V12 Release

Do I need a bootstrap.conf for my remote masternodes or just my local hot wallet? I thought that I didn't need it for the local wallets, only the local hot wallet.
There's no "bootstrap.conf" afaik. If you read that site: https://github.com/UdjinM6/dash-bootstrap, you will see instruction how to download the bootstrap and where to put it to run your wallet.

bootstrap.dat is the blockchain file to help your wallet sync faster, and once it's synced, "bootstrap.date" becomes "bootstrap.dat.old" which you can delete.
I hope the next update will be a while because I just finished getting my masternodes hopefully working after 4 or 5 hours, LOL. All I ask is that we get a break before another update! All I did was start and stop and start and stop until it took. No idea what went wrong, but they're both saying masternode started successfully, so I'm happy :)

Should I be worried if my nodes don't show up on DashNinja?
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I hope the next update will be a while because I just finished getting my masternodes hopefully working after 4 or 5 hours, LOL. All I ask is that we get a break before another update! All I did was start and stop and start and stop until it took. No idea what went wrong, but they're both saying masternode started successfully, so I'm happy :)

Mine said they started OK, but they did NOT!

I just noticed another new file masternode.conf. looking at the guides here in the wiki did not help me.

Format: alias IP:port masternodeprivkey collateral_output_txid collateral_output_index

I know the masternodeprivkey
I think i know what the collateral_output_txid

what is the collateral_output_index ?

Mine said they started OK, but they did NOT!

I just noticed another new file masternode.conf. looking at the guides here in the wiki did not help me.

Format: alias IP:port masternodeprivkey collateral_output_txid collateral_output_index

I know the masternodeprivkey
I think i know what the collateral_output_txid

what is the collateral_output_index ?


and Inputs Indexes:

Mine said they started OK, but they did NOT!

I just noticed another new file masternode.conf. looking at the guides here in the wiki did not help me.

Format: alias IP:port masternodeprivkey collateral_output_txid collateral_output_index

I know the masternodeprivkey
I think i know what the collateral_output_txid

what is the collateral_output_index ?

Or if you want to run the command from your wallet. This will give you hash and index for available transactions in your wallet. Type:
masternode outputs
Mine said they started OK, but they did NOT!

I just noticed another new file masternode.conf. looking at the guides here in the wiki did not help me.

Format: alias IP:port masternodeprivkey collateral_output_txid collateral_output_index

I know the masternodeprivkey
I think i know what the collateral_output_txid

what is the collateral_output_index ?

You can still do it the old way, but I like using masternode.conf so that I can send income to a different account. I'm also checking mine every once in a while to make sure they stay on. They're still on at this moment.
You can still do it the old way, but I like using masternode.conf so that I can send income to a different account. I'm also checking mine every once in a while to make sure they stay on. They're still on at this moment.

Tante, If I am understanding this correctly, the donate feature is gone in this release. Bummer - I really liked having rewards go to a donating address or separate account.
They are in one wallet file. I want them in one address, so that I can check that one address on one web page, and not have to load multiple ones... for example, from my cell phone, when I'm out. I can't run Dash on my Android yet, but I can easily check a bookmark to an address which shows all payments.
I am with nmarley on this. The donation feature is really useful. I have wasted a lot of time from mistakenly spending coins from a masternode input by forgetting to use coin control. It is so much easier if the coins are automatically transferred to a separate spending wallet. I am sure the MN operators that manage other users coins will also use the donate feature pretty heavily. It was possible to run a paper wallet transaction that is used as masternode collateral, but now that will need to be cashed out again and again as they accumulate coins.
There's no "bootstrap.conf" afaik. If you read that site: https://github.com/UdjinM6/dash-bootstrap, you will see instruction how to download the bootstrap and where to put it to run your wallet.

bootstrap.dat is the blockchain file to help your wallet sync faster, and once it's synced, "bootstrap.date" becomes "bootstrap.dat.old" which you can delete.

I... have no idea what I was thinking. I actually meant "masternode.conf" the entire time there... sorry for the confusion!
I am with nmarley on this. The donation feature is really useful. I have wasted a lot of time from mistakenly spending coins from a masternode input by forgetting to use coin control. It is so much easier if the coins are automatically transferred to a separate spending wallet. I am sure the MN operators that manage other users coins will also use the donate feature pretty heavily. It was possible to run a paper wallet transaction that is used as masternode collateral, but now that will need to be cashed out again and again as they accumulate coins.
Masternode 1k inputs are now locked so it should be a non issue.
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I am with nmarley on this. The donation feature is really useful. I have wasted a lot of time from mistakenly spending coins from a masternode input by forgetting to use coin control. It is so much easier if the coins are automatically transferred to a separate spending wallet. I am sure the MN operators that manage other users coins will also use the donate feature pretty heavily. It was possible to run a paper wallet transaction that is used as masternode collateral, but now that will need to be cashed out again and again as they accumulate coins.

I opened a feature request here: https://github.com/dashpay/dash/issues/528, in case anyone else wants to weigh in on it.

Masternode 1k vins are now locked so it should be a non issue.

I don't understand what this statement means. I mean, I think you can set up multiple masternodes for the same address, just using different TX/indexes, but what if people (masternode operators) want to send funds to another address out-of-wallet like mentioned above?
Masternode 1k vins are now locked so it should be a non issue.
That is good news. Thanks.
I opened a feature request here: https://github.com/dashpay/dash/issues/528, in case anyone else wants to weigh in on it.

I don't understand what this statement means. I mean, I think you can set up multiple masternodes for the same address, just using different TX/indexes, but what if people (masternode operators) want to send funds to another address out-of-wallet like mentioned above?
Thanks. Already commented on your feature request.

This is good news on the locking of masternode inputs. It means you have to unlock a specific masternode input before you can spend them. All the rewards or non masternode transactions will be spent first. Previously, if you just sent a transaction out from a wallet with a masternode, it would most likely pull some coins from a masternode input and shutdown your masternode. You would then need to transfer a full 1000 coins to another input and reset you transaction id on the local and remote daemon and wait for the confirmations....pain.

Of course, this doesn't help you out with monitoring your rewards... or give the ability to automatically transfer coins to a different account.
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before v12 updates after del peers.dat on both sides the "1000" unlocked,but now won`t work,not good to remain so -any ideas ,thx :)
I mean on local wallet(for me its WIN 32),when choose "Inputs" the 1k DASH is locked,before v12 when delete both files(local and remote) peers.dat this fixing things,now this wont work,the 1k DASH still locked.I see that there are but a little scary that are inaccessible :)
Windows wallet client seems to be stucked on 7hrs behind (synchronizing budget)
getinfo shows block 319551
Linux masternode seems to sync. up nicely to the same block, 319551 too
the 7 hrs behind in my clients is incorrect? 319551 should be up to date?
I mean on local wallet(for me its WIN 32),when choose "Inputs" the 1k DASH is locked,before v12 when delete both files(local and remote) peers.dat this fixing things,now this wont work,the 1k DASH still locked.
If you want to unlock the input, from the Coin Control, right click on it, and choose "unlock unspent".
I opened a feature request here: https://github.com/dashpay/dash/issues/528, in case anyone else wants to weigh in on it.
I don't understand what this statement means. I mean, I think you can set up multiple masternodes for the same address, just using different TX/indexes, but what if people (masternode operators) want to send funds to another address out-of-wallet like mentioned above?
If you want to send all of your mined coins to another wallet without touching the masternode vins, they're already locked but to make sure, click on the button "Select All", like from this screenshot:


Masternode inputs are locked now, you can even run Darksend on the wallet, just don't restart the masternodes while DS is running.