U.S. asks foreign travelers to voluntarily disclose social media profiles

I just have no words. First UK with its ridiculous privacy law now US. The world goes mad. What will be next. They will penalize for internet vpn or for using photoshop on your photo?
The problem is not only them identifying social media profiles, it is the fact that they are so explicit about it. They are clearly sending a message... behave properly in social media or you may have trouble to get into the US. People who know they are being watched behave differently and the US is saying out loud that they are watching.
This is a typical long term tactic; first they segregate people and then they say all those on the other side are complicit in illegal activity. For example, many people in the UK are now using VPNs, but a time will come when the government tells it's people, "VPNs are now illegal (or require a license) and btw, law abiding people have nothing to hide". So, same goes with this story; declare your social media, if you don't declare you must have something to hide...

As eluded to earlier, governments have a way of playing both ends.. on the one side they tell you it's okay for them to spy you and hack you, yet on the other side they conveniently don't know anything and you must declare it. Same goes with web blocking... they can tell ISPs to block millions of IP addresses.. they can tell google to remove millions of torrent links... but when you access a dodgy porn site, they'll throw you in jail for engaging in illegal activity... oh but Dear Nanny State, I thought you was managing and filtering for me, keeping me safe? Surely you wouldn't let that dodge porn site into my bedroom?
I visited the US recently and they asked for my social media. Only voluntary, but I'm sure it only saves them a few minutes if they decide they need to have a look
And what if I will not fill it in because I don't have any social media accounts and then they will find out that I lied. Will it be the problem?