Utah Dash Conference 2023

If others think this event has merit and want to promote it, great. Or, if they think they can do a better job and want to spearhead an event nearer to their location, that'd be super welcomed. The more in-person connections the better.

What you suggest in your conclusion -- about having a multi-city event -- would be nice, but, with the exception of AgnewPickens, I haven't seen much interest for this iteration.

If you imply that I should help you for the Dash meetings, let me inform you that I have not any incentive for that. I hold just 3 dash in my wallet, so I dont give a shit about dash. I am just a watcher, a vulture flying around, watching since 2016 the dash community dying because of the stupidity of the masternodes. I am looking forward of the day that dash will be completely dead, so that I will be alone here and I will vote to implement the vote the numbers solution, that may bring Dash back to life.

On the other hand I plan to help the Encointer community, to which I feel I mostly belong. And if Dash decides to merge with Encointer, I will also indirectly help Dash too.
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Yesterday I share the info below in our "Dash Retreat in UT" DM thread on Discord. If you want to join that group to participate in the ongoing conversation/planning please DM me on Discord at "trust_thyself". Or of course, you're free to reply to this forum thread.


Ok, we have dates for the Dash Retreat in UT:
  • Friday, Sept. 29
  • Saturday, Sept. 30
  • Sunday, Oct. 01
And a location -- conference rooms at the main SLC library: https://goo.gl/maps/fpW81Z7xZu9PTH5R8

The pros of the location:
  • the space is free (since we'll do some outreach to folks in the area)
  • the Internet is strong
  • it's close (15min) to the airport, and to many eateries and places to crash and socialize

Here are the conference rooms at the library: https://rooms.slcpl.org/main-library-meeting-rooms

Currently we have "Conference Room A" on Sept 29 and Oct 01. We have the smaller "Conference Room Level 3" for Sept 30 but if needed could expand outside that room. Further, I solicited to reserve the "Auditorium" for the second half of that day, as we may try to do a larger meetup for folks in the area. I should hear back about that within a day.

For the conference rooms, I've requested the "small group" set-up seen on the bottom of this page, which will allow everyone to be in the same convo as well as in smaller convos if warranted: https://static.libnet.info/images/pdfs/slcpl/Rooms/MeetingRoomSetupOptions.pdf Staff will place extension cords and power strips so our machines can stay powered.

I just checked Airbnb -- there are many places nearby to stay and you can of course get an Airbnb gift card using Dash via Bitrefill.com. Or, you could pursue a hotel/motel/RV route. If you want to coordinate with others heading to this event to split costs feel free to use this thread or DM each other directly.

What's next?
  • we need to hone the schedule. Thoughts on what you'd like to see? Amanda and I will put-together eating options -- where we can walk for lunch, etc.
  • if we get the auditorium for Sat afternoon we'll need to put effort into outreach to known area groups. Rion has inroads here.
  • we need to figure out when to have the livestreaming session(s) for Dash peeps who want to join remotely. Thoughts on this? Would it be best to have it early on, and/or toward the end and/or during the bigger Sat. meetup?
  • what else? What is missing?
  • what else? What is missing?
This is missing. If you are interested in merging Dash with Encointer, contact @brenzi@encointer , tell him that demo recommends you, so that you will become a UTAH bootstrapper.

Do your community work!

If you’d like to form a new community, you’ll need around 10 dedicated persons to become bootstrappers. These people will perform the first ceremony and will be representative for the trusted setup of your community. Choose your bootstrappers wisely! They should be trustworthy, have a standing in your community and they should share the values of Encointer. Make them commit to be active community members and participate in ceremonies for several months at least. Also, aim at diversification in all its possible dimensions.

Dry run your community!

If you are a developer with some knowledge of Substrate, you can already get to work on our Gesell testnet . This will give you everything you need to establish an Encointer community currency in your area and distribute it among participants at regular meetups. This framework technology is provided free of charge by Encointer. Once testing is complete and you are ready to launch, you can transfer to our live parachain instance.

Partner with businesses!

There is no point in raising a new currency if there’s nothing to buy with it. It can be a great opportunity for businesses to partner with an encointer community. It increases their visibility, attracts new customers and demonstrates values.
For further documentation, take a look at the Encointer Book (especially the tutorials) or contact us to find out more.

Can you help to launch other Encointer communities?

Because not every community has its own techies, we could use volunteers to support local community leaders in getting their Encointer currency off the ground. Get in touch if you’re able to lend your expertise.

Contact us.

Ok, we have dates for the Dash Retreat in UT:
  • Friday, Sept. 29
  • Saturday, Sept. 30
  • Sunday, Oct. 01

IF you join the Encointer community until the end of September, and IF BOTH the EncointerUBI proposal reaches 10% participation AND the new upcoming UBI proposal (asking for the monthly UBI) turns succesfull, THEN the participants of your UTAH conference may receive their first UBI (paid in Encointer and in Dash).
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Ok, we have locked-in the dates and the venue:

Dash Retreat

The City Library
210 E 400 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84111
map: https://goo.gl/maps/fpW81Z7xZu9PTH5R8

Fri., Sept. 29, Conference Room A
Sat., AM, Sept. 30, Conference Room Level 3
Sat., PM, Sept. 30, Auditorium
Sun., Oct. 01, Conference Room A


We're honing the agenda. That info and all relevant details will soon be shared.

We created a "Dash Retreat" server on Discord to have more timely back-and-forths. If you're so-inclined, you're welcome to join: https://discord.gg/sN32dRsrXY
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Sadly living in Europe with heavy work and kids + having already planned a trip to spain mid Sep this will not fly with wife and RL.
I can help with anything i can do remote. I will for sure watch and follow too if its broadcasted.
With we could do these things in Europe so it can be some middle ground for everyone travelwise. Perhaps next time.

Either way awesome that this will happen! Wish the best!
Dash Retreat

The City Library
210 E 400 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84111

No ticket required — just show up! Or join us remotely via our YouTube channel! streaming sponsored by TanteStefana

Times listed in MDT (UTC-6)

Friday, September 29
Conference Room A

10:15-11:00 Rion Gull — Welcome Address & Evan’s Evolution
11:00-11:45 On-Site Attendees — Ice Breaker
12:00-12:45 Joël Valenzuela — Make Dash Profitable: Fix Growth Incentives
1:00-2:00 Offsite Lunch — The Local Market and Bar partial stipend sponsored by BigR_Canada
2:15-3:00 Dash Trivia Competition + Prizes (remote participation allowed) sponsored by Splawik and an anonymous donor
3:15-4:00 Sven Rossbach — Dash Investment Foundation Update
4:15-5:00 Trent Larson — The Freedom of Chains: Transcending with Data that's Public, Semi-Public, and Private
5:00+ Optional Offsite Dinner & Socializing

Saturday September 30
Conference Room A

10:15-11:15 Sam Westrich — Platform
11:30-12:30 Rion Gull — Evolution to a Dash Economy
12:45-2:00 Offsite Lunch — The Local Market and Bar partial stipend sponsored by BigR_Canada
Conference Room Level 3
2:15-3:00 Roel Castaño — Why Dash is Not Just An Investment To Me
3:15-5:00 Dash Visions — Submissions by Dash users sponsored by Max
5:00+ Optional Offsite Dinner & Socializing

Sunday October 01
Conference Room A

11:15-12:00 Dash Trivia Competition + Prizes (remote participation allowed) sponsored by Splawik and an anonymous donor
12:15-12:45 Hilawe — Improving Accountability in our DAO
1:00-1:45 Xkcd — Masternodes over TOR
2:00-3:00 Rion Gull — Wrap-up Discussion & Closing Address

Send us your vision for Dash’s future.
The #DashRetreat is happening at the end of the month (Sept 29 - Oct 01 in SLC, Utah). Even if you cannot join us in-person, you’re invited to participate! Describe how you’d like to see the project evolve in a ≤ 5 min. video or ≤ 600 word write-up. Send your thoughts to Pete on Discord or the Dash Forum at “trust_thyself”. Submissions will be reviewed during the "Dash Visions" session and become part of the conversation at the Retreat. The more input, the better chance that actionable ideas will become identified. Thanks in advance for your involvement!

Leave them here or join the Dash Retreat Discord.
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Looks like I'll be traveling to the US West coast in early Oct. I'll see if I can make a stop-over in SLC. @trust_thyself contacted me and asked me to give a DIF update and I'll be happy to do that - either in person or via remotely.
I'm happy to share that Sven is now on the agenda! He'll discuss the Dash Investment Foundation and take questions. His session will be on Sat., Sept 30th at 5:15 pm UTC.


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    2023 dash retreat larger graphic.png
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I assume this is going to be open to the public, aka. anyone off the street can just join? Checking the upcoming event list on their site https://events.slcpl.org/events doesn't list our event.
Yes, the #DashRetreat is an open event. It looks like most of the events listed via that link you shared are reoccurring events. And the other, single-date events, seem to be those hosted by the library itself. I had already planned to reach out to the library events coordinator today (per another topic) and will inquire of this as well -- whether the #DashRetreat can be listed via their /events page. Thanks for looking out!
A couple weeks back the "Dash Visions" session was broached, as part of the agenda. If you do have the time and interest to share your thoughts, please send it to me on/by Tue., Sept. 26th.

Send us your vision for Dash’s future.
The #DashRetreat is happening at the end of the month (Sept 29 - Oct 01 in SLC, Utah). Even if you cannot join us in-person, you’re invited to participate! Describe how you’d like to see the project evolve in a ≤ 5 min. video or ≤ 600 word write-up. Send your thoughts to Pete on Discord or the Dash Forum at “trust_thyself”. Submissions will be reviewed during the "Dash Visions" session and become part of the conversation at the Retreat. The more input, the better chance that actionable ideas will become identified. Thanks in advance for your involvement!

Some of us attending the #DashRetreat found lodging within walking distance. Others, who live not too far away, may opt to hop on their bicycle and ride to the library.

For those who are driving in -- whether for just one session or for each day:
  • there is a parking garage under the library that offers two hours of free parking. After that free timeframe, the garage looks to be $3/hr. and accepts only credit cards. To receive validation, scan your parking garage ticket at the kiosk located on the first floor of the library, prior to closure.
  • there are other garage options in the area.
  • parking downtown in SLC is free on Sat. for 2hrs then supposedly you're supposed to move your vehicle. Not sure how many enforcers roam around to see that this occurs. Parking downtown in SLC is free on Sun. Note: the weekend of #DashRetreat overlaps with the LDS General Conference (happening about a mile to the north) so that may impact the availability of street parking.
Additionally, the TRAX (SLC's light rail) is free in the downtown area. So, if you'd rather not pay for a parking garage and can find free parking near to this route, you could hop on and take it to the Library Station.