v0.10.9.x Help test RC2 forking issues

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I think there is some score thing and damping time.
This is my masternode and get paid
It took almost a day(81829)

I think in the long run payment distribution is fair and equal.
But at start, nodes with more activeseconds might be paid more often.
So need to set Masternode up now. !!

1 day = 86400 sec

I dont think score is bound to activeseconds, the code is only using tx-hash.


Distribution is fair for me since widespread network adoption of update - unpaid blocks down to 3% and decreasing.

Distribution curve is starting to approximate gaussian distribution.
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I dont think score is bound to activeseconds, the Code is only using tx-hash.


Distribution is fair for me since network adoption of update

Oh my bad. Not related.

I updated my node at 19135, and can't assure if mpos and p2pool is updated.

http://tdrk.poolhash.org/blocks.html : counted from 19135

4 mqbBTc2UAoHf4ZxyHnUU8yKaNRys1nePn2
3 n31jCvcXGCUeFHDSJe6TYMpn7VjX9p3nbd
3 mvJkju1wcxYTA9h1cbu8Uf37pzby6kCKx8
3 msMrvVzPQtXNCZBuMdQEkaAHxVGbKp4Ltj 1 mqbBTc2UAoHf4ZxyHnUU8yKaNRys1nePn2 1402728316456349 1184 273078 1 n31jCvcXGCUeFHDSJe6TYMpn7VjX9p3nbd 1402729367919060 133 35079 1 mvJkju1wcxYTA9h1cbu8Uf37pzby6kCKx8 1402728182840360 1318 21442 1 msMrvVzPQtXNCZBuMdQEkaAHxVGbKp4Ltj 1402728260541712 1240 273012
4 mqbBTc2UAoHf4ZxyHnUU8yKaNRys1nePn2
3 n31jCvcXGCUeFHDSJe6TYMpn7VjX9p3nbd
3 mvJkju1wcxYTA9h1cbu8Uf37pzby6kCKx8
3 msMrvVzPQtXNCZBuMdQEkaAHxVGbKp4Ltj

Is there a way to have a graph on the distribution? Should start to look like gaussian distribution :smile:

Forget that, nodes can join and leave the votes... so no normal distribution. Only if you account the same set of online addresses for the graph.
another finding.
19141.txt: 1 mqbBTc2UAoHf4ZxyHnUU8yKaNRys1nePn2 1402718700516261 1202 263462
19142.txt: 1 mqbBTc2UAoHf4ZxyHnUU8yKaNRys1nePn2 1402718700516261 1204 263462
19143.txt: 0 mqbBTc2UAoHf4ZxyHnUU8yKaNRys1nePn2 0 1402720077 -1402455238
19144.txt: 0 mqbBTc2UAoHf4ZxyHnUU8yKaNRys1nePn2 0 1402720165 -1402455238
19164.txt: 0 mqbBTc2UAoHf4ZxyHnUU8yKaNRys1nePn2 0 1402723195 -1402455238
19165.txt: 0 mqbBTc2UAoHf4ZxyHnUU8yKaNRys1nePn2 0 1402723580 -1402455238
19166.txt: 1 mqbBTc2UAoHf4ZxyHnUU8yKaNRys1nePn2 1402723670230094 88 268431
19167.txt: 1 mqbBTc2UAoHf4ZxyHnUU8yKaNRys1nePn2 1402723670230094 104 268431
19168.txt: 1 mqbBTc2UAoHf4ZxyHnUU8yKaNRys1nePn2 1402723670230094 143 268431

2 hours ago06/14 13:27:567 19143 0.167152nompmyVSR4kptFPTSFjARc3DD8RkFvkLQ2CJ8c 30.400
2 hours ago06/14 13:25:052 19142 0.148152nompn13k8bjboMdfkFCozoJW3Cwq9ZtcD4bFVP 30.400
1 hour ago06/14 14:29:1915 19166 0.159152nompn31jCvcXGCUeFHDSJe6TYMpn7VjX9p3nbd 30.400
1 hour ago06/14 14:26:1955 19165 0.175152nompmpKNkHEdgtxQAjTCkGB4ZwHAED74qwjDvj 30.400

1 hour : 3600 sec.
activeseconds from 263462 to 268431 : + 4969

activeseconds might be a current time last seen- first seen time.
mqbBTc2UAoHf4ZxyHnUU8yKaNRys1nePn2 is not timed out, so activeseconds is reasonable.

1402723195 -1402455238 = 267957
1402723580 -1402455238 = 268342
(1402723670230094 - 1402455238000000 ) / 10*6 = 268432

- number in activeseconds == first seen time
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Oh joy :)

4 mins ago    06/14 07:11:18    16    19160    0.143    152    nomp    mrPbaoAeVVeaiuezEmqs7zQimHHcAtKAqq    30.400

Literally truckloads of love

4 mins ago    06/14 07:15:42    26    19162    0.139    152    nomp    mrPbaoAeVVeaiuezEmqs7zQimHHcAtKAqq    30.400

Patience young grasshopper.... :cool:

Haha! I noticed! Its aliiiiiiiive... was almost going to trash everything last night, but literally fell asleep.
Even still, it was +44 hours since "masternode start" seems like an awful lot, but I suspect that also has to do with huge nº MN's all of a sudden and low testnet hashrate and nº of tx ?
Cool ... I'll take my 10.9.6 offline so it generates a brand new IP, update to latest version, fire it all up again and test "ramp-up" again.
BTW, sorry to cross-post, but this is absolutely freaky!! Paul Boyer of Mad Money Machine, basically described Darkcoin´s development, in freakingly accurate way, and wasn't even aware of it. In the end he mentions Darkcoin, but seriously, please find the time! Its soooo funny too!


EDIT: Took my 10.9.6 node offline and within a few minutes (if not second, but I didnt check until now) 0 moqpGCABQQefuujQ9nsAMJVEiwAXyAMw6o 1402737509779056 3331 398053

Wow !! Cool !! Getting very efficient indeed! Last payout at
192092014-06-14 07:25:15
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New daemon (10.9.13), new IP, new genkey, zero issues, though still not up on chaeplin's list.

ubuntu@ip-172-31-3-203:~/.darkcoin$ darkcoind masternode debug
successfully started masternode
ubuntu@ip-172-31-3-203:~/.darkcoin$ darkcoind masternode count
ubuntu@ip-172-31-3-203:~/.darkcoin$ darkcoind masternode list | grep 57
"" : 1,

Previous IP still up on chaeplins list. But its not been 30 mins since updating daemon/IP/genkey 1 moqpGCABQQefuujQ9nsAMJVEiwAXyAMw6o

The only thing I did not do was generate a new address 0 1K deposit, basically used the same testnet wallet. Could this be a cause of confusion for the network? Can one do an exploit like "masternode wallet hopping" within 30 minute pings?

Basically, right now there are two nodes up sharing the same address.

Using the daemon, my previous IP is gone!! cool

ubuntu@ip-172-31-3-203:~/.darkcoin$ darkcoind masternode list | grep 57
"" : 1,
ubuntu@ip-172-31-3-203:~/.darkcoin$ darkcoind masternode list | grep 230

Seems like chaeplin's list script is lagging a little. No problem Mr. President!
New daemon (10.9.13), new IP, new genkey, zero issues, though still not up on chaeplin's list.

Previous IP still up on chaeplins list. But its not been 30 mins since updating daemon/IP/genkey

The only thing I did not do was generate a new address 0 1K deposit, basically used the same testnet wallet. Could this be a cause of confusion for the network? Can one do an exploit like "masternode wallet hopping" within 30 minute pings?

Basically, right now there are two nodes up sharing the same address.

Using the daemon, my previous IP is gone!! cool

Seems like chaeplin's list script is lagging a little. No problem Mr. President!
It was updated every 10 mins, now 5mins.

Testnet : every minute.
New daemon (10.9.13), new IP, new genkey, zero issues, though still not up on chaeplin's list.

Previous IP still up on chaeplins list. But its not been 30 mins since updating daemon/IP/genkey

The only thing I did not do was generate a new address 0 1K deposit, basically used the same testnet wallet. Could this be a cause of confusion for the network? Can one do an exploit like "masternode wallet hopping" within 30 minute pings?

Basically, right now there are two nodes up sharing the same address.

Using the daemon, my previous IP is gone!! cool

Seems like chaeplin's list script is lagging a little. No problem Mr. President!

SV1 : tdrk monitoring, and SV2
darktest@sv1:/dev/shm/darktest/masterlist> darkcoind masternode list | grep
    "" : 0,

I have restart SV2 darkcoind
darktest@sv2:~> darkcoind stop
DarkCoin server stopping
darktest@sv2:~> darkcoind
darktest@sv2:~> DarkCoin server starting
darktest@sv2:~> darkcoind masternode list pubkey | grep moqpGCABQQefuujQ9nsAMJVEiwAXyAMw6o


* ip not changed in list, flag changed.
* darkcoin restart remove the ip.

What is your address ? moqpGCABQQefuujQ9nsAMJVEiwAXyAMw6o ??
SV1 : tdrk monitoring, and SV2
darktest@sv1:/dev/shm/darktest/masterlist> darkcoind masternode list | grep
    "" : 0,

I have restart SV2 darkcoind
darktest@sv2:~> darkcoind stop
DarkCoin server stopping
darktest@sv2:~> darkcoind
darktest@sv2:~> DarkCoin server starting
darktest@sv2:~> darkcoind masternode list pubkey | grep moqpGCABQQefuujQ9nsAMJVEiwAXyAMw6o


* ip not changed in list, flag changed.
* darkcoin restart remove the ip.

What is your address ? moqpGCABQQefuujQ9nsAMJVEiwAXyAMw6o ??

yes, my address. I had just checked and it took about 30 minutes to get flag:0 - though through the daemons "masternode list" it was instant.

New IP, same 1k address;

ubuntu@ip-172-31-3-203:~/.darkcoin$ darkcoind masternode list | grep 57
"" : 1,
yes, my address. I had just checked and it took about 30 minutes to get flag:0 - though through the daemons "masternode list" it was instant.

New IP, same 1k address;
Local daemon should be instant.
Nodes in network should not.
Wait ping, and timed out.

I will check when your node listed in sv02.

It's like ip address and pubkey/masternodeprivkey is primary key.
Once in list, can't be changed no matter ip changed.
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Yep, RC3 was released two days ago and is available on the main website

--> http://www.darkcoin.io/downloads/rc/darkcoind

AAH!! ok then! ... so there will be no more updates for June 20th?

Local daemon should be instant.
Nodes in network should not.
Wait ping, and timed out.

Thats the thing Mr.President, sir... I already received a payout and my new IP is not up your list! So the network has been pinged for sure! If your testnet is 1m, then something is up. Probably because of same payout address?
AAH!! ok then! ... so there will be no more updates for June 20th?

That's the schedule - if no show stoppers pop up, version will stay the current version for mainnet. Testnet may eventually see minor updates, but mainnet is supposed to be stable for now.
I think this shoud be documented.

"If public ip of masternode is changed, change your masternodeprivkey"
What I have concerned is ..

A masternode chaged his ip with same masternodeprivkey.
Old ip will be in the list as long as masternodeprivkey ping is received.
And old ip will be circulated in the network.

If there is no darksend user, no problem.
If old ip is selected for masternode of darksend, client can't connect to old ip, and masternode resetting will be caused.


If connected peer reject masternodeprivkey ping/join with new ip(diffrent in list)
and is default behaivour, old ip will be timed out..

And I think second is yidakee 's status.
(timed out, not listed)

Please change your masternodeprivkey.

let's see what happen.
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