[UPDATE] Colibit: Enabling free market for DASH/VEF in Venezuela


New member
Dear Dash Community.

This post is intended to keep month to month updates about our progress adding dash into our platform.

Please, find above pre-proposal and proposal link for more information about:



Milestones of project

- Spinning up development servers
- Support and Marketing
- Content creation and marketing deployment for month 1
- Support agent hiring

End of Month 1
Backend (Dash Library)
- Check node status
- Check blockchain and get UTXO.
- Tx building and broadcasting.
- Fund sending between wallets.
- Unit tests for library.
- Dash dashboard (admin).
Support and Marketing
- Content creation and marketing deployment for month 2.
- Support agent payment.

End of Month 2
Backend (Ledger Library)
- Register and update deposit.
- Register and update withdraw.
- Register buys.
- Register sells.
- Get client ledger.
- Get client balance.
- Unit tests for library.
- Dash configuration and ledger modules (admin).
- Dash transactions view (users).
Support and Marketing
- Content creation and marketing deployment for month 3.
- Support agent payment.

End of Month 3
Backend (Order Library)
- Order creation.
- Order execution.
- Unit tests for library.
- Simple mode (wallet/quick exchange) view with Dash support (users).
Support and Marketing: 1,550 USD
- Content creation and marketing deployment for month 4.
- Support agent payment.

End of Month 4
- Code refactoring and library integration with existing code.
- Advanced mode (trading) view with Dash support (users).
Support and Marketing
- Content creation and marketing deployment for month 5.
- Support agent payment.

End of Month 5
- Private send and Instant send.
- Dash deposit/withdrawal view (users).
- Web app server cluster implementation.
- Database server scaling.
Support and Marketing
- Content creation and marketing deployment for month 6 and launch.
- Support agent payment.

End of Month 6
Support and Marketing
- Support agent payment.
- Integrated test and beta testing from the Dash community.
- Final code adjustments, feedback from testing.
- Production infrastructure server hardening and deployment.
#Month 1
@greencandle_ryan @Green Candle @greencandle_jeremy @coingun

Dev environment

- Spinning up development servers [ DONE ]
Comments: 2 nodes and 1 staging server.​
- Support and Marketing [ DONE ]
- Content creation and marketing deployment for month 1 [ DONE ]
- Support agent hiring [ DONE ]

Backend (Dash Library)
- Check node status [ DONE ]
- Check blockchain and get UTXO. [ DONE ]
- Tx building and broadcasting. [ DONE ]
- Unit tests for
library. [ 80% ]
Comments: More tests upcoming.​

- Dash dashboard (admin). [ 70% ] ** No showed for secutiry reason **
- Mockups for UX [ DONE ] [ NEW ]

Support and Marketing
- Content creation and marketing deployment for month 2. [ 50% ]
Comments: We are actively seeking an animation designer, at the moment we wouldn't find a good one to fill our requirements.​

- Support agent hiring. [ DONE ]
Comments: Right now in training about Dash.​
#Month 1
@greencandle_ryan @Green Candle @greencandle_jeremy @coingun

Dev environment

- Spinning up development servers [ DONE ]
Comments: 2 nodes and 1 staging server.​
- Support and Marketing [ DONE ]
- Content creation and marketing deployment for month 1 [ DONE ]
- Support agent hiring [ DONE ]
Backend (Dash Library)
- Check node status [ DONE ]
- Check blockchain and get UTXO. [ DONE ]
- Tx building and broadcasting. [ DONE ]
- Unit tests for
library. [ DONE ]
Comments: More tests upcoming.​

- Dash dashboard (admin). [ DONE ] ** No showed for secutiry reason **
- Mockups for UX [ DONE ]
View attachment 6331

Support and Marketing
- Content creation and marketing deployment for month 2. [ DONE ]
Comments: We found a designer that fit our requirements. You can visit our youtube channel to watch our videos promo about Dash. [ NEW ]
- Support agent hiring. [ DONE ]
Comments: Right now in training about Dash.​

#Month 2

Backend (Ledger Library)
- Register and update deposit. [ DONE ]
- Register and update withdraw. [ DONE ]
- Register buys. [ DONE ]
- Register sells. [ DONE ]
- Get client ledger. [ DONE ]
- Get client balance. [ DONE ]
- Unit tests for library. [ DONE ]
- Dash configuration and ledger modules (admin). [ DONE ]
- Dash transactions view (users). [ DONE ]
Support and Marketing
- Content creation and marketing deployment for month 3. [ 20% ]
- Support agent payment. [ DONE ]
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Month 3
Backend (Order Library)
- Order creation. [ DONE ]
- Order execution. [ DONE ]
- Unit tests for library. [ 70% ]
- Simple mode (wallet/quick exchange) view with Dash support (users). [ 80% ]

General Comment:
This month we made a major upgrade on our platform that consume a lot of time from our resource, therefore simple module is still a on 80%.

Best regards.
Month 3
Backend (Order Library)
- Order creation. [ DONE ]
- Order execution. [ DONE ]
- Unit tests for library. [ 70% ]
- Simple mode (wallet/quick exchange) view with Dash support (users). [ DONE ]

Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at 21.33.38.png
Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at 21.33.49.png
Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at 21.33.56.png

Comment: Theses UX changes are in production already. The main idea is to expose user UX change gradually. Trading is disabled at the moment.

End of Month 4
- Code refactoring and library integration with existing code. [ 60% ]
- Advanced mode (trading) view with Dash support (users). [ 80% ]

General Comment about Month 4:

Currently, we have been blocked by the government, they blocked our links or DNS. We are in conversations, therefore it takes an important part of our resources and time.
For the sake of our operation, we gonna inform when there is more precise information about the issue.
What is the status on this project? You mentioned that the Government has blocked your DNS however I can visit the website: https://www.colibit.io and it appears to be functioning. What is the status with DASH integration to Colibit? Are you still functioning with Bitcoin?

The government has publicly issued a decree legalizing the use of cryptocurrency in Venezuela therefore how is it possible that the government is blocking you?
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What is the status on this project? You mentioned that the Government has blocked your DNS however I can visit the website: https://www.colibit.io and it appears to be functioning. What is the status with DASH integration to Colibit? Are you still functioning with Bitcoin?

The government has publicly issued a decree legalizing the use of cryptocurrency in Venezuela therefore how is it possible that the government is blocking you?

Hi DeepBlue

Thanks for your interest. We are as anxious as the community to go live with Dash.

The actual situation is we have been blocked by Conatel (Telecommunication Government Agency ), causes and legal procedures based on this situation is still opaque and unknown to us. Trading and deposits are paused in Colibit since May 25 app due to this exceptional situation.

We are making all our effort to restart normal operations and clarify why they are blocking us.

I invite you to read these article that explains or give some insight into our current situation:



Best Regards...
Hello Rafa
thanks for your feedback. I think that the DASH community would benefit from being kept up to date on this. There are several reasons for this. The first is that we are not able to assist in thinking on solutions to these issues if we do not know enough the problems. I think if you posted updates on the situation with links it would help. Secondly when there is no news on an project after it has received funding and is running late MNOs can come to an incorrect conclusion that the money has been taken and pocketed by the proposal owner. This has happened many times previously and it always follows the same pattern of not giving updates and then becoming contactable e.g. Charlie Shrem. It is important you keep the DASH community up to date on the situation.

It is becoming clear that the only solution that will work in any country with a government is a decentralized solution. If it is centralised then it can be attacked by the government or telecoms of the government.

I therefore think all aspects of DASH promotion should be designed to be decentralized so that it cannot be stopped. I think the purchase of DASH with Bolivars should now not go through a central exchange but rather should be from peer to peer type exchanges such as https://bisq.network This way people can buy DASH directly peer to peer and the government cannot block it.

In addition my advice is the Venezuela teams consider designing everything to do with DASH promotion into a fully decentralized model, this includes the conferences. I was recently on the phone with Alfredo from DASH youth and discussed a model of decentralized education that cannot be blocked. The problem is that the conferences are run by a centralized body DASH Venezuela and this organization can be targeted by the government. However the decentralised model I put forward called the "Dash Active Agents" program cannot be blocked.

DASH Exchanges must be decentralized this is the only model that is secure enough and robust enough. In addition I´m concerned about the safety of the DASH team leaders there in Venezuela. If however all the programs are designed to be decentralized including training, purchase of dash, and even dash support then it is much more difficult to block and control.

Decentralization of the DASH is not enough. We also need decentralization of the promotion, education and support of DASH to make the model of DASH uptake in Venezuela successful.

Hi @DeepBlue

Responding to your inquietudes:

thanks for your feedback. I think that the DASH community would benefit from being kept up to date on this. There are several reasons for this. The first is that we are not able to assist in thinking on solutions to these issues if we do not know enough the problems. I think if you posted updates on the situation with links it would help. Secondly when there is no news on an project after it has received funding and is running late MNOs can come to an incorrect conclusion that the money has been taken and pocketed by the proposal owner. This has happened many times previously and it always follows the same pattern of not giving updates and then becoming contactable e.g. Charlie Shrem. It is important you keep the DASH community up to date on the situation.

We have never failed to provide an update about our project, as you can see on this thread above.

It is becoming clear that the only solution that will work in any country with a government is a decentralized solution. If it is centralised then it can be attacked by the government or telecoms of the government.

I therefore think all aspects of DASH promotion should be designed to be decentralized so that it cannot be stopped. I think the purchase of DASH with Bolivars should now not go through a central exchange but rather should be from peer to peer type exchanges such as https://bisq.network This way people can buy DASH directly peer to peer and the government cannot block it.

In addition my advice is the Venezuela teams consider designing everything to do with DASH promotion into a fully decentralized model, this includes the conferences. I was recently on the phone with Alfredo from DASH youth and discussed a model of decentralized education that cannot be blocked. The problem is that the conferences are run by a centralized body DASH Venezuela and this organization can be targeted by the government. However the decentralised model I put forward called the "Dash Active Agents" program cannot be blocked.

DASH Exchanges must be decentralized this is the only model that is secure enough and robust enough. In addition I´m concerned about the safety of the DASH team leaders there in Venezuela. If however all the programs are designed to be decentralized including training, purchase of dash, and even dash support then it is much more difficult to block and control.

Decentralization of the DASH is not enough. We also need decentralization of the promotion, education and support of DASH to make the model of DASH uptake in Venezuela successful.

It seems like a good idea.

Best Regards
Dear Dash's community

There comes a time when you don't want to announce something painful for us. We are closing operations in Venezuela.

We have reached the past superintendent, the general director of Conatel (National Telecommunications Commission) and the new cryptocurrency superintendent, and it resulted not possible for the moment to establish regular operations. That is why we have decided to close the operation until there are better legal warranties and conditions to operate.

It is important to mention, we notify Greencandle to suspend payments since 25th May. Therefore there is an amount of Dash without use, corresponding to months 4, 5 and 6 of schedule payment. We think the MNOs has to decide where is gonna this funds in conjunction with Venezuela's dash community.

We want to thank all the support, this time it was not possible but the future is filled up with opportunities.

Best Regards.

Rafael Useche

CEO of Colibit
Dear Dash's community

There comes a time when you don't want to announce something painful for us. We are closing operations in Venezuela.

We have reached the past superintendent, the general director of Conatel (National Telecommunications Commission) and the new cryptocurrency superintendent, and it resulted not possible for the moment to establish regular operations. That is why we have decided to close the operation until there are better legal warranties and conditions to operate.

It is important to mention, we notify Greencandle to suspend payments since 25th May. Therefore there is an amount of Dash without use, corresponding to months 4, 5 and 6 of schedule payment. We think the MNOs has to decide where is gonna this funds in conjunction with Venezuela's dash community.

We want to thank all the support, this time it was not possible but the future is filled up with opportunities.

Best Regards.

Rafael Useche

CEO of Colibit
That's too bad. Sorry to hear it. Two questions:

1. I'm not exactly sure what the reason is for closure. Could you explain that a bit more?

2. What are your future plans around Dash. Will you still help Dash Venezuela?
Hi @TaoOfSatoshi

Thanks for your support, answering your questions:

1. I'm not exactly sure what the reason is for closure. Could you explain that a bit more?

Ans: The reasons behind the closure are essentially two:

1. Conatel decision was based on several complains about selling cryptos at hight price or "speculative price", as you know Colibit doesn't mark the price, it is a free market user does it. We never receive those complaints, and never received formal or informal legal procedure about it, the decision to cut our links was unilateral and without notice, even possibility to clarify or simple hit back the decision is opaque. That is why we say, we don't have any legal warranty.

2. We see a lot of bureaucratic backwardnesses, two months without incomes it is hard to sustain when we know government official doesn't have any intention to allow us to continue operating, at least in next months.

2. What are your future plans around Dash. Will you still help Dash Venezuela?

We want to offer Colibit in other latitudes, we are starting with a program named "Market Owner Program". The idea is offering Colibit as a service including BTC and DASH as native cryptos on the exchange, market owners just have to own banks account and legal entity in the country where he wants to operate.

For the moment, we see risky to operate in Venezuela as we don't know what other action can take government group behind this attack. Certainly, we are afraid of our personal integrity at this point, so for us is better to wait for a better scenario where would exist legal warranties for businesses.

Hope that I have could clarify your concern.

Best regards.