I can't confirm any crashes... I set cron to attempt to launch dashd every 5 minutes from back in the day when dashd crashes were pretty much accepted... It might be crashing, but it's back up in 5 minutes at most...
I can confirm that .53 is unable to pull it's head out of it's butt and go hot.
The only way I got any of my nodes back online was to erase everything in ~/.dash/ except for the appropriate .conf files, launch dashd, when it get about halfway through the chain download (170000 block height by staring at tail -f debug.log) I then issue the start-alias. Absolutely nothing else works. If the node is already caught up, it self-excludes. If it's not even active, it'll take too long to pull the chain and will fall off the announce before managing to ping. Essentially, the announce has to go up BEFORE the node ever even checks itself, or else is self-excludes permanently. If the node doesn't find the announce on it's firt try, it does nothing but find any excuse it can to never ping. But, it has to pull chain and go active BEFORE ping window expires...
So, wait to be delisted. Launch dashd on masternode. Wait for chain to be halfway downloaded. Make announcement. Once the top of chain is reached, it goes "Enabled!" Nothing else works.
If it reaches the top of the chain, and the announce isn't live on the network from the Big Wallet, it'll lock itself out until delist and try again. If an announce is sent at this point it'll come up with any number of total bullshit excuses to not "Enable!"
Every. Single. Node. No. Exceptions. Nothing. Else. Works.