Transaction not working using insight-api-dash

Oh.. please use google search. It seems that you did not even try to learn it yourself. Just by making a search "bitcoin regtest" or "dash regtest" you will find all necessary answers ("bitcoin regtest" will find you even good examples of how to use it). Please respect the time of other people - do your own research before asking on forums.
Oh.. please use google search. It seems that you did not even try to learn it yourself. Just by making a search "bitcoin regtest" or "dash regtest" you will find all necessary answers ("bitcoin regtest" will find you even good examples of how to use it). Please respect the time of other people - do your own research before asking on forums.
ok thanks for your precious time and really happy that you helped me out .
Just one question is that the working of dash is same as bitcoin ?
Yes. dash-cli will work like bitcoin-cli, many commands will be the same. You can run "dash-cli help" to see all rpc commands for dash. "dash-cli help some_command" will show you command-specific help about its usage.
Yes. dash-cli will work like bitcoin-cli, many commands will be the same. You can run "dash-cli help" to see all rpc commands for dash. "dash-cli help some_command" will show you command-specific help about its usage.
yes, thank you so much.
You are awesome.

Please tell on what exactly you are stuck or what exactly causes the difficulties?
Using insight-api-dash you can send a signed raw transaction. But you can't create and sign transaction with this api. installing failing


npm ERR! errno 22

npm ERR! [email protected] preinstall: `./scripts/download`

npm ERR! Exit status 22

npm ERR!

npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] preinstall script.

npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: