Anybody is willing to answer? Only 100's denoms left in a wallet. What if I darksend few drk?What if I have spent all 0.1 1.0 10 denoms and only 100 left and I darksend 1 drk? Do I lose 99 drk change? Because change goes to miners.
I don't want to be that generous. Am I missing something?
You'll get your change, not miners.Anybody is willing to answer? Only 100's denoms left in a wallet. What if I darksend few drk?
Will this version work with p2pool by changing the version number in the code?
But I don't want to reveal any info. Simply I will have to mix them again.You'll get your change, not miners.
Yes, change needs to be remixed.But I don't want to reveal any info. Simply I will have to mix them again.
So after shopping madness I will have to check coincontrol to see what size of denoms left
Local wallet got stuck after 7/8 rounds with two conflicting '!' txes, restarted with -zapwallettxes and now being hit with a string of charges and no DS progress:
Might just be bad luck. I left if for another hour and got a PTY 0.00 but it stayed stuck on 'Found unconfirmed... waiting...'Yikes, that's really weird.
On Win 7, I had 1 conflict tx stuck at 39%(for 16 hrs).Had saved a wallet from the start of version 11.0.6 before mixing and did the standard copy and paste thing, re ran same version and everything tickety boo now.Local wallet got stuck after 7/8 rounds with two conflicting '!' txes, restarted with -zapwallettxes and now being hit with a string of charges and no DS progress:
I've had 3 MNs just stop (daemon on server just quit, nothing odd in debug.log, no obvious signs in logs of RAM/CPU overuse) since updating to v11. They have all had to be restarted from the local wallet.
Well, Darkcoil doesn't have DS (and masternode support iirc). Not sure where the optimizations lie.Latest version is unresponsive and crashes often with "dust" transactions.
Windows 7 64 bit
Why can't we get the same performance as in Darkcoil wallet??
Well, Darkcoil doesn't have DS (and masternode support iirc). Not sure where the optimizations lie.
Yeah, I hear you. You're left at the moment with either using with daemon to group and send dust and micro payments or Darkcoil.Problem is with very small payments from P2Pool. I'm talking about 15 "dust" payments per day.
DS and MN should not cause it. These are incoming transactions.
Just got a link to
According to deps-linux.yml we ARE building with Openssl-1.0.1k.
eduffield , shouldn't we temporarily use Openssl-1.0.1j ?