Am I doing something wrong? I'm trying DarkSend on testnet and I keep getting the message "Incompatible version" from the masternodes. Please advise.
pls check if you downloaded from link at page 12 (v11.2.6),
are you trying to do a Darksend transaction or are you trying to do Darksend mixing ?
How'd the 100 go?I mixed 10tDRK, 2 rounds which took just over 2 hours. But I did make THREE collateral payments of 0.01 tDRK. Mixing 100 tDRK now, let's see how many collateral payments that takes.
LOLI fired up 4 mastenodes on testnet now :grin: And trying to mix 2k tDRK 6 rounds :smile:
Testnet is fun! Sending money around like it's nothing
idk why it took me so long to join you guys, I've been lurking for ages :smile:
Except you have made yourself known :smile: I've just been lurking for a year lolLOL
I used to feel that way too![]()
I'm wondering if one of you can help me here. I would like to donate part of my masternode income and I'm reading this: Which is for multi start configure. I have only single masternodes at the moment, so I want to know if they work the same way? Also, I'd like to know
mn2 93WaAb3htPJEV8E9aQcN23Jt97bPex7YvWfgMDTUdWJvzmrMqey aa9f1034d973377a5e733272c3d0eced1de22555ad45d6b24abadff8087948d4 0 7gnwGHt17heGpG9Crfeh4KGpYNFugPhJdh:33
Do I have this right?
mn2 can be any name/identifier you want
Ip address w/ port (is it still 9999? That's what I have???
MN priv. key. Is this the same key we got from masternode genprivkey? And put in the config file for both remote and local?
collateral output transaction id I have absolutely no idea what this would be, could someone explain? Thanks!
collateral output index Also, no idea what this is??
donation address Ok, sounds understandable
donation percentage are all % available? I mean 1% through 100%?
Thanks for explaination (I just was hearing elsewhere that only 0% and 100% were being supported, so I wanted clarification.
Finally, is this available now, or after this next release? Thanks guys!
I don't see why not as you're explicitly putting the donation address in the masternode.confOh, I just thought of something, probably the developers thought of it too, LOL, but those donations look like they could go to anything. Would it be possible to set your masternode to donate to the foundation, then to a developer fund, and then, even more useful for individuals, they might be able to set up their own accounts, like kid's college fund or down payment on house fund. It could be like separate savings accounts??? Is that possible?
4 hours and 30 minutes, only 75 done. I only paid one collateral fee so far for this batch.How'd the 100 go?
I'm only running hot nodes on testnet and I have to issue masternode start every time :smile:Oh, one more question. It probably doesn't matter because I doubt anyone runs a hot wallet masternode, but in testnet, when I shut down the wallet and then update the version, and restart it, do I need to restart the masternode again when it's only been a few minutes? Oh, I just answered my own question! no, I don't! I did masternode debug and it was still runningGood, that was always a pain in the @$$ to do, LOL I'll leave this here in case it helps someone...