Update to or to prepare for the hardfork on May 25!


Core Developer
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Here are the final changes before the fork on the 25th. Please update any daemons and other clients you're running to prepare for the hard fork.

These are the last changes we'll make before continuing onto RC3. In the meantime, we'll be making sure all pool operators (stratum, nomp and p2pool) are patching and have been tested against testnet.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Exchanges & Pool Operators: Please respond when you've updated, we'll bug you if you haven't responded as time gets closer.
Masternodes: You'll have to restart your masternode after the majority of the network has updated.


The Darkcoin Team


Source code:

Stable version (v0.9.4.4):

RC2 (v0.10.8.4):

PS, 10.8.4 is the correct version. 10.9.4 in the title is a typo
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Hard to keep up with so much coding but it is great that things finally fall into place! Will you post when it is the time to restart the masternodes?
darkcoin.kicks-ass.net updated
masternode updated

Now I just need to patch p2pool and I'll be good to go!

Thanks Evan for all the hard work
What are the <0> and <1> means at the right of the masternodes list ?

"" : 0,
"" : 1,
"" : 0,
"" : 1,
"" : 1,
"" : 1,
"" : 0,
"" : 1,
"" : 0,
"" : 1,
"" : 1,
"" : 1,
"" : 1,
"" : 0,
"" : 0,
"" : 0,
"" : 1,
"" : 1,
"" : 1,
"" : 1,
"" : 0
Brilliant news !! Good job guys!!

EDIT: Brilliant !!! Moving from testnet to mainnet was super smooth!
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Updated. Both my MNs can see themselves and each other, qt wallet can only see the last few on the list, seems to be working itself very slowly back up the list from the bottom.

edit: actually no, qt wallet is only seeing nodes launched after it was as the new ones come online. Not seeing any nodes from before it was launched.
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Is anyone else getting permission denied when trying to start darkcoind? And when I use sudo, I get command not found...
I'm still not out of the woods though. I *think* I did everything correctly. I started my local MN and am able to see myself on the list there with :1, but not on my other machines. Can anyone tell me if is really on the list please?

To clean up my babble, If I stop darkcoind or darkcoin-qt, I can sometimes get another list of masternodes. They actually seem to have different IP addresses. I've come across one with 20 nodes, 30 nodes, and 33 nodes. The one with 30 nodes has my ip address on it (now 31) But unfortunately, I've been unable to get that list to pop up on one of the other wallets. So I don't know if my masternode is functioning.

Also, now I'm attempting to turn my local darkcoind off via ./darkcoind stop I'm given the response "Darkcoin server stopping" but it doesn't. I can still do ./darkcoind masternode list, and get a list, I also can't get a lock on the data file, etc... so I can't start my second masternode. If I reboot, It actually is still on (or is automatically restarting with the computer) I've never installed my darkcoind with any auto startup feature on this machine. It's doing this on it's own. I'm wondering if there is a way to stop this wallet so I can start another one?
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I'm still not out of the woods though. I *think* I did everything correctly. I started my local MN and am able to see myself on the list there with :1, but not on my other machines. Can anyone tell me if is really on the list please?

To clean up my babble, If I stop darkcoind or darkcoin-qt, I can sometimes get another list of masternodes. They actually seem to have different IP addresses. I've come across one with 20 nodes, 30 nodes, and 33 nodes. The one with 30 nodes has my ip address on it (now 31) But unfortunately, I've been unable to get that list to pop up on one of the other wallets. So I don't know if my masternode is functioning.

Also, now I'm attempting to turn my local darkcoind off via ./darkcoind stop I'm given the response "Darkcoin server stopping" but it doesn't. I can still do ./darkcoind masternode list, and get a list, I also can't get a lock on the data file, etc... so I can't start my second masternode. If I reboot, It actually is still on (or is automatically restarting with the computer) I've never installed my darkcoind with any auto startup feature on this machine. It's doing this on it's own. I'm wondering if there is a way to stop this wallet so I can start another one?
Howdy! Both my MNs see you.
darkcoind masternode list | grep '54.215'
  "" : 0,
Howdy! Both my MNs see you.
darkcoind masternode list | grep '54.215'
  "" : 0,
Is that from doing ./darkcoind masternode list? Or from the debug log? Shoot, my computer shows me with :1 next to the ip address, so obviously something is wrong :(
Nope, correction, I just checked and it's gone from :1 to :0

Dang, I haven't the slightest clue what I'm doing wrong! And I can't stop my darkcoind wallet either, it just keeps going like the eveready battery bunny! Ugh! 3 days now, and no progress!

I forgot to say thank you! Thank you so much for trying to help! It's good to know somebody is out there :)

Talk about freakishly weird. I tried to stop my local masternode again with darkcoind masternode stop (requires unlocking wallet) It didn't work again, but when I did ./darkcoind masternode list, my ip had :1 next to it again!

Something is screwy here, I'm going to wait a few days and see if Evan finds a problem and fixes it. I can't take anymore :mad: LOL, I need a break, gonna go watch a movie or 5
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Thank you again, yes I have seen those posts.

I would love to start my other node but I don't have another computer to do it with and I can't stop my darkcoind wallet. Like I said before, I even tried rebooting, and it still acted like it was on (I could get a masternode list right after a reboot!) I can't get the darn wallet to let go of the lock or shut down.

./darkcoind stop ..........tried
./darkcoind walletpassphrase XXXXXXXXXXXXX 60 then ./darkcoind masternode stop............. tried

The dang thing keeps on going and going and going.......... I'm losing my mind! LOL

Oh, I also tried pkill darkcoind and killall darkcoind
anyone find a solution to having the MN still show up in the list on the remote server after shutting down the local QT wallet (after the MN has been started in the QT wallet)? It seems to work fine now until I close my QT wallet...after that, my MN no longer displays in the remote server list.
I haven't been able to get the masternode list that has my ip address to show up on any other wallet here. Plus, I can't seem to turn off my ./darkcoind LOL, Rebooted again, now ./darkcoind isn't really on, but the lock on the directory is still there. Your MN could still be running, but you're looking at the wrong list? I've found at least 3 lists, but I think I've found 5, too hard to tell if nodes are being added or something to change the count. Some seem close to the same count. The one my MN was on had 31, I found one with 32 MNs but it wasn't the same one. It's quite a mess.