And what do you think about this?
@paragon 8 points,3 months ago
Where will the extra 126k go? 500k USD was requested but at the current price, 2k dash is worth 626k. I see coingun is escrowing the funds, but what will he do with this extra money? What will happen if Dash happened to go below $250 before the payout?
Is this money going to the RT Network or in the pocket of Max and Stephen directly? Who actually coordinated this deal on their behalf? Was it Max or Stephen themselves or one of their reps or one of RT's reps?
@rgenito -2 points,2 months ago
Add the extra $126k as a bonus! This is what makes Dash AWESOME and ABUNDANT and NEWSWORTHY!!

@mastermined 5 points,3 months ago
Great questions paragon. This should have been respond to in a more timely fashion. I don't have anything to do with the funding or execution of this proposal but I will give coingun a kick in the ass and try to get him over here to answer questions.
@emoncada 5 points,3 months ago
@coingun the fact that you haven't disclosed what the extra money (now over $250k) is going towards is very disturbing. Would you mind clarifying what that money will go towards to the community? Stating that you'll disclose after the vote is over is an unacceptable response.
@TroyDASH 5 points,3 months ago
FWIW, after thinking about this for a bit, although I like this project I am inclined to agree that this is not an acceptable response. I would appreciate if more solid information about intentions on handling the possible exchange volatility was provided on the record prior to the vote finalization.
@technoir 0 points,1 month ago
He's posting updates here: