v0.16 Support - FAQ and Known Issues


Active member
Dash Core Group
Known Issues
  1. "Dash-Qt has a QT Crash when I try to launch it!"
    • Segmentation fault
      std::terminate() called due to unhandled exceptionException: type=std::runtime_error, what="operator(): Failed to open file: :css/light-hires"
      No debug information available for stacktrace. You should add debug information and then run:
      dash-qt -printcrashinfo=bvcgc43iinzgc43ijfxgm3ybaadwiyltnawxc5epon2gior2orsxe3ljnzqxizjifeqggylmnrswiideovssa5dpeb2w42dbnzsgyzleebsxqy3fob2gs33objcxqy3fob2gs33ohiqhi6lqmu6xg5dehi5he5looruw2zk7mvzhe33sfqqho2dboq6se33qmvzgc5dpoiucsoraizqws3dfmqqhi3zan5ygk3ramzuwyzj2ea5gg43tf5wgsz3ioqwwq2lsmvzsebottuoqaaaaaaadmhy6aaaaaaaadkkboaaaaaaabf43n4ow2kiaadndcgiaaaaaaaaa
      Aborted (core dumped)
       A fatal error occurred. Dash Core can no longer continue safely and will quit
    • This is caused by a conflict in theme names between v0.14 and v0.16, it's possible people who ran v0.14 might crash when launching v0.16. To fix it, open a command prompt / terminal and run:
      dash-qt -resetguisettings
      if installed in default location:
       "C:\Program Files\DashCore\dash-qt.exe" -resetguisettings
      Navigate to folder where Dash-qt.exe is located and run
      dash-qt.exe -resetguisettings
      /Applications/Dash-Qt.app/Contents/MacOS/Dash-Qt -resetguisettings
  2. "Sentinel fails with an error"
    • Error
      name@Masternode:~/.dashcore/sentinel$ venv/bin/python bin/sentinel.py
      Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "bin/sentinel.py", line 223, in <module>
      File "bin/sentinel.py", line 129, in main
      if not dashd.is_synced():
      File "lib/dashd.py", line 98, in is_synced
      synced = (mnsync_status['IsSynced'] and not mnsync_status['IsFailed'])
      KeyError: 'IsFailed'
    • This issue has been solved in the latest version of sentinel
      cd sentinel
      git pull
      python3 bin/sentinel.py --version
      Make sure it says v1.5.0 (or maybe greater but this is the newest at time of writing)
To be added as we get questions repeatedly
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For masternodes installed using the instructions in the docs, the commands are:
cd ~/.dashcore/sentinel
git pull
venv/bin/python bin/sentinel.py --version
venv/bin/python bin/sentinel.py
I tried to update using dashman, using

~/dashman/dashman sync update -y

but got a POSE BANNED error on the DashMasternodeTool.

Then when I run

~/dashman/dashman status

I get:

dashd version :
dashd up-to-date : YES
dashd running : YES
dashd uptime : 0 days, 0 hours, 0 mins, 0 secs
dashd responding (rpc) : NO
dashd listening (ip) : NO
dashd connecting (peers) : NO
dashd port open : NO
dashd connection count : 0
dashd blocks synced : NO
last block (local dashd) : 0
(chainz) : 1351176
(dash.org) : 0
(dashwhale) : 1351177
(masternode.me) : 1351177 - no forks detected
dashd current difficulty :
masternode count : 0

What went wrong?

Many thanks.
So one problem was that

-maxconnections was set to 64.

I changed that by changing the dashd.conf and setting it to 128.

I am still getting a warning:

Warning: -masternode option is deprecated and ignored, specifying -masternodeblsprivkey is enough to start this node as a masternode.

But I do not know what to change for this.

Also now when I started dashd I got:

masternode mnsync state : /home/xxx/dashman/lib/dashman_functions.sh: line 1238: : command not found

But now that has disappeared:

masternode mnsync state : MASTERNODE_SYNC_GOVERNANCE

On the other hand it is still POSE BANNED. How do I unban it?


To make this very simple for anyone reading this (or myself in future).
After you have cleared whatever was cousing the POSE then go to the Dash Masternode Tool and press the Update Service button. And then Send Update Transaction. And then wait.
Yes, I had exactly the same problem. Solved it by manually adjusting the max connections to a 125 ... by editing the dashd.conf in the .dashcore folder.

I went up almost immediately in my (negative) POSE score to over 3.000 within about 2 hours... and now that it's working again keep coming down...

I get the same error messages you mentioned in red, but they dont seem to have an effect... I think they are die to the fact that dashman isnt really being updated any more... which is sad...

So one problem was that

-maxconnections was set to 64.

I changed that by changing the dashd.conf and setting it to 128.

I am still getting a warning:

Warning: -masternode option is deprecated and ignored, specifying -masternodeblsprivkey is enough to start this node as a masternode.

But I do not know what to change for this.

Also now when I started dashd I got:

masternode mnsync state : /home/xxx/dashman/lib/dashman_functions.sh: line 1238: : command not found

But now that has disappeared:

masternode mnsync state : MASTERNODE_SYNC_GOVERNANCE

On the other hand it is still POSE BANNED. How do I unban it?

Please note, dashman is NOT supported and you should be investigating moving to other tools
The remaining warning message in red when starting dashd has nothing to do with dashman no longer being supported. I have not been using dashman and i get that red warning too. I think the warning is there to inform users that the masternode through BLS is registered directly on the blockchain and no longer depends on .. something (i forgot the specifics of this warning).

I think the red warning message is related to either something in the dash.conf that got obsolete (maybe the masternode priv key presence triggers that warning ?) or it is related to the masternode.conf itself. Either way, you can indeed ignore it. But it would be nice if we know how to avoid triggering that warning message.
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Does not work:
/dash-qt -resetguisettings
std::terminate() called due to unhandled exception
Exception: type=std::runtime_error, what="operator(): Failed to open file: :css/light"
No debug information available for stacktrace. You should add debug information and then run:
dash-qt -printcrashinfo=bvcgc43iinzgc43ijfxgm3ybaadwiyltnawxc5ejo

the crash happens before it even parsed.
no way to run dash-qt.