v0.11.1.x InstantX Testing

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test.p2pool.masternode.io:18998 went down 9 hrs ago and there is a large fork !!!

"blocks" : 104179,
"currentblocksize" : 0,
"currentblocktx" : 0,
"difficulty" : 0.03581093,
"errors" : "Warning: The network does not appear to fully agree! Some miners appear to be experiencing issues.",
"genproclimit" : -1,
"networkhashps" : 2664695,
"pooledtx" : 2,
"testnet" : true,
"generate" : false,
"hashespersec" : 0

2015-02-07 10:49:15 CheckForkWarningConditions: Warning: Large valid fork found
forking the chain at height 104176 (00000002ad38cf8000b34c31cb99e2f33ba4abfc0e3db733316481877018a874)
lasting to height 104578 (0000000560d3e3d9fe59e4d8cf0aaac3f83efa7bff544914b572cacfc6f1726e).
Chain state database corruption likely.
2015-02-07 10:49:15 ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
2015-02-07 10:49:15 CheckForkWarningConditions: Warning: Large valid fork found
forking the chain at height 104176 (00000002ad38cf8000b34c31cb99e2f33ba4abfc0e3db733316481877018a874)
lasting to height 104579 (000000064c4270608600a3a34218a6a84f7ce04aa738d880e781c0e334e97a7b).
Chain state database corruption likely.
2015-02-07 10:49:15 ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
2015-02-07 10:49:15 CheckForkWarningConditions: Warning: Large valid fork found
forking the chain at height 104176 (00000002ad38cf8000b34c31cb99e2f33ba4abfc0e3db733316481877018a874)
lasting to height 104580 (000000036d8f3e51b85cb5b3184c909ca2be79b5175371b815b5d08a8cc093d4).
Chain state database corruption likely.
2015-02-07 10:49:15 ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
2015-02-07 10:49:15 CheckForkWarningConditions: Warning: Large valid fork found
forking the chain at height 104176 (00000002ad38cf8000b34c31cb99e2f33ba4abfc0e3db733316481877018a874)
lasting to height 104581 (0000000638ea36af1d6bfa3488f66a460f2e0775a5b161f255b546bff6802fee).
Chain state database corruption likely.

So, who's going to hack into Evan's alarm clock and wake him up ;)
He DID say he was going to try to hack InstantX, maybe he succeeded! :grin:
test.p2pool.masternode.io:18998 went down 9 hrs ago and there is a large fork !!!

"blocks" : 104179,
"currentblocksize" : 0,
"currentblocktx" : 0,
"difficulty" : 0.03581093,
"errors" : "Warning: The network does not appear to fully agree! Some miners appear to be experiencing issues.",
"genproclimit" : -1,
"networkhashps" : 2664695,
"pooledtx" : 2,
"testnet" : true,
"generate" : false,
"hashespersec" : 0

2015-02-07 10:49:15 CheckForkWarningConditions: Warning: Large valid fork found
forking the chain at height 104176 (00000002ad38cf8000b34c31cb99e2f33ba4abfc0e3db733316481877018a874)
lasting to height 104578 (0000000560d3e3d9fe59e4d8cf0aaac3f83efa7bff544914b572cacfc6f1726e).
Chain state database corruption likely.
2015-02-07 10:49:15 ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
2015-02-07 10:49:15 CheckForkWarningConditions: Warning: Large valid fork found
forking the chain at height 104176 (00000002ad38cf8000b34c31cb99e2f33ba4abfc0e3db733316481877018a874)
lasting to height 104579 (000000064c4270608600a3a34218a6a84f7ce04aa738d880e781c0e334e97a7b).
Chain state database corruption likely.
2015-02-07 10:49:15 ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
2015-02-07 10:49:15 CheckForkWarningConditions: Warning: Large valid fork found
forking the chain at height 104176 (00000002ad38cf8000b34c31cb99e2f33ba4abfc0e3db733316481877018a874)
lasting to height 104580 (000000036d8f3e51b85cb5b3184c909ca2be79b5175371b815b5d08a8cc093d4).
Chain state database corruption likely.
2015-02-07 10:49:15 ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
2015-02-07 10:49:15 CheckForkWarningConditions: Warning: Large valid fork found
forking the chain at height 104176 (00000002ad38cf8000b34c31cb99e2f33ba4abfc0e3db733316481877018a874)
lasting to height 104581 (0000000638ea36af1d6bfa3488f66a460f2e0775a5b161f255b546bff6802fee).
Chain state database corruption likely.

So, who's going to hack into Evan's alarm clock and wake him up ;)
He DID say he was going to try to hack InstantX, maybe he succeeded! :grin:
* i'm doing some mixing and i frequently find this error message :

Submitted Denom : N/A
Submitted to masternode
Darksend request incomplete ''Missing input transaction information, will retry''

Wouldnt it be more efficient if during mixing it wouldnt try to do anything with N/A input amounts? Find a way to keep
them out of the mixing process all together ? Now it keeps throwing them into the mixing process which then fails due to
the missing input information as it is a N/A input type.

* I also came across the following, an unconfirmed Darksend denomination transaction followed by a Darksend selfpayment .. i was exspecting
to see the Darksend denomination get confirmed first (1x) before seeing a Darksend selfpayment

Last edited by a moderator:
This happened to me too, but only when I sent an input belonging to a denomination that had been through some number (not necessarily the required number) of mixing rounds. Is this also the case for you?
Yes. Now I'm thinking about it... They actually were "Darksent" transactions because when the client picks "any available funds", if it happens to pick a denominated/anonymized amount, then the client has to say it's a "Darksent" transaction.

It's also the same with non-IX transactions. When the DS check box is not marked, but if you tick a DS amount in the coin control and send it, it's recorded as a "Darksent" tx on the Transaction screen.
Darksend + InstantX transaction :

From sender side :
Status: 0/confirmed (InstantX verification in progress - 8 of 20 signatures ), broadcast through 12 node(s)
Date: 7-2-2015 15:53
To: Test 4 yG9whmjTEcgCJYxmLBcCiKSrzEinRPVcQ5
Debit: -50.00 tDRK
Transaction fee: -0.100501 tDRK
Net amount: -50.100501 tDRK
Transaction ID: 5ecf586cc972985554cc92ecbd3ee0133696c810aafaa361216bcb84a0635196-000

From receiver side :
Status: 0/confirmed (InstantX verification in progress - 8 of 20 signatures )
Date: 7-2-2015 15:53
From: unknown
To: yG9whmjTEcgCJYxmLBcCiKSrzEinRPVcQ5 (own address, label: Test4)
Credit: 50.00 tDRK
Net amount: +50.00 tDRK
Transaction ID: 5ecf586cc972985554cc92ecbd3ee0133696c810aafaa361216bcb84a0635196-000

Waiting for next block .. after next block it shows :

From sender side :
Status: 1/confirmed (InstantX verification failed), broadcast through 12 node(s)
Date: 7-2-2015 15:53
To: Test 4 yG9whmjTEcgCJYxmLBcCiKSrzEinRPVcQ5
Debit: -50.00 tDRK
Transaction fee: -0.100501 tDRK
Net amount: -50.100501 tDRK
Transaction ID: 5ecf586cc972985554cc92ecbd3ee0133696c810aafaa361216bcb84a0635196-000

From receiver side :
Status: 1/confirmed (InstantX verification failed)
Date: 7-2-2015 15:53
From: unknown
To: yG9whmjTEcgCJYxmLBcCiKSrzEinRPVcQ5 (own address, label: Test4)
Credit: 50.00 tDRK
Net amount: +50.00 tDRK
Transaction ID: 5ecf586cc972985554cc92ecbd3ee0133696c810aafaa361216bcb84a0635196-000

note : the amount from sender to receiver did get added to the total of the receiver instantly, it just didnt get confirmed 20/20 through MN's .. instead it had to be POW confirmed.
InstantX transaction (no darksend) :

From sender side :
Status: 0/confirmed (InstantX verification in progress - 3 of 20 signatures ), broadcast through 10 node(s)
later on it shows : Status: 0/confirmed (InstantX verification failed), broadcast through 10 node(s)
Date: 7-2-2015 16:17
To: Test Darkcoin 2 y3DUP7joBEXH9Cimh4JM3D9thMebDnRwH5
Debit: -1000.00 tDRK
Transaction fee: -0.01 tDRK
Net amount: -1000.01 tDRK
Transaction ID: d38596bd475920bc1b6d0f90c1a0abe360b2a088c29774600896173cba3e707d-000

From Receiver side :
Status: 0/confirmed (InstantX verification in progress - 3 of 20 signatures )
later on it shows : Status: 0/confirmed (InstantX verification failed)
Date: 7-2-2015 16:17
From: unknown
To: y3DUP7joBEXH9Cimh4JM3D9thMebDnRwH5 (own address, label: Test2)
Credit: 1000.00 tDRK
Net amount: +1000.00 tDRK
Transaction ID: d38596bd475920bc1b6d0f90c1a0abe360b2a088c29774600896173cba3e707d-000

Waiting for next block .. which seems to got stuck (last block 104680 .. 18 minutes ago)

note : the amount from sender to receiver did get added to the total of the receiver instantly, it just didnt get totally confirmed
through MN's .. instead it have to be POW confirmed.
My 11.1.13 MN crashed earlier with this message last in the log:
Its on mingw64 and it was also mining with 1 thread at the time, I don't have a dump of it.

CreateNewLock - New Transaction Lock bdf545eb542d29a1457868ec0775cd325344488ad416d7090b4d853010f4e316 !
Masternode payment to y9nANBpFVavB5arBw9tMycYnQQi4nKZHe5
CreateNewBlock(): total size 4634
ERROR: CheckBlock() : found conflicting transaction with transaction lock
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
what(): CreateNewBlock() : ConnectBlock failed
My 11.1.13 MN crashed earlier with this message last in the log:
Its on mingw64 and it was also mining with 1 thread at the time, I don't have a dump of it.

CreateNewLock - New Transaction Lock bdf545eb542d29a1457868ec0775cd325344488ad416d7090b4d853010f4e316 !
Masternode payment to y9nANBpFVavB5arBw9tMycYnQQi4nKZHe5
CreateNewBlock(): total size 4634
ERROR: CheckBlock() : found conflicting transaction with transaction lock
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
what(): CreateNewBlock() : ConnectBlock failed
Wait for the next edition, its seriously forked, there are invalid chains galore!
***************************** Please update to 11.1.14 : InstantX Release *****************************

- Version bump / protocol bump
- Fixed CalculateScore, which was causing IX propagation issues. As a result IX should work again.

Udjin Updates:
- MakeCollateralAmounts stuck sometimes
- optimize SelectCoinsMinConf best subset loops
- call NotifyTransactionChanged for the same prevout tx hash only once per tx commit
- fix checkbox mess on mac / get rid of line in sendcoinsdialog
- v0.11.1.x fix balances calculations when there are conflicted coins / slight optimizations

Fixed what caused the forks, please restart with --reindex
Also, compiling, if you get a 404 try again in a bit

...and I'm going back to trying to destroy testnet again :grin:

Source: https://github.com/darkcoin/darkcoin/tree/v0.11.1.x

Windows 32bit:

Mac OS X:

Linux 32bit:

Linux 64bit:
Still cannot seem to get IX to work on my windows machines with the new version. Same issue as before.
3 minutes, 40 secs , 20tdrk transaction , IX
win8 64


  • 3minute40secs20tdrkIX.JPG
    57.8 KB · Views: 194
  • 3minute40secs20tdrkIXfailed.JPG
    35.6 KB · Views: 183
this snip is of 3 IX transactions. The first two transactions went through, the third transaction of 10tdrk sent basically disappeared and didn't show up in my other wallet for 5 to 10 minutes later


  • instantxbreak.JPG
    92.2 KB · Views: 201
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