I've been running a MN on a Raspberry Pi 2 for right around 6 months now. This setup has run swimmingly on every prior version of Dash, right up until the first version of v12 when I began to experience frequent masternode crashes. The problem recurred very often on the earlier minor versions of v12 - the daemon would mysteriously vanish every 24 hours or less - but each new minor version release seemed to get me a little more daemon uptime before things would go south. This observation may completely be in my head - I wasn't tracking data and the observation is purely anecdotal.
I've brought the matter up several times on IRC and most folks immediately suspect the rPi2 hardware may not be up to snuff - but I really do not think that is the issue. I have kept an eye on system resource consumption over the course of many days and dashd consistently consumes between 20-30% CPU and MEM - the daemon really does not appear to be very taxing on the rPi2 hardware.
So here's what I know:
I use github to pull source with every new version release; I compile with the following commands (it takes about 2 hours):
./configure --with-incompatible-bdb
make && sudo make install
When the daemon crashes, my amateur eyes can detect no clues regarding the source of my troubles in ~/.dash/debug.log - the last lines will just be normal activity one would expect to find there.
I have discovered the following in /var/log which I believe might be useful in figuring out what is going on:
syslog.1:Sep 9 22:29:41 [HOSTNAME] dashd: *** glibc detected *** dashd: free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x58040da8 ***
user.log:Sep 9 22:29:41 [HOSTNAME] dashd: *** glibc detected *** dashd: free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x58040da8 ***
user.log.1:Sep 5 01:45:18 [HOSTNAME] dashd: *** glibc detected *** dashd: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x5683d140 ***
I experienced daemon crashes on September 5th and again late last night (September 9th). I wish I would have been doing a better job looking for this sort of stuff previously, but those logs are all I have to go on for now.
A quick Google search for those types of errors turn up other instances of other problematic daemons, and there seemed to be an even split of people blaming corrupt memory or problems within the daemon itself. I certainly cannot rule out the hardware angle, but it seems awful coincidental that this trouble manifested immediately after the release of v12 and has been lingering ever since...
Help! Has anyone else been having seemingly random troubles on Raspberry Pi 2 hardware? Does anyone have any idea what might be going on, or any suggestions that might help narrow down the search for a resolution?
I've brought the matter up several times on IRC and most folks immediately suspect the rPi2 hardware may not be up to snuff - but I really do not think that is the issue. I have kept an eye on system resource consumption over the course of many days and dashd consistently consumes between 20-30% CPU and MEM - the daemon really does not appear to be very taxing on the rPi2 hardware.
So here's what I know:
I use github to pull source with every new version release; I compile with the following commands (it takes about 2 hours):
./configure --with-incompatible-bdb
make && sudo make install
When the daemon crashes, my amateur eyes can detect no clues regarding the source of my troubles in ~/.dash/debug.log - the last lines will just be normal activity one would expect to find there.
I have discovered the following in /var/log which I believe might be useful in figuring out what is going on:
syslog.1:Sep 9 22:29:41 [HOSTNAME] dashd: *** glibc detected *** dashd: free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x58040da8 ***
user.log:Sep 9 22:29:41 [HOSTNAME] dashd: *** glibc detected *** dashd: free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x58040da8 ***
user.log.1:Sep 5 01:45:18 [HOSTNAME] dashd: *** glibc detected *** dashd: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x5683d140 ***
I experienced daemon crashes on September 5th and again late last night (September 9th). I wish I would have been doing a better job looking for this sort of stuff previously, but those logs are all I have to go on for now.
A quick Google search for those types of errors turn up other instances of other problematic daemons, and there seemed to be an even split of people blaming corrupt memory or problems within the daemon itself. I certainly cannot rule out the hardware angle, but it seems awful coincidental that this trouble manifested immediately after the release of v12 and has been lingering ever since...
Help! Has anyone else been having seemingly random troubles on Raspberry Pi 2 hardware? Does anyone have any idea what might be going on, or any suggestions that might help narrow down the search for a resolution?