wallet it gave me this "Error upon calling SetKey", what does this mean? We can only do this on a one-mn wallet? (I haven't tried this with dash-cli but I think the result would be the same)..
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the MN requirement is no longer, no? Now we can make proposals from any wallet, isn't that so?
New Version : 12.0.14

- version bump / proto bump
- Collateral is now checked for age
- Various improvements to the proposal system
- Proposal scripts are now checked correctly
- Fee transactions are created correctly for IX and non-IX types

- Minor Options-Dialog enhancements
- Minor Coincontrol-Dialog enhancements





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