Unable to send funds without taking off masternode

I am trying to send funds using instantsend and I get an error.

"Used way too many inputs (>100) for this instantsend transaction fees could be huge."

"Transaction too large"

"Transaction creation failed!"

I have tried normal tranasction and added fee check off and same error.
I am trying to send funds using instantsend and I get an error.

"Used way too many inputs (>100) for this instantsend transaction fees could be huge."

"Transaction too large"

"Transaction creation failed!"

I have tried normal transaction and added fee check off and same error.

This is normal (for every Bitcoin based crypto-currency) when you have lots of inputs (means lots of incoming transactions). Lots of inputs are also created during mixing [1]. You have to either consolidate those inputs into fewer ones, or select only those you need for your transaction.

How to do this:
  1. Enable coin control (Settings -> Options -> Wallet -> Enable coin control features)
  2. Create a new receiving address (File -> Receiving addresses... -> New). Give it a name to reflect its purpose, e.g. "Consolidation").
  3. Go to the "Send" tab and click on "Inputs". Now you have 2 options_
    1. select only as much inputs as you need for your planned transaction. DON'T select any 1000 DASH inputs used by your Masternodes (they should be locked anyway, but you could unlock them). If the transaction is still too large do:
    2. select a part of your inputs (maybe 100 is a good start) and send them to your Consolidation address. I'd do this with a normal transaction to save fees.
    3. repeat the last step as often as needed (or as often as you like)

After each step you'll notice that you have fewer inputs with more value, and because the number of inputs was your problem this problem should be solved now, means (after the necessary number of confirmations) you should now be able to (Instant- ) send your coins.

[1] Consolidation the inputs created during mixing reduces the privacy effect of mixing (if you mix 100 DASH and consolidate all the created inputs back into one 100 DASH input an observer might conclude that this new consolidation address has the same owner as the original one). But you get the idea...