v12.2 Testing

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For the members of the community who have dynamic IPs, I wrote a script that changes all the IP related configuration files of the dashcore before starting the program. Here you are:
myoldip=`cat ~/.dashcore/dash.conf|grep externalip|cut -f2 -d"="|cut -f1 -d":"`
myip=`curl -s http://icanhazip.com`
echo "my old ip=" $myoldip
echo "my curr ip=" $myip
mv ~/.dashcore/dash.conf ~/.dashcore/dash.confold
cat ~/.dashcore/dash.confold|sed -e s/$myoldip/$myip/g >  ~/.dashcore/dash.conf
mv ~/.dashcore/masternode.conf ~/.dashcore/masternode.confold
cat ~/.dashcore/masternode.confold|sed -e s/$myoldip/$myip/g > ~/.dashcore/masternode.conf
mv ~/.dashcore/testnet3/masternode.conf ~/.dashcore/testnet3/masternode.confold
cat ~/.dashcore/testnet3/masternode.confold|sed -e s/$myoldip/$myip/g > ~/.dashcore/testnet3/masternode.conf
sleep 2

When your gui starts, you will initially see the old IP in the masternodes Tab.
Press the "Start alias" button to fix the problem.

Please someone to help me with the WATCHDOG_EXPIRE / JSONRPC port problem of sentinel, I cannot solve it and my masternode expires.
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There is a space after demo!
This is bug, you don't expect amateurs to know that a space matters, do you?
I reported it as an issue.

Let me report to the community that the core team denies that this issue exists.
I challege everyone to test it in their machine, and report here the results. Please do it.

edit ~/.dashcore/dash.conf and insert/change the following line:
rpcuser=demodun <--- add a space at the end of the name
then edit ~/.dashcore/sentinel/sentinel.conf
rpcuser=demodun<---- without a space at the end

cd ~/.dashcore
cd sentinel
./venv/bin/py.test ./test

...and you will see that sentinel cannot connect to dashd.

You can see it, don't you? I am not crazy , am I?
I am afraid! Please help me discover the truth....:confused:o_O:eek::oops:
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Oh shoot, I updated my sentinel JIK, but I just did a git pull. That means I got the main branch sentinel, right? Is the proper way git pull -b ?
Well, what I did, it must have worked because my tMNs are working and paying out. I did update sentinel when we started using the -b option when I downloaded. I "updated" sentinel with git pull only. Nothing else worked, and it must be OK.

I'm currently trying to mix, and it always says "waiting in queue" and nothing happens (at 51% all day). So I guess nobody else is currently mixing? How is the "stress test" working? I think we should all be mixing during the "Stress test" no?
Well, what I did, it must have worked because my tMNs are working and paying out. I did update sentinel when we started using the -b option when I downloaded. I "updated" sentinel with git pull only. Nothing else worked, and it must be OK.

I'm currently trying to mix, and it always says "waiting in queue" and nothing happens (at 51% all day). So I guess nobody else is currently mixing? How is the "stress test" working? I think we should all be mixing during the "Stress test" no?
Sounds like you're probably fine, but to be 100% sure just "grep branch ~/.dashcore/sentinel/.git/config" :)

I do have 1 wallet mixing on testnet right now, but it's nearing completion. I will bring a few more online soon. We should all be doing as much experimentation as possible IMO. @flare I notice https://test.explorer.dash.org/ is returning a 502. Mostly wondering how big of blocks we've managed to create lately.
Sounds like you're probably fine, but to be 100% sure just "grep branch ~/.dashcore/sentinel/.git/config" :)

I do have 1 wallet mixing on testnet right now, but it's nearing completion. I will bring a few more online soon. We should all be doing as much experimentation as possible IMO. @flare I notice https://test.explorer.dash.org/ is returning a 502. Mostly wondering how big of blocks we've managed to create lately.
Yeah, chaeplin killed it - i'll need to move to a more powerful VPS :)
I think it looks good :) [branch "core-v0.12.2.x"]

I'm wondering what/where all these charges come from?
I think it looks good :) [branch "core-v0.12.2.x"]

I'm wondering what/where all these charges come from?
Hmmm.. What do you mean by "charges"? "Create Denominations" are txes breaking non-denominated funds into 10,1,0.1,0.01, and like any other tx they must pay fees (like always).
I have created many txs and run two pools.
`max block size set` is `blockmaxsize=1900000`(1.9M) (can be up to 2000000)(2MB)

a tx has 1 input / 1 out ---> 7000 ~ 8000 txs per block(1.9M)
a tx has 3 inputs / 3 outs ---> 3000 ~ 4000 txs per block(1.9M)
a tx has 10 inputs / 3 outs ---> 1000 ~ 2000 txs per block(1.9M)
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