Two great ideas I just read about

For #1 the other option I included was to keep DASH but add another name, like MaidSafe. So when you say it people know what you're talking about. For example, DashCoin, DashPay, DashDay, DingoDash, DashDouche. This way you can google this term and the coin comes up.

#2 Economics? If the coin goes from $7 to $20, guess what? Dash economics will get much better. If by using deci-dash instead of DASH is the unit even has a small chance of doing this I say we do it. I don't see any downside.
We have to remember, ideas are great, but to dive in on an idea without deep discussion, and weighing the pros and cons of the ideas is reckless. I wanted to plant the idea of moving the decimal point over to make more "Dash" because of the reasons I listed, but I certainly didn't expect everyone to go for it, because I know there are problems with doing such a thing. One has to take emotion out of the equation, and determine in the best way possible, if it would give the desired above and beyond the expected troubles.

I argued for an idea that logically makes no difference, but psychologically might make a big difference. We have to stop "putting our foot down" against each other and try to have discussions. Lay out both sides and see if it warrants additional scrutiny and do so without being condescending or rude to each other, please!

If the development team changed things on a dime every 5 minutes, that wouldn't work either. But ideas, they should always be welcome and hashed out in a friendly productive manner. Most of the time, I think we would agree, or at least then understand the other's point of view enough to settle on what the majority would want - which would hopefully be the best answer.
no need to fork and start new coin, hire a coder to make PRs if these are "simply place holders", let him submit it and then we'll talk how easy it was and how secure it is.

Why someone to invest on hiring a coder, pay him to do the changes, when you and the rest core team hold the right to deny whatever implementation you dont like? So the way you are suggesting, to hire a coder and beg you to do the changes is not the correct way.

You may say then that the correct way is to go ask for changes into the budget system. But the core team seems to operate the majority of the masternodes, so even in that case there is no hope for someone who wants to implement something the core team dislikes.

So what is left?
Protesting in the forum..This is the only thing someone can do, if he dislikes the way the core team decides and implements.

In the ideal regime, those who decide-vote are separated from those who implement the voting decisions. Unfortunately this is not the case in Dash. The core team has both the majority of the votes in the budget system, and the power to implement, thats why Dash is flawed.

Read about the separation of powers, for more info.
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I also think that it is pretty much impossible to switch the name now. It's like if google would rebrand themselves to dr.ask...