@camosoul ,
Regarding - "I see no reason why grown adults can't learn how to use a decimal point." Knowing how to use one and being required to use one aren't the same thing. My math skills are just fine, but I'd rather pay 2 mDash for a cup of coffee than 0.002 Dash - it's a familiarity/usability issue.
Regarding - "The 2MB block size was already voted upon, consensus reached. That example already exists." We need to keep hammering away on the governance issue. I read a lot of other forums like bitcoin, bitcoin cash, ethereum, etc. They are barely discussing governance issues and when they do DASH almost never comes up. With the bitcoin Segwit2x fork coming up in 3 months we should be carpet bombing the entire crypto community on the topic of governance.
It demonstrates a lack of understanding on what's going on.
Users want to see the the Doillar, Euro, etc. price. Whatever the DASH equivalent to that is, is a nice footnote, but they really don't care.
Nobody is buying anything for 0.0002 DASH, or .2milli DASH, or any other sub-denomination. It's irrelevant. It's just a reference that you look at and say "yeah, that looks about right" and move on.
They're buying something for $5. Wchich is currently 0.0203252032520325 DASH. Nobody cares if it's represented that way, or 00.203252032520325deciDASH or 002.03252032520325milliDASH or... It just doesn't matter.
Since it's nothing more than a quick reference to say "that looks about right," representing it in a bunch of different decimal arrangements just creates confusion, and does the opposite of making it easier to use. Consistency is more important.
I don't screw around with nanoDollars, either...
This is in the same realm as to why I say IX is broken. Being user-initiated fouls up the flow of business. It technically works. It seems properly implemented from a nerd perspective, just like microDASH on milliDASH. But, in the real world, it's a pain. So much of a pain that it's to the point of being broken and unusable.
I'm with you on the governance topic. But, the particular example you've chosen is a demonstration of the unrelatable echo chamber that crypto has become. PEople relate to their local Fiat currency. The transition to doing the exchange math is already asking a lot of their little snowflake brains. Lets not make them do floating point on top of it... Sure, I know a milliamp from a picofarad, but how many people started doing that in their head when they were 6 years old? One thing at a time...
I'd rather see this about SegWit than a wild division on top of a float.
Besides, the one thing I've seen people react to the most positively, is the realization that DASH is worth so much more than their guv fiat crap. That's usually the first thing that clicks. They already know that government is screwing them on inflation that goes the opposite direction. Seeing the contrast pretty much seals the deal. Even if they barely understand what's going on, they know that much, and it drives them to learn more.
When it comes to Bitclones, there's no reason to discuss governance, because there isn't any. Why would cats talk to each other about quantum physics?
I think the best "carpet bombing" will be a post of only a few sentences:
"Oh, yeah, we sorted the blocksize and segwit thing in a few hours. Here's the links: