V12 Testing Thread

Thanks, Evan, that's what I'm trying to do with this wallet.
Now I have another wallet that was created for v11, got synced fine earlier but now it's stuck at block 78031 (0 hours behind).

EDIT: eduffield - now it's ok... lol
Did you just wait and it resolved itself? I'm stuck on two wallets at 78100

My windows wallet is going extremely slowly, only at block 7000 + a bit.
?? you mean we have an 'upgrade' option now ??
In the wallet?

No, two days ago, Evan said to downgrade to 11.2.23 and that we would then all try upgrading to 12.34+ (now 12.35) after that. I don't know if he gave the order to upgrade again (manually) or not. I'm hoping I didn't miss the train to do this test :(

Now I keep getting this popping up on one of my nodes:

EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range
CInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type
dash in ProcessMessages()
ugh -

I'm running v0.12.0.35-f6721cb
and none of my tDASH show in the wallet - ugh

but it 4,472Kb big - hummmmmm

Did reindex and salvage - ..... help??
78105 - hummmmm - and sync;d

edit - yep - I'm not in Kansas any more

edit2: wiped it...
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Is downgrading no longer possible? I really wanted to do the switch, but I can't sync with the older version.
I'm not running any thing anymore
- just waiting to see what I should do next -
I'll wait for .......hummmm - lol
Oh crap, I think I am realizing something a little late. Did we lose a bunch of blocks when we downgraded? It looks like according to this block explorer, http://test.insight.dash.siampm.com/, that I'm on the right block number, but on this one, http://test.explorer.darkcoin.qa/chain/tDarkcoin, I'm way behind. I remember being over 80,000 so I assumed that I wasn't syncing. But on the first site, the blocks are being found as are those on the second site. So it looks like we're currently forked onto two chains with miners on both. I have no idea which one I should be on, unfortunately, and if someone could tell me, and maybe give me a node to add in my config file to direct my wallet to the right chain, I'd sure appreciate it :)
Oh crap, I think I am realizing something a little late. Did we lose a bunch of blocks when we downgraded? It looks like according to this block explorer, that I'm on the right block number, but on this one, I'm way behind. I remember being over 80,000 so I assumed that I wasn't syncing. But on the first site, the blocks are being found as are those on the second site. So it looks like we're currently forked onto two chains with miners on both. I have no idea which one I should be on, unfortunately, and if someone could tell me, and maybe give me a node to add in my config file to direct my wallet to the right chain, I'd sure appreciate it :)

(stripped URLs cause I'm too new)

Should be on the one < 80k I believe. This is the one that was used by the 0.11.x downgrade
Still, something isn't right because when I do getinfo, I get this error on the end:

"errors" : "EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range \nCInv::GetCommand() : type=14 unknown type \ndash in ProcessMessages() \n"
is the txindex=1 in the dash.conf under .dash or under testnet folder? I assume that's what you're talking about, and probably what I have wrong?
is the txindex=1 in the dash.conf under .dash or under testnet folder? I assume that's what you're talking about, and probably what I have wrong?
by default dash.conf for both mainnet and testnet is the same (i.e. the one in .dash folder)
by default dash.conf for both mainnet and testnet is the same (i.e. the one in .dash folder)
Well, I tried it in both places now, I tried reindex with both one dash and two, nothing his helping :( Does anyone have a sample configuration file? I might have some old junk in mine that is confusing the system for all I know, LOL? Thanks :)

BTW, UdjinM6, can you confirm which blockchain we should be on at the moment? And also, if I even should be able to downgrade to 11.2.23 still (this is what I'm trying to do)
Well, I tried it in both places now, I tried reindex with both one dash and two, nothing his helping :( Does anyone have a sample configuration file? I might have some old junk in mine that is confusing the system for all I know, LOL? Thanks :)

BTW, UdjinM6, can you confirm which blockchain we should be on at the moment? And also, if I even should be able to downgrade to 11.2.23 still (this is what I'm trying to do)
I'm not sure what you mean by "nothing his helping"...
Simply add "txindex=1" in dash.conf and run "dashd -reindex" or "dash-qt -reindex". What issues exactly do you have?

Both versions should sync on testnet now. Block 78132 for me now on all nodes and both local wallets (v11 and v12).
I'm not sure what you mean by "nothing his helping"...
Simply add "txindex=1" in dash.conf and run "dashd -reindex" or "dash-qt -reindex". What issues exactly do you have?

Both versions should sync on testnet now. Block 78132 for me now on all nodes and both local wallets (v11 and v12).

his was supposed to be is ;P

Ok, so we've gone back to an earlier time in the blockchain. One of our explorers has continued on from where we left off before "downgrading"

I still have the same problem, even so I've rebooted the server and I'm doing a -reindex each time I start. This time I'll try deleting everything in the testnet folder except the wallet.dat.
Ugh, still get those errors!

Here is my dash.conf file, any problems with it?