Topics for First Annual Meeting

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Foundation Member
Please reply to this thread with topics you want to discuss in the First Annual Meeting. Please try to keep them relevant to the Foundation. The meeting is about the Foundation, what it has done and what it should do in the future. Of course, we will talk about Dash and Evan will be there, but the meeting is not the forum for technical development discussion.

Ok then.
Let me ask the 1st question ;)
Can the foundation change its name to Dash Foundation?
Hi Guys

- Fix the expired SSL cert the foundation's website

Also, since "The Foundation aims to educate the public and promote" may I suggest discussing Reddit Ads?
I confess I haven't kept track of the Foundation developments lately, so it can be a little hard to think about relevant subjects to suggest. What comes to my mind is the importance to have local foundation activities, like local commisions or even foundation branches, in order to give the "main" DASH Foundation support from the many cells around the world.

It could start with something similar to the former DAG - Darkcoin Ambassarors Group, and with time grow to real DASH Foundation local offices.

Whenever DASH needs local info or help, these local offices duty would be that of providing the necessary support.

Another thing that comes to my mind: The Foundation needs to be seriously self sufficient, thus independent. It needs a sound source of revenue.

Finally, the Foundation has to have clearly what is its function to the DASH community: Why does the Foundation matter must be very easy to understand, so that it will never lose focus and importance.

Well, that's more or less what have come to my mind since I have joined the Foundation. If I think of something else, I'll put here.
I think at this meeting you should clearly define the role the foundation will play in this entire DASH system. Maybe discuss why it's necessary to have a foundation in the first place, and build off those ideas. Darkcoin foundation was a good start when we were such a young project but things have outgrown the foundation since it started and it seems like the foundation is having a hard time keeping up.

I'm not a lifetime member and so far I see no reason to put in another 10 dash to become a member for another year. I'm not dissing anyone or the* work they've done, I'm just trying to figure out why we need the foundation in the first place.
Hi Guys

- Fix the expired SSL cert the foundation's website

Also, since "The Foundation aims to educate the public and promote" may I suggest discussing Reddit Ads?

I just realized that, if that's the statement of the Foundation's reason for being, I think it might need to be expanded a bit. I propose that the Foundation become the legal owner of anything the budget paid for, such as websites and domains, trademarks, etc... instead of individual people. I'm sure that's the plan, but it should go into the statement too then, LOL :)
Another thought; Can the Foundation put together a convention based on Dash and businesses, organizations, etc... that are using Dash? This is too soon, right now, but if we want to make a big splash with a convention, we might want to take 1-2 years in the planning of it. Very carefully selecting the location or locations, etc... Imagine a conference that is held all over the world, all at the same time, with video conferenced presentations and all kinds of interactions. We could have vendors there with the goods they sell for Dash, like they do at comic con, etc... We can arrange to have Dash and Bitcoin ATMs there, and even negotiate it so that the hotels where we would hold them accept everything in Dash or Bitcoin (must also be Dash) as payment. If we take the time, we can really make a freakin amazing splash! With a huge worldwide event like this, maybe including some top alts and Bitcoin, we'd get a TON of media attention as well. If done correctly, it should also make money for the foundation (to, of course, plan the next year's crazy big world wide conference)

Oh boy, do I see work for the Foundation to do! But that's why, I think we need a really sizable staff for the foundation, that do all this work. Sure, you "big guys" should be there as a "board" and to check with if what they're doing is ok, but frankly, the current board does NOT have the time for this. We need workers to make it happen.
I propose that the Foundation become the legal owner of anything the budget paid for, such as websites and domains, trademarks, etc... instead of individual people. I'm sure that's the plan, but it should go into the statement too then, LOL :)

I like this idea but does this make the foundation the physical representation of the virtual corporation. Can the foundation at least keep records of all the approved budgets and keep them published somewhere ongoing... Thanks
Hi... I'd like to propose that the Foundation create a Retail/Merchant Amasador. I have finally nearly finished our site for our winery with a DASH/Bitcoin plug in from goURL. I know peeps on here like tungfa helped me out a lot as did others... But it was by no means easy. This could be a paid role on a year to year contract. There needs to be go to peeps that it's easy to find and get directions from for those merchants such as myself that are noobies when it comes to this. Thanks for the consideration... And thanks foundation members for your patience with me.
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Hi... I'd like to propose that the Foundation create a Retail/Merchant Amasador. I have finally nearly finished our site for our winery with a DASH/Bitcoin plug in from goURL. I know peeps on here like tungfa helped me out a lot as did others... But it was by no means easy. This could be a paid role on a year to year contract. There needs to be go to peeps that it's easy to find and get directions from for those merchants such as myself that are joins when it comes to this. Thanks for the consideration... And thanks foundation members for your patience with me.

I can't agree enough, now that we are instant and wanting adoption and say we want to focus on User Experience, we need someone who can commit full time to helping merchants for DASH.

It would be loads of fun, the network could pay them, and they would be able to showcase to the community the website/app/pos functionality. I can imagine this would be like a fusion sales/dev role.

The Mercs would love it too! Free help, and then free exposure!
....a bit late to the party...but was there ever a Merchant Ambassador position ever made?
....a bit late to the party...but was there ever a Merchant Ambassador position ever made?
Merchant outreach is going to be a part of the Dash Nation campaign. We'd love for your winery to be a part of that! Let me know if you're interested.


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