Would it be possible to further break down the ownership of masternodes via something like a smart contract? I realize that they're not a part of Dash (right?), but is there any way to implement it? As of now, the only way that I've seen to "own" a small part of a masternode is to trust one of a few members of the community, and while I don't suspect they are undeserving, doesn't that kind of go against the general concept of decentralization? Also, as far as I can see, those who "invest" with them have no real voting power, which further centralizes the system. Couldn't a system in which people trustless-ly own a share of a masternode, and also participate in a voting process equivalent to their portion size (the more popular opinion of which would be voiced by the node) be far better, both in greatly leveling the playing field for less wealthy members of the community, and in increasing the voting demographic? With only the super-wealthy being able to purchase masternodes, doesn't that also mean that, in truth, a very small percentage of the community holds all the power, and in turn, doesn't really represent the opinions of dash users as a whole?
Sorry for rambling, I've had that thought in the back of my brain for awhile, and felt like I should put it out there, to generate discussion among people who might actually be able to act on it. It's also late and I didn't think a proofread was necessary, as long as my general thought process was somewhat understandable.
Sorry for rambling, I've had that thought in the back of my brain for awhile, and felt like I should put it out there, to generate discussion among people who might actually be able to act on it. It's also late and I didn't think a proofread was necessary, as long as my general thought process was somewhat understandable.