V12 Testing Thread

during the mixing I noticed that in coin control some of the amount get the lock and some not.... what does it depends from? - the lock is on the denominations sums....
When wallet prepares and sends your part of mixing tx to MN it locks inputs it used to compile this tx to prevent unintentional spending. When mixing is successful they will be spent (and disappear from list) or they will be unlocked again if anything went wrong.
the budget proposals of mine keep disappearing after awhile, command mnbudget getinfo worldwithoutfiat shows Unknown proposal name now.
Darksend mixing on the other hand goes well ..

I think, like me, you put in proposal-worldwithoutfia so you need to do this: mnbudget getinfo proposal-worldwithoutfiat

If we haddn't left the proposal- in when making the proposal, it wouldn't have become part of the name (I think, LOL)

Also, I read in there that Evan wanted the proposal sites to be run outside of dashpay.io so that they would be decentralized, but that might have changed?? So I stuck a whatever project on our website just to see if it would reject ;)
Just thinking, there ought to be a sample page to fill out for proposals, so you can just insert it into your website. It would be good to have a standard page so that everyone knows where the information is, and that all the blanks are filled out. It would give us a basic point for information quality. Something like a cover page.
I think, like me, you put in proposal-worldwithoutfia so you need to do this: mnbudget getinfo proposal-worldwithoutfiat

If we haddn't left the proposal- in when making the proposal, it wouldn't have become part of the name (I think, LOL)

Also, I read in there that Evan wanted the proposal sites to be run outside of dashpay.io so that they would be decentralized, but that might have changed?? So I stuck a whatever project on our website just to see if it would reject ;)

see page 14, post 267 : in this case i put the vote in as worldwithoutfiat (without the proposal- before it) so the command mnbudget getinfo worldwithoutfiat should work,
but it doesnt after some time. i put up a new budget proposal named proposal-nofiatpls .. lets see if that one sticks, i have a feeling it will also disappear after some time.
Is your budget proposal still showable on your masternode with a getinfo ?

edit : closing the masternode makes it forget the budget proposal, at least in my case.
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see page 14, post 267 : in this case i put the vote in as worldwithoutfiat (without the proposal- before it) so the command mnbudget getinfo worldwithoutfiat should work,
but it doesnt after some time. i put up a new budget proposal named proposal-nofiatpls .. lets see if that one sticks, i have a feeling it will also disappear after some time.
Is your budget proposal still showable on your masternode with a getinfo ?

edit : closing the masternode makes it forget the budget proposal, at least in my case.
Yup, mine is still showing. Not sure what happened?
when start reindex in dash-qt 32 (win).


Ok, new version up and running.

Even if we don't have masternode blinding, at least we no longer show the ip address of our masternodes. I like that :)

Win32 binary worked for me, but I didn't reindex....
This last update unfroze me without a re-index. Sweet! Mixing still going smooth, don't know enough about budget proposals to test that. Someone like to post their address for a little InstantX goodness?

EDIT: Just went and chose a random address, sent and worked perfectly! Nice to see.

EDIT2: Again! I like this update...:grin:
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Just thinking, there ought to be a sample page to fill out for proposals, so you can just insert it into your website. It would be good to have a standard page so that everyone knows where the information is, and that all the blanks are filled out. It would give us a basic point for information quality. Something like a cover page.

Personally, I'd like to see us adopt something both human readable and machine parsable. YAML for instance.

a non-related example of some yaml:

Below is an example of an invoice expressed via YAML(tm). Structure is shown through indentation (one or more spaces). Sequence items are denoted by a dash, and key value pairs within a map are separated by a colon.

--- !clarkevans.com/^invoice
invoice: 34843
date   : 2001-01-23
bill-to: &id001
    given  : Chris
    family : Dumars
        lines: |
            458 Walkman Dr.
            Suite #292
        city    : Royal Oak
        state   : MI
        postal  : 48046
ship-to: *id001
    - sku         : BL394D
      quantity    : 4
      description : Basketball
      price       : 450.00
    - sku         : BL4438H
      quantity    : 1
      description : Super Hoop
      price       : 2392.00
tax  : 251.42
total: 4443.52
comments: >
    Late afternoon is best.
    Backup contact is Nancy
    Billsmer @ 338-4338.
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I finally got one of my budget proposals showing up on mnbudget show and a new budget proposal i just added through hot testnet MN
seems to stay active too (i can recall it on my cold testnet MN running in server mode with mnbudget getinfo proposal-qwizzie1).

What makes it different is that this time i actually put up a MN in testnet mode on a VPS that was already running a mainnet MN and put out the
budget proposal from there (from the hot wallet) so either that or the latest update version 12.02 made it work for me.


edit 1: updated picture as my proposal-qwizzie1 got Alloted positively (it was in my earlier picture still negative)
edit 2 : i will have to put mixing on hold untill more masternodes have updated to latest protocol version (now only 1 of 96 has updated)
edit 3 : a lot more masternodes just updated to latest protocol.. will do some mixing. Thats some fast updating gentlemen :)
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