UPDATES: Reporting and Commentary on All Dash Proposals on a Monthly Basis by the Mason Brothers


Hi All!

I just wanted to give an update as to the status of our proposal (https://www.dashcentral.org/p/Proposal-Reporting) last month as some folks gave us some useful feedback based on last month's video!

We've settled on the following schedule in order to make sure that enough time is allowed for most proposals to be posted while also allowing ample time for MNO's to review the video and make their votes:

7-8 days prior to the voting deadline: film main proposal reporting video outlining all proposals for the month that have been posted as of date of filming.

3-4 days prior to the voting deadline: post main proposal reporting video (editing usually takes about 3 days.)

1 day prior to voting deadline: host a live stream to go over any "last minute" proposals as well has host a discussion about the month's proposals.

This month (December) we'll be filming this Friday (12/22) and will be posting the video on Montday (boxing day, 12/26). Exact date/time of the live stream is not yet determined, but it will likely be 12/28 in the evening (Pacific time).

Let us know any thoughts, ideas, or feedback here or elsewhere! We've been having a great time doing this proposal and we hope all involved are finding it useful!

For me, three days before the deadline is just a tad too close. I don't know what others think, but for me I would like four or five days before. Just saying.

Also, would be nice to have a deadline reminder posted here in absolute terms, something like, "Voting deadline is 30 December, our proposal summary will be out on 26 December (Boxing Day)". In contrast, the dash ninja website expresses the closing date in relative terms e.g. 1 week, 3 days. Personally, I prefer the absolute date.
Thanks GMD; good call on the deadline reminder - will bump this thread with each month with those more specific dates early in the month. As for the timing before, perhaps filming it 8 days out and releasing it 4-5 days out might give a bit more time before hand. The timing this month was a bit funny with the Christmas holiday. As for this month's video, it's recorded and will be out Tuesday evening (UTC-8) 12/26. Thanks for the feedback and Merry Christmas!
Could you please add some tags in the title of this thread that they will describe in key words what this approved proposal is all about?
Hello all!

Here is this month's proposal video:

As well as the PDF viewing guide that accompanies it: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1vCcTnwWLJqJCtnwcA_rv5kaMCtQTF1c6

There have been several proposals posted since we filmed the video, and I will be doing a live update on 12/27 at 7pm Pacific time (UTC-8) to go over these remaining proposals as well have any other discussions that people would like to have! The live event can be found on youtube here:

edit: update link to PDF viewing guide with minor clerical errors corrected.
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Hi All - Just a heads up on the dates that this month's videos will be coming out:

We'll be filming this Sunday 1/21/18; with our video arriving on approximately 1//24. We'll then do an update livestream on 1/27 2 days prior to the proposal deadline!

Thank you all for your support over the last three months! It's been a great learning experience and we want to greatly improve on the process and product. Something new coming soon!
Hi All!

Here's the final installment in our proposal for this month's proposal rundown and commentary:

Along with the usual PDF viewing guide.

I'll be updating all of the proposals posted this week in a live event on Saturday 1/27 at 4PM Pacific time (UTC-8) which can be found here:

Thank you all for the support and feedback on this proposal. It's been a pleasure serving the Dash community and I will be back next month with some new and different content surrounding proposals!