Looks like support was released by Encompass this morning:
Would love to hear from anyone who tries it out.
These are the help commands on Encompass:Unfortunately it looks like you can't run MN on encompass.
There's no way to generate a masternode genkey on there, so you're correct, it's not supporting masternodes. It's not supporting Darksend and InstantX either. It's just a lightweight wallet, forked from Electrum, here's their github source: https://github.com/mazaclub/encompass.>> help()
List of commands: check_seed, contacts, create, createmultisig, createrawtransaction, decoderawtransaction, decrypt, deseed, dumpprivkeys, encrypt, freeze, getaddressbalance, getaddresshistory, getaddressunspent, getbalance, getchain, getconfig, getmpk, getprivatekeys, getproof, getpubkeys, getrawtransaction, getseed, getservers, getutxoaddress, getversion, help, history, importprivkey, listaddresses, listunspent, make_seed, mksendmanytx, mktx, password, payto, paytomany, restore, sendrawtransaction, setchain, setconfig, setlabel, signmessage, signtxwithkey, signtxwithwallet, sweep, unfreeze, validateaddress, verifymessage
Yes, I agree!Thaat sucks, MN with Trezor would have been great.
AFAIK Evan wants to create a command which will give you a key with whixh you can start the masternode without exposing the wallet with the coins. If he will do that there is high probability that we can do that even on trezor...am I right?Thaat sucks, MN with Trezor would have been great.
I was going to just hack start-many and start-alias to have an option to dump encoded hex with the masternode broadcast. So your cold-wallet could be a non-internet connected computer, you would just boot it up and run "masternode start-many-offline "password", then you would just take the hex dump and paste it into the online computer, like "masternode broadcast-raw encoded-message".
So you'll still need physical access to the box, but it'll be a million times more secure
Thnx for that, I was thinking exactly about it but could find that.... yep that will be awesome!!!!!He gave us some details about it here https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=421615.msg10693474#msg10693474
Using a completely offline network-less computer to sign transactions is already "better than trezor" security. With Trezor, you're still plugging in a physical device with your private key on it into a networked computer's USB port. The offline masternode start implementation Evan is working on will be more secure than using a Trezor, if you do it right.
I don't think their devs hang out here but you can post the issues on their github site: https://github.com/mazaclub/encompass/issues.I noticed something about encompass when I ran it with my Bitcoin wallet, it did two things weirdly
1: it was missing a whole coin worth
2: It had made new addresses that were definitely not my trezors
This had led me to believe that it is only somewhat integrated with trezor, the other addresses would just be the softwares and only the pin from the trezor to more or less protect it but not actually hold the private keys to.
any word on this? Is any other integration with Trezor underway than the existing (difficult) encompass solution?