Utilize the remaining unallocated budget


Active member
@eduffield @babygiraffe is it possible to put up a budget proposal for the 570 or so Dash that will go unallocated this month (could be more but I am assuming the the liquidity providers v2 and masternode/trezor support will pass) and allocate it as a one off payment to help pay for the prioritization of fiat gateways?
It just means that we can potentially pay this off a little faster and then free up funds later down the road when we need them.
Imo that breaks the whole point of decentralized voting and paying for something via blockchain if you can always "save it for later" under some centrally controlled account.
It's nothing wrong if coins are left unallocated, just let them burn and enjoy the smaller supply :cool:
@itscrazybro There are some ideas that I had that can utilize unallocated funds without falling under "save it for later", but I haven't floated those ideas past many community members. I'm thinking that we could use unallocated funds to start bounties for commercial entities to expand acceptance of Dash or its features. None of the bounties would be substantial enough to pay for the development on their own, but might accelerate the feasibility of those investments. The advantage of this approach is that if none of the bounties are ever cashed in, there is no effective difference between "smaller supply" as @UdjinM6 pointed out vs. being created, but never effectively entering the money supply, but still encourages growth in the surrounding ecosystem of services.

Some examples of potential bounties could include:
- First major exchange to implement InstantX for both sending and receiving with fiat pairs
- First internet 500 firm to accept Dash payments
- First mainstream payment processor to accept Dash
- First retail chain over $100m in sales to accept Dash at PoS

The amounts allocated to each could grow over time from "unallocated" funds until you have substantial enough bounties to start enticing companies to start looking more seriously at the prospect of adding us to collect the bounties. Of course, there would need to be rules set like you have to keep the functionality for a year, etc. I haven't thought those through, but I think as a concept it could be a good use of funds. Like I said earlier, if they never get claimed it's effectively the same thing as them never getting allocated in the first place. We could even burn the coins by a certain date if unclaimed. I'd be interested in thoughts from the rest of the community on something like this.
Hey guys, thanks for your replies. I do like the idea @babygiraffe, definitely something worth discussing with the community. I do think that I may have however been misunderstood. I was simply implying that we create a budget proposal for the 570 unallocated dash and the give that straight to Deginer and accelerate the payment proccess.
The prioritization of fiat gateways costed $42500 and if we can take this 570 unallocated dash ($3900) and use it to pay some of that bill then I think it would be money well spent as we have to pay it at some stage.