V12.1 Testnet Launch Thread

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OK, 'cause my wallet has been having troubles mixing. denominations get stuck and not confirmed and the wallet doesn't move on. I finally zapped txes but once again, I have unconfirmed private send denominate

Let me know if you want my debug log or if you got enough, I'll update now with the new :) Oops, sorry, that's the one I'm currently running ;P I'll wait for the merged then :)

NOTE: Splawik on BCT just mentioned how we can use the tools in the wallet to zapwllettxes, etc... so I thought I'd give it a try but it's hanging at the "Dash core is shutting down .... do not shutdown..." message. If you want the log, let me know :) Looks like I'm going to have to kill it :p

2016-05-25 02:34:17 scheduler thread interrupt
2016-05-25 02:34:17 opencon thread interrupt
2016-05-25 02:34:17 addcon thread interrupt
2016-05-25 02:34:17 msghand thread interrupt
2016-05-25 02:34:17 net thread interrupt
2016-05-25 02:34:17 1 Governance Objects: 0, Seen Budgets: 0, Seen Budget Votes: 0, Vote Count: 0
2016-05-25 02:34:17 PrepareShutdown: In progress...
2016-05-25 02:34:17 2 Governance Objects: 0, Seen Budgets: 0, Seen Budget Votes: 0, Vote Count: 0

mean anything?
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I cannot reproduce this one, neither on Linux nor on Windows 8.1 / 10.

Maybe you have corrupt settings. Please go to Settings -> Options and click on "Reset Options".

After that restart your wallet, switch back to the traditional theme and report back.
Reset not help. Its look same on Win 8.1 x64 and 2012 R2, but on fresh install its ok

PS: 99.98% 100% after ~24 hours ;) PrivateSend Balance 1000.01
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yeah, getting stuck txs too that halt mixing. My metrics gone to crap 'cos it got stuck all night.

Going to restart when the new version pops up. @UdjinM6 can you give us a kindergarten explanation on what -darksendmultisession does?
I'll give -privatesendmultisession a go next round.

I kindda feel like privatesend doesn't work and is not production ready due to the high mixing times (many hours to a few days), this makes it impractical for the mainstream user (who's attention span is measured in minutes). I remember Evan said he was gonna work on a new solution that was automatic several months back, but I think that got dropped. Still, it's our weakest link and perhaps its time to move on from the anonymity concept and just focus on being digital cash. At least until we can implement a better solution than coinjoin. Coinjoin is only useful for trolls to attack us and I have to say I agree with them, it's not practical as it stands today.


Mixing has always been slower than what most would like, but I think you have to consider the intended purpose of PrivateSend. The long-range goal here is that people will have Dash stored in a wallet for long periods of time, just as you would keep your money in the bank for years and years. If people use their Dash wallets like a miniature bank account, then I don't see the problem.

Think about it: unless your bank balance has gone very low recently, you probably still have some of the "same" $100 "inputs" that you've had for months. It is intended to be the same way for Dash. Yes, PS is less than optimal if you just want to Shapeshift some Bitcoin into Dash, mix it, and then immediately send it.

On the other hand, if you always keep a steady supply of Dash in your wallet, then you will always have mixed coins ready to PS. New inputs will mix in their own time, so you always have mixed coins. Right now, most crypto enthusiasts don't use crypto on a daily or weekly basis, and we're used to doing the "smart" thing and keeping almost all of our Dash in cold storage. But eventually when people start keeping a small amount of Dash in their wallets, mixing will no longer be a problem since it happens continuously.
yeah, getting stuck txs too that halt mixing. My metrics gone to crap 'cos it got stuck all night.

Going to restart when the new version pops up. @UdjinM6 can you give us a kindergarten explanation on what -darksendmultisession does?
I'll give -privatesendmultisession a go next round.

Well, it simply doesn't wait for previous "denominate" to confirm so you can potentially have multiple "denominate" txes in one block. This will also allow to ignore txes that were stuck for some reason and mix the rest of the funds. Stuck txes still need to be fixed sometimes later manually however to let mixing finish, but at least they shouldn't stop mixing completely with that option on.
OK all, if I need to report this on github or jira just send me the link. Here's my problem:

For 24 hours, I've been stuck at "Synchronizing Additional Data - 75%," but apparently so is everybody else.

Here's the weird thing I have to report, though. In dash.conf I put "liquidityprovider=1" and I've been getting denomination messages periodically, and about 1000 of my 3000 tDash has been denominated (in 24 hours). All my inputs still show "0" DS rounds, and I'm not sure if that's normal with LPs or not since I've never done it on mainnet. The really wierd thing is that I have 40 tDash pending, and it has been pending for 24 hours. It's almost like it got "stuck" somehow.
My funds aren't mixing either.

Man, the wallet loads fast when you start it though. Wonder if that will be true on main net :)
My 2 wallets are stuck at 75% sync additional data as well

I am assuming we need to wait for Evan to release a new version which fixes this.
4 tMN's updated (start-many just in case) - QT sees total of 57 atm

3 mix wallet reset for 2k tDash @ 8 rounds and added to the dash.conf


Strange behavior (or not) ... the QTs defaulted back to 2 rounds. I go into setting and change back to 8 rounds. Close/reopen defaults back to 2 rounds.
Is that expected with privatesendmultisession? If I change to 8 rounds, will it override this flag?

EDIT> I don-t think it overrides... denominations are coming in in turbo mode!! Damn!

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Nice speed for ~2 hours with new version && privatesendmultisession:

The commandline option "privatesendmultisession=1" is really putting the turbo on the whole Privatesend mixing, i'm loving it.
Now we just need better message propagation (as i'm still having some conflicted transactions during mixing).
update : actually only one transaction got conflicted so far, the rest seems to be confirming just fine

I can also confirm that the Windows 10 (64bit) wallet has problems with showing correct amount and rounds after having changed it.

edit : i also decided to ban the peers that are not on version 70200 ..
you may wonder why ? because i can !! :D
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The commandline option "privatesendmultisession=1" is really putting the turbo on the whole Privatesend mixing, i'm loving it.
Now we just need better message propagation (as i'm still having some conflicted transactions during mixing).
I can also confirm that the Windows 10 (64bit) wallet has problems with showing correct amount and rounds after having changed it.

I can confirm that as well

When I changed amount to 1500 dash and then 1100 the value for denominated input average change was false.
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The results of three hours mixing with commandline option "privatesendmultisession=1"


Just three conflicted transactions, that will need fixing with commandline option "zapwallettxes=1"
Its impressive.
So if this option: "privatesendmultisession=1" works so well - why is it not on by default?
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