There are different talks going on, such as, for example, creating the unallocated budget fund and keeping them until a proposal is worth it. I actually like that idea, but it is true that in its current state, I would definitely prefer give dash to every merchant that accepts it, than seeing those dashes not created because of a lack of proposal.
Any unallocated budget could be divided between all the merchants with a maximum of 1 dash or 2 dashes per month. -> The structure would be more or less like the masternodes : the more the masternodes, the less the reward will be in dash per store. But, like the masternode, as the dash increases in value, less dashes might mean actually more value for the store .
As the number of business increase, we could progressively separate online business that would be progressively less rewarded as opposite to brick and mortar shops that would get more reward (because they are the ones that will get us to mass adoption). For example, whenever so many business are listed that they get less than 1 dash per month, we could give 75 % to the physical stores and 25 % to online stores
And I don't believe that would mean "giving away dashes". Of course those store would get dash every month. But in exchange they would make a publicity of it by accepting it (sponsoring is a marketing technique as old as the world itself) and they would like so make the network bigger.
Plus, thats only an idea that could be improved in many ways ; we could have a proper control system (dash stickers on window saying “dash accepted here”, leaflet next to the cashier… + proof of existing point of sale shop – registration number & googlemaps image)
That we would get us an increass awareness of the public who go to that store plus the long-term advantage of building the network and resolve the chicken-egg problem (As CoinDesk pointed out about Bitcoin and the point of sales challenge : “This is a chicken-and-egg problem. If more businesses had the ability to accept bitcoin, it might encourage consumers to start obtaining and spending it, and vice versa.”