Evan is going to push out another commit soon.gotta ask the hard question : would a reboot of Testnet solve these problems or is the problem really something inside the code somewhere that still needs fixing ?
I have updated the dnsseeder to support the longest chain - so in case you delete your peers.dat you "should" get the longest chain.
Since it selects a winner MN to get payed for next block which will arrive in the future - Network Selected Future Winner - NSFW... :what::grin:You know, it's hit me how important this replacement for the reference node is. I mean, creating a system with relatively even payment distribution while also randomizing which node would be chosen from a group is pretty amazing. I think it needs a name, like DarkSend or Reference node; Something we can refer to it with. Perhaps the Distributed Selection Function; DSF or? LOL
But seriously, we need something to discuss the technology, so we can help the world understand the depth of DASH technology.
flare said this is the longest chain and so it's the right chain:Is block 77188 correct?
I just want to make sure, is it possible to predict which MN would be next (is there a lineup?) with this new system beyond who is next in line? If so, does this present any weaknesses?Since it selects a winner MN to get payed for next block which will arrive in the future - Network Selected Future Winner - NSFW... :what::grin:
That winners list will look just like it looks now so I guess no new weekness should be introduced. What changed is that it's not a ref not who says "ok, in next 10 blocks mn1234 is a winner", network itself now should come to this consensus.I just want to make sure, is it possible to predict which MN would be next (is there a lineup?) with this new system beyond who is next in line? If so, does this present any weaknesses?
I'm just trying to think it through. Could a masternode use the information "hey I'm next" to do something evilLOL. But as I think on this, I can't think of anything...?
Another new version is coming out soon! :grin:which p2p pool is on flare's chain, or shall we only mine with wallet for health and safety reasons?
http://test.explorer.darkcoin.qa/chain/tDarkcoin = 77206
pools on shorter chain
http://test.insight.masternode.io:3001/blocks = 77177
http://test.insight.dash.siampm.com/blocks = 77177
Please update -- v0.12.0.7
This should fix the issues with getting stuck that many clients experienced. Please start your client with -reindex and we should all end up on the same chain.
We should also compare "mnbudget show" and "mnfinalbudget show", they should be the same network wide now.
added checkpoint - ed
version/proto bump - ed
Improvements for syncing budget votes -ed
Fixed issues with budget syncing -ed
Few inv related fixes - udjin
update languages with 80%+ completition - udjin
Fixed syncing code for stuck clients -ed
Various DS related fixes for overview page -udjin
Execute "mogrify *.png" to fix "GUI: libpng warning: iCCP - udjin
new icon - udjin (looks nice!)
fix make_windows_icon.sh script to generate testnet icons too and cle - udjin
fix debian qt icon ref - udjin
oot@Beverkenverlt:~/dash# dash-cli mnbudget show
"proposal-moo" : {
"URL" : "https://www.masternode.me/proposals/moo.json",
"Hash" : "8745f503780eb5d174e51b08070a4389137388799c4fbde800f1f6c480f5da41",
"BlockStart" : 75000,
"BlockEnd" : 80025,
"TotalPaymentCount" : 100,
"RemainingPaymentCount" : 57,
"PaymentAddress" : "y4uESG43teypVWPx2dwREundfMy8S62MEW",
"Ratio" : 0.00000000,
"Yeas" : 0,
"Nays" : 0,
"Abstains" : 0,
"Alloted" : 100000000000,
"TotalBudgetAlloted" : 100000000000
"proposal-moo-2" : {
"URL" : "https://www.masternode.me/proposals/moo2.json",
"Hash" : "8d1c79561d3109da1995bf969baa45eaad7980a99711d9de11daac420301c87c",
"BlockStart" : 75000,
"BlockEnd" : 80025,
"TotalPaymentCount" : 100,
"RemainingPaymentCount" : 57,
"PaymentAddress" : "yBjASzqLDAmDAQXJMa5xMLocbM9k9wGTLx",
"Ratio" : 0.00000000,
"Yeas" : 0,
"Nays" : 0,
"Abstains" : 0,
"Alloted" : 100000000000,
"TotalBudgetAlloted" : 200000000000
"proposal-moo2" : {
"URL" : "https://www.masternode.me/proposals/moo2.json",
"Hash" : "a18bf24c1624f08d6b2ee27f1155200ccf62eddf9cae51b7df34ca71ab324872",
"BlockStart" : 75000,
"BlockEnd" : 79275,
"TotalPaymentCount" : 85,
"RemainingPaymentCount" : 42,
"PaymentAddress" : "y4uESG43teypVWPx2dwREundfMy8S62MEW",
"Ratio" : 0.00000000,
"Yeas" : 0,
"Nays" : 0,
"Abstains" : 0,
"Alloted" : 100000000000,
"TotalBudgetAlloted" : 300000000000
"proposal-qwizzie1" : {
"URL" : "http://www.dashpay.io/one.json",
"Hash" : "bb57a8bb8069ad7292a78d9ad4de2bbe5795c452f1fdacacb916d58895202ca3",
"BlockStart" : 74000,
"BlockEnd" : 79025,
"TotalPaymentCount" : 100,
"RemainingPaymentCount" : 37,
"PaymentAddress" : "y5WWMBMxHsL5xmscwAyxUf2vfwMX58pprA",
"Ratio" : 0.00000000,
"Yeas" : 0,
"Nays" : 0,
"Abstains" : 0,
"Alloted" : 300000000000,
"TotalBudgetAlloted" : 600000000000
"proposal-moo" : {
"URL" : "https://www.masternode.me/proposals/moo.json",
"Hash" : "bd9db9e1ee5f2f9900b1e701a8737e5468e269a9e2de3e0c67b94161d6fd42d6",
"BlockStart" : 75000,
"BlockEnd" : 79275,
"TotalPaymentCount" : 85,
"RemainingPaymentCount" : 42,
"PaymentAddress" : "y4uESG43teypVWPx2dwREundfMy8S62MEW",
"Ratio" : 0.00000000,
"Yeas" : 0,
"Nays" : 0,
"Abstains" : 0,
"Alloted" : 100000000000,
"TotalBudgetAlloted" : 700000000000
root@Beverkenverlt:~/dash# dash-cli mnfinalbudget show
"main" : {
"SubmittedBy" : "fbc16ae5229d6d99181802fd76a4feee5e7640164dcebc7f8feb04a7bea026f8-0",
"Hash" : "06040180289b31041f26b08f822ea5f29e002b274b0a8829c0353cb3a067c3aa",
"BlockStart" : 76100,
"BlockEnd" : 76104,
"Proposals" : ",bd9db9e1ee5f2f9900b1e701a8737e5468e269a9e2de3e0c67b94161d6fd42d6",
"VoteCount" : 54,
"Status" : "OK"
"main" : {
"SubmittedBy" : "fbc16ae5229d6d99181802fd76a4feee5e7640164dcebc7f8feb04a7bea026f8-0",
"Hash" : "1a107a52f2e4b374f33e105d4ad90e95a712db82bf61ae36855def62d89e2d8b",
"BlockStart" : 75800,
"BlockEnd" : 75804,
"Proposals" : ",bd9db9e1ee5f2f9900b1e701a8737e5468e269a9e2de3e0c67b94161d6fd42d6",
"VoteCount" : 31,
"Status" : "OK"
"main" : {
"SubmittedBy" : "fbc16ae5229d6d99181802fd76a4feee5e7640164dcebc7f8feb04a7bea026f8-0",
"Hash" : "1c1326e23c4b191e8c192918b7c8eb4eaff69a0976df467bf4ed82ce88e5f6e2",
"BlockStart" : 76750,
"BlockEnd" : 76754,
"Proposals" : ",bd9db9e1ee5f2f9900b1e701a8737e5468e269a9e2de3e0c67b94161d6fd42d6",
"VoteCount" : 40,
"Status" : "OK"
"main" : {
"SubmittedBy" : "fbc16ae5229d6d99181802fd76a4feee5e7640164dcebc7f8feb04a7bea026f8-0",
"Hash" : "29a9bde83714e622ac872185c30428cbfb74a7e7ffc0908ae7ff5ca7fecef46f",
"BlockStart" : 76150,
"BlockEnd" : 76154,
"Proposals" : ",bd9db9e1ee5f2f9900b1e701a8737e5468e269a9e2de3e0c67b94161d6fd42d6",
"VoteCount" : 56,
"Status" : "OK"
"main" : {
"SubmittedBy" : "fbc16ae5229d6d99181802fd76a4feee5e7640164dcebc7f8feb04a7bea026f8-0",
"Hash" : "42a1e61640321109aa5d8ddfb0fdd391038df9643cf2bfb9bfa071eb1a3529fa",
"BlockStart" : 76800,
"BlockEnd" : 76804,
"Proposals" : ",bd9db9e1ee5f2f9900b1e701a8737e5468e269a9e2de3e0c67b94161d6fd42d6",
"VoteCount" : 55,
"Status" : "OK"
"main" : {
"SubmittedBy" : "fbc16ae5229d6d99181802fd76a4feee5e7640164dcebc7f8feb04a7bea026f8-0",
"Hash" : "4ce53435597d99f95fc2a7b5cf07301ab2fea8a8edad085dd7965d623980f88b",
"BlockStart" : 77100,
"BlockEnd" : 77104,
"Proposals" : ",bd9db9e1ee5f2f9900b1e701a8737e5468e269a9e2de3e0c67b94161d6fd42d6",
"VoteCount" : 44,
"Status" : "OK"
"main" : {
"SubmittedBy" : "fbc16ae5229d6d99181802fd76a4feee5e7640164dcebc7f8feb04a7bea026f8-0",
"Hash" : "5a6c4eef0b86fb2644885eacc715baa367b28a9af9364db4d4bafeffc4845558",
"BlockStart" : 76900,
"BlockEnd" : 76904,
"Proposals" : ",bd9db9e1ee5f2f9900b1e701a8737e5468e269a9e2de3e0c67b94161d6fd42d6",
"VoteCount" : 47,
"Status" : "OK"
"main" : {
"SubmittedBy" : "fbc16ae5229d6d99181802fd76a4feee5e7640164dcebc7f8feb04a7bea026f8-0",
"Hash" : "5f0e1e63ddfabcd468ad371d818c28dc79e9c67d741bad6821814412adc21a09",
"BlockStart" : 76250,
"BlockEnd" : 76254,
"Proposals" : ",bd9db9e1ee5f2f9900b1e701a8737e5468e269a9e2de3e0c67b94161d6fd42d6",
"VoteCount" : 43,
"Status" : "OK"
"main" : {
"SubmittedBy" : "fbc16ae5229d6d99181802fd76a4feee5e7640164dcebc7f8feb04a7bea026f8-0",
"Hash" : "662df0e1421c3df9907f31308e4175bc54acb9b948635790cdd8826075ea3600",
"BlockStart" : 76500,
"BlockEnd" : 76504,
"Proposals" : ",bd9db9e1ee5f2f9900b1e701a8737e5468e269a9e2de3e0c67b94161d6fd42d6",
"VoteCount" : 24,
"Status" : "OK"
"main" : {
"SubmittedBy" : "fbc16ae5229d6d99181802fd76a4feee5e7640164dcebc7f8feb04a7bea026f8-0",
"Hash" : "74d9f378e637c193fdcdfe50bb070bcbd108abb71543c1e6bf301f69ee4189ac",
"BlockStart" : 77150,
"BlockEnd" : 77154,
"Proposals" : ",bd9db9e1ee5f2f9900b1e701a8737e5468e269a9e2de3e0c67b94161d6fd42d6",
"VoteCount" : 36,
"Status" : "OK"
"main" : {
"SubmittedBy" : "fbc16ae5229d6d99181802fd76a4feee5e7640164dcebc7f8feb04a7bea026f8-0",
"Hash" : "76d4ba29262482e9ca891ab82ee69f86860a785ece2e6f72db8a75bf9de1ed03",
"BlockStart" : 76350,
"BlockEnd" : 76354,
"Proposals" : ",bd9db9e1ee5f2f9900b1e701a8737e5468e269a9e2de3e0c67b94161d6fd42d6",
"VoteCount" : 43,
"Status" : "OK"
"main" : {
"SubmittedBy" : "fbc16ae5229d6d99181802fd76a4feee5e7640164dcebc7f8feb04a7bea026f8-0",
"Hash" : "791d24a69851d3114107d2811a970b96a0f7b09031118ddfbf6cdcea98f68826",
"BlockStart" : 76600,
"BlockEnd" : 76604,
"Proposals" : ",bd9db9e1ee5f2f9900b1e701a8737e5468e269a9e2de3e0c67b94161d6fd42d6",
"VoteCount" : 31,
"Status" : "OK"
"main" : {
"SubmittedBy" : "fbc16ae5229d6d99181802fd76a4feee5e7640164dcebc7f8feb04a7bea026f8-0",
"Hash" : "79e07d12f0980af70da4560e0f6c5e9d865cf60bdcaf4d2266132e7a3556ffe2",
"BlockStart" : 76450,
"BlockEnd" : 76454,
"Proposals" : ",bd9db9e1ee5f2f9900b1e701a8737e5468e269a9e2de3e0c67b94161d6fd42d6",
"VoteCount" : 24,
"Status" : "OK"
"main" : {
"SubmittedBy" : "fbc16ae5229d6d99181802fd76a4feee5e7640164dcebc7f8feb04a7bea026f8-0",
"Hash" : "81a24462a402208dd6bcfe4c7b6d18570926c321d363e3cf412926e514e7696b",
"BlockStart" : 77000,
"BlockEnd" : 77004,
"Proposals" : ",bd9db9e1ee5f2f9900b1e701a8737e5468e269a9e2de3e0c67b94161d6fd42d6",
"VoteCount" : 45,
"Status" : "OK"
Please update -- v0.12.0.7
This should fix the issues with getting stuck that many clients experienced. Please start your client with -reindex and we should all end up on the same chain.
We should also compare "mnbudget show" and "mnfinalbudget show", they should be the same network wide now.
added checkpoint - ed
version/proto bump - ed
Improvements for syncing budget votes -ed
Fixed issues with budget syncing -ed
Few inv related fixes - udjin
update languages with 80%+ completition - udjin
Fixed syncing code for stuck clients -ed
Various DS related fixes for overview page -udjin
Execute "mogrify *.png" to fix "GUI: libpng warning: iCCP - udjin
new icon - udjin (looks nice!)
fix make_windows_icon.sh script to generate testnet icons too and cle - udjin
fix debian qt icon ref - udjin
Waiting latest ver. links are dead and testnet res. ver is not latest.Please update -- v0.12.0.7
This should fix the issues with getting stuck that many clients experienced. Please start your client with -reindex and we should all end up on the same chain.
We should also compare "mnbudget show" and "mnfinalbudget show", they should be the same network wide now.
added checkpoint - ed
version/proto bump - ed
Improvements for syncing budget votes -ed
Fixed issues with budget syncing -ed
Few inv related fixes - udjin
update languages with 80%+ completition - udjin
Fixed syncing code for stuck clients -ed
Various DS related fixes for overview page -udjin
Execute "mogrify *.png" to fix "GUI: libpng warning: iCCP - udjin
new icon - udjin (looks nice!)
fix make_windows_icon.sh script to generate testnet icons too and cle - udjin
fix debian qt icon ref - udjin