Using PHP and darkcoind

You could always use the paper wallet generator that is an html-based doc for wallet generation with you importing the private key into darkcoind but why not go directly to the source and generate a new address intrawallet. What exactly are you doing?
You could always use the paper wallet generator that is an html-based doc for wallet generation with you importing the private key into darkcoind but why not go directly to the source and generate a new address intrawallet. What exactly are you doing?

A site I'm working on needs to have a wallet address for the user. It's hosted on a server with darkcoind running on it. I was hoping to run a command similar to

darkcoind getnewaddress usersWalletAddr1

...but within a php script.
If anyone can help, I'm getting couldn't connect to host error. Is there anyway I can check what port number I should be connecting to in case it's not default?

Also, should I be using the rpc username and password in my darkcoin.conf?

Edit: I got it guys. Found a command to list open ports and used that. Running sweet now! :grin::grin::grin::grin:
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I could be wrong, but couldn't you just have the PHP execute a shell command to talk to the daemon?