V12 Testing Thread

All of these "Received" and "Sent to" InstantX transactions are successful transactions, except the "999" IX amount.
Now if we could send transactions with IX and DS combined... that would be awesome!
UdjinM6 :wink: :grin:

All of these "Received" and "Sent to" InstantX transactions are successful transactions, except the "999" IX amount.
Now if we could send transactions with IX and DS combined... that would be awesome!
UdjinM6 :wink: :grin:

View attachment 1491

999 IX

Status: 5/confirmed (verified via instantx), broadcast through 27 node(s)
Date: 24.06.15 06:04
To: ----MOLI---- y5pkDas8sEgGkw288mZ1TPViPPnujsvBCT
Debit: -999.00000000 tDASH
Transaction fee: -0.03502617 tDASH
Net amount: -999.03502617 tDASH
Transaction ID: 2fea6ee34e2e46c57b84fd68128857b34696fff6b84aa5a22446160f9271a358-000

99 DS+IX

Status: 5/confirmed (verified via instantx), broadcast through 26 node(s)
Date: 24.06.15 06:05
To: ----MOLI---- y5pkDas8sEgGkw288mZ1TPViPPnujsvBCT
Debit: -99.90000000 tDASH
Transaction fee: -0.10100000 tDASH
Net amount: -100.00100000 tDASH
Transaction ID: 1c28330765e79b557b6b28a5ab767c7360565e6f49f749d5789807ac1ddb8e27-000

999 IX

Status: 5/confirmed (verified via instantx), broadcast through 27 node(s)Date: 24.06.15 06:04To: ----MOLI---- y5pkDas8sEgGkw288mZ1TPViPPnujsvBCTDebit: -999.00000000 tDASHTransaction fee: -0.03502617 tDASHNet amount: -999.03502617 tDASHTransaction ID: 2fea6ee34e2e46c57b84fd68128857b34696fff6b84aa5a22446160f9271a358-000

99 DS+IX

Status: 5/confirmed (verified via instantx), broadcast through 26 node(s)Date: 24.06.15 06:05To: ----MOLI---- y5pkDas8sEgGkw288mZ1TPViPPnujsvBCTDebit: -99.90000000 tDASHTransaction fee: -0.10100000 tDASHNet amount: -100.00100000 tDASHTransaction ID: 1c28330765e79b557b6b28a5ab767c7360565e6f49f749d5789807ac1ddb8e27-000
Yes, got the second tx too.. Why did 999 get stuck when i sent it to you first?
Yes, got the second tx too.. Why did 999 get stuck when i sent it to you first?
I think I got it:
that's yours http://test.explorer.dashninja.pl/t...8bb1bee75a1b92ee703ce923a986ab348d002f90c96c4
that's mine http://test.explorer.dashninja.pl/t...4fd68128857b34696fff6b84aa5a22446160f9271a358

you have 100+ change so your total is > 1000 and mine is lower

EDIT: btw network has no idea is second address a change one or another recipient's so it counts total when verifying IX
EDIT2: and QT only counts recipients it sees in UI and does not count change.... boom.
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I think I got it:
that's yours http://test.explorer.dashninja.pl/t...8bb1bee75a1b92ee703ce923a986ab348d002f90c96c4
that's mine http://test.explorer.dashninja.pl/t...4fd68128857b34696fff6b84aa5a22446160f9271a358

you have 100+ change so your total is > 1000 and mine is lower

EDIT: btw network has no idea is second address a change one or another recipient's so it counts total when verifying IX
EDIT2: and QT only counts recipients it sees in UI and does not count change.... boom.
I still don't understand what you mean... I know we can't do InstantX over 1000 DASH... I still don't understand why my "999" IX got stuck?
I still don't understand what you mean... I know we can't do InstantX over 1000 DASH... I still don't understand why my "999" IX got stuck?
The trick is in "IX over 1000" - what you think is IX 999 is actually IX 1108.45524319
The trick is in "IX over 1000" - what you think is IX 999 is actually IX 1108.45524319
Hm.. this is insane.. So, in order to get a 1000 DASH have a successful InstantX, we have to make sure the tx doesn't come from a lump sum of over 1000 DASH?
Hm.. this is insane.. So, in order to make sure a 1000 DASH have a successful InstantX, we have to make sure the tx doesn't come from a lump sum of over 1000 DASH?

Yep, not good :oops:
so there are 2 parts of a problem: 1) wallet didn't warn after it tried to create ix and tx value is over 1000 while recipients value check passed. 2) it's not intuitive at all :sad:

EDIT: I can easily fix #1 and make another warning but #2.....
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I think a lot of people still struggle to understand what change is so it can be very confusing when you get an error.
I think a lot of people still struggle to understand what change is so it can be very confusing when you get an error.
Exactly, even I didn`t know about that trick ... :)) common John will not try to understand he will simply deny it and say it does not work ... need to be resolved in a better way....
Yep, not good :oops:
so there are 2 parts of a problem: 1) wallet didn't warn after it tried to create ix and tx value is over 1000 while recipients value check passed. 2) it's not intuitive at all :sad:

EDIT: I can easily fix #1 and make another warning but #2.....
Thankfully, for the purposes InstantX was designed for (point of sale), 1000 DASH won't be needed very often, and in the future with increased value, close to never.
Thankfully, for the purposes InstantX was designed for (point of sale), 1000 DASH won't be needed very often, and in the future with increased value, close to never.
It's not about spending 1000 DASH, it's about sending an IX tx from an account that has over 1000 DASH.
Sent all my coins to one address:


From this address I tried to send 5 tDASH via InstantX but it got stuck, (because of the rule that Udjin just talked about):


and been stuck for ~30 min now...

EDIT: Now the tx got unstuck and went through... weirdo..
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I tried a few larger IX transactions earlier and a a couple of them got stuck offline but eventually confirmed after about 45 mins
Thanks. :)
Your IX transaction came from an account that has only 1000 tDASH (in the red square), that's why it went through immediately, and i guess it was a successful IX?
