Update to or to prepare for the hardfork on May 25!

Sorry, I don't know.

I have a question. Apparently, when I start my masternode in putty, then close putty, I turn my masternode off. Previously, this didn't happen. There is a difference in behavior though. When I start my darkcoind, it freezes. I have to open another putty to do the masternode command. Previously, turning darkcoind on would not freeze in the window. I need my masternode to run when Putty is closed. My desktop isn't always on, and not reliable to be on at all times. Anybody know what's going on? I'd sure appreciate any help anyone can give! Thanks so much :)
Sorry, I don't know.

I have a question. Apparently, when I start my masternode in putty, then close putty, I turn my masternode off. Previously, this didn't happen. There is a difference in behavior though. When I start my darkcoind, it freezes. I have to open another putty to do the masternode command. Previously, turning darkcoind on would not freeze in the window. I need my masternode to run when Putty is closed. My desktop isn't always on, and not reliable to be on at all times. Anybody know what's going on? I'd sure appreciate any help anyone can give! Thanks so much :)

Are you starting your darkcoind witth 'darkcoind -daemon' ?
nope, what does that do please?

I'm having a second problem. Since I've been sick with the flu, my mind is extra muddled, so I've been going back and forth on this, but my password is not working when I try to unlock my darkcoind wallet. I can use my password in QT both in Linux and in Windows, but when I try remote Linux darkcoind, it says I'm using an incorrect password. I've triple checked now, and the pass phrase works everywhere else. So strange!

Thanks for your help though! I was trying with screen to see if that would do it. I'll try now with -daemon :)

Well, hopefully the -daemon flag will keep my node running after I close putty, but it isn't helping me with my password problem. Strangest thing! I've checked many times to make sure my wallets have the correct passwords, that they work in QT, but I get a rejected password when I try to unlock it.
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-daemon will run it in the background.

When entering your password in the command line just put it between ' ' (singelquotes) like this:

darkcoind walletpassphrase 'mycra$yp@ssphrase' 60

This ill ensure that bash is not trying to interpret any special characters contained inside of your password
Humm, I've always used double quotes. Anyway, I changed my password. I think, though I put it in quotes, the wallet didn't like the password I made. It probably was one of the symbols I used. It was ok in QT but not in darkcoind. Anyway, thank you for your help and for teaching me about -daemon :) All is working now :)
double quotes will can attempt to expand some of the characters that are used in your password, the single quotes will take it at a face value, example:

host:~$ test="this is a test"
host:~$ echo $test
this is a test
host:~$ echo "$test"
this is a test
host:~$ echo '$test'
TIME TO RESTART MASTERNODES -- FROM EVAN AT BITCOINTALK (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=421615.msg6894984#msg6894984):
Masternodes, please restart!

I've noticed some nodes popping in and out of the masternode lists. I'd like all of the masternodes to follow these instructions to see if the problem gets fixed

1.) stop the daemon
2.) update to 10.8.6 if you haven't
3.) add "maxconnections=200" to your configuration
4.) wait ten minutes (it MUST be ten minutes! This will allow the masternode election entry to propagate)
5.) start the daemon and turn on the masternode
well, did that "masternode restart" thing and now my masternodes are off of the official list and are on some another one which has 119 nodes
that pastebin note shows the difference between the official list and the one I have now
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well, did that "masternode restart" thing and now my masternodes are off of the official list and are on some another one which has 119 nodes
that pastebin note shows the difference between the official list and the one I have now
Same here. And I'm seeing a lot of these error messages in the log, not sure if related:

ProcessMessage(dsee, 175 bytes) FAILED
Same here. And I'm seeing a lot of these error messages in the log, not sure if related:

ProcessMessage(dsee, 175 bytes) FAILED
I am having this same issue for days, like in 4 different nodes. I just went back to having only one until everything is clear. But I am glad to know I am not the only one with this issue.
I am having this same issue for days, like in 4 different nodes. I just went back to having only one until everything is clear. But I am glad to know I am not the only one with this issue.
According to Evan, if you update to 10.8.6, delete peers.dat, wait 10 min & restart the client & masternode, you should be ok. The "ProcessMessage(dsee, 175 bytes) FAILED" errors are apparently due to other masternodes on the network that are still running the old version.
The count line with the count of masternodes in http://drk.poolhash.org/darksend.html still shows a few masternodes going in and out. I think that most of us have had our problems along the way and are not sure about if ours are working ok. To avoid everyone restarting them all the time and making further noise in the network, it would be nice it someone could analyse which IPs are the ones that go in an out so the owners of those masternodes would know its them and the others can stop. I'm not sure where the info comes from, but with the log where the graph takes the info from it should be relatively easy. I'm sure chaeplin is super busy patching code all around, but if he could provide the log maybe some of us could jump into that.
stupid question here, but i want to setup two MNs with local/remote setup. I have one going, but since the local QT wallet needs to be open for the MN to stay active, do I need to install a second local QT client and have that started for the second MN? If so, can i share the location of the blockchain data so that I don't need to download it twice? I know I can use the -datadir switch to tell it where to look, but then how do I tell the second local QT wallet where to find the second wallet (to be used for the second MN), since the wallet seems to be stored in the same directory as the blockchain data? Thanks!
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Sorry to ask this, but when do the actual payments begin? Wondering, I was told the 25th...then the 24th...
I can't find an official announcement. What time? And which day?
I ask because, as most of us will feel the same I'm sure - I want to make sure everything is working, but I can't until I know I'm supposed to be getting payments.

Sorry to sound rude - I swear it isn't meant to. I love this community and coin - have been gone a while busy with other things - but am still here in the background.