TheDashGuy's Decentralized "DigitalCash" Social Media Outreach & Marketing Campaign "DigitalCash" |


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TheDashGuy's Decentralized "DigitalCash" Social Media Outreach & Marketing Campaign | Working for the Dash Economy.

Amount: 175 Dash
Timeline: 3 months to start out.
Total Hours put into proposal over 3 month period: 360 - 450 hours ( 30-40 hours weekly)
Proposal Goal: To grow the Dash user base via properly managed full-time work on social & marketing campaigns aimed at would-be Dash users such as online gamblers, crypto currency newbies, let down bitcoin fans, small businesses, folks in need of services such as western union, day traders & people looking for a smart investment. Separately, I will focus on Masternodes as a crypto-savings account as per usual in the referenced groups as well.

##Who Am I? What do I bring to the table & whats my goal here?
Hey everyone, your neighborhood slacker is here with a proposal for you finally. If you don't know me yet, I'm Jake, (TheDashGuy) and I have always loved the idea of working for a blockchain, the Dash blockchain to be specific. I have over 10 years in Marketing and Design experience and with everything from Social Media, Print Marketing, Digital Marketing, Website Design, Branding Strategy, Search Engine Optimization, story telling, teaching and so on. I have all of these specific talents simply so I can provide value to small businesses in my area. While it makes me good money and I love my job, I feel as if working for the Dash blockchain basically full-time would be a very solid move for both myself and for Dash. Everyone I have ever worked for would tell you how hard I bust my butt. And 175 Dash a month is a damn bargain for someone such as myself. This is far less than my current monthly earnings, but I would be happy to take a pay cut for a chance to work on such a wonderful project.

I also hope to work independently of the core team in order to illustrate the value traditional contractors can provide sans centralization. I obviously will keep in touch with them and all but I view this as more of a 3rd party contracting position than I do a "let me help core" one. And I hope that message comes across respectfully and clearly. I have alot of faith in my skills and could very well improve overall number of users quite a bit, and possibly the market cap as well, with some time.

I welcome any questions and/or concerns about my proposal and would love to discuss the possible outcomes for such a deal. 175 Dash (roughly $2,000 USD) a month is pocket change for a good marketing campaign honestly, but I feel as if I can work some magic and stretch the funds until the price rises, should not be an issue on my end.

###Deliverables/job description of "The Decentralized DigitalCash Marketing Campaign"

30 hours a week of Dash-only marketing work:
- 10-15 hours per week of social media outreach.
--This would include being in the proper relevant conversations, chatting with would be Dash users, growing the Dash user base 24/7.
- 10-20 hours per week of Marketing campaign development for each Dash feature, and Dash as a whole to proper user groups. Starting with the DigitalCash Campaign.
---Development of a "DigitalCash" social media and marketing campaign geared towards targeting specific verticals of would-be Dash users and provide them with the appropriate information that concerns them related to Dash via certain landing pages and so on. 40-60 hours over a 4 week period, then I will move towards building the next campaign while "managing" this one.

- 5-10 hours of landing page & microsite design & coding per week as needed by the campaign. (this will be ideal in tracking the traffic and growth of this project, as opposed to sending everyone to, which is a mess right now in terms of story telling.)

- I will also be throwing services in to help grow as fast as it can in order to help get more users onboard faster as well. Roughly 10 hours a week as needed.

- Any community or core (Dash related) work/help requested will be included free of charge as long as we don't turn this into a slave labor situation. ( I reserve the right to prioritize the work for my proposal first though. While keeping under my 40 hour a week limit.

Basically; I would be working for the community and Dash blockchain at the same time. I recognize the core team will need to be in touch with me from time to time, and may require my assistance on certain things, and I am open to helping those needs as well, as long as my campaign is prioritized in the process. I hope to split my time as best I can between social media outreach, a "DigitalCash" marketing campaign, development and implementation of which will include include full reporting of my work and will keep the community in the loop as far as what I'm doing, when I feel "milestones" have been reached and so on.

###My current/past Dash related volunteer work:

- Helped out many many community members with marketing advice, graphic design, website help, and so on for a little under a year now. Most times free of charge.

###Coming Soon:
- is being revamped.
- (might change the URL still) campaign & associated landing pages and microsites.

###Possible FAQs:

q: Why not just "join the core team" and work with them?
a: I envision a Dash where one can apply to the blockchain and provide a service that masternodes can properly measure as opposed to adding all the crazy complexity that comes with a team. I have been doing this job for 10 years for companies of all types and have been a professional web designer for over 10 years as well. I can handle this type of workload with ease and simply want to show others it is possible to work for the Dash economy independently, provide a value and help grow Dash overall.

q: Why so much emphasis on the "Dash Blockchain Contractor" role?
a: In a world full of decentralizing technologies we have forgotten the end game, to fully decentralize everything. I think working in such a manner is the best possible format for contractors to take as the nodes will always be able to decide, based on the information provided, if this investment is worthwhile or not, and that, in my opinion is how Dash entrepreneurs & contractors should think about the blockchain. It is a much more lean method of providing value to the service and people can pivot and adapt quickly this way.

q: Why was 30 hours the chosen amount per week?
a: I want to provide a solid measurement of how often I expect to work so the nodes can better gage their investment in my skills and I feel a salaried method is not the way to go if I'm trying to prove how much I can do in a set amount of time. I most likely will go over this time constraint very often as I work on Dash quite a bit anyways, but I am trying to offer a sort of peg for this proposal so the math can be more straight forward.

q: Why is this proposal worth 175 Dash for 3 months?
a: If I can bring in more than $2,000 worth of investment into Dash, this proposal is worthwhile. I believe I can bring in much more than that, without alot more of a lean plan to get there. There's no waiting months on me to provide results or to unviel some grand scheme, I plan to work everyday, and recruit people online 1 by 1 via social media outreach, marketing, landing page designs, email campaigns, real world visits to businesses to hand out Dash related pamphlets and so on in order to bring quality individuals into Dash. I don't plan on running vague advertisements or anything wasteful, just the nitty gritty work of ACTUALLY going out and recruiting people to the Dash side.

q: What does the Dash community hope to get from this proposal?
a: I will be providing the Dash ecosystem with full-time marketing aimed at exactly the types of people Dash wants to recruit right now; early adopters, tech savvy users and helpful community members. The DigitalCash campaign will be aimed at educating would-be Dash users who are already sort-of in our recruitment funnel. I will be finding new crypto currency users, educating them on Dash, talking to reporters, users, businesses and so on via social networks about Dash and the benefits of using and/or integrating Dash. I don't feel we need large companies with priorities other than Dash doing our marketing when we have capable community members stepping up to the plate, but thats just my opinion, man.

q: Are there other campaigns planned? Or is this the only one?
a: I have a few ideas for future campaigns, but I want to be able to focus on one at a time to provide quality return on the investment being made by the Masternodes. I also am hoping to work on a Dash for Merchants campaign in the future once Dash is more capable and ready to go.

q: Why should we just not keep paying "big public relations & marketing firms" hasn't that worked for us so far?
a: You could say that these campaigns have been successful I guess, new people show up all the time, everyone points to stats shared about all the press releases and what not... But 1 thing we have never had is the transparency into what work is being done, and what value it is creating. With this proposal I am offering the Dash community a way to work with me to grow Dash instead of letting some profit driven company do our marketing for us. I do not plan on writing press releases nor do I plan on casting large nets in hopes to get a million users in a single weekend. I plan on working daily, to recruit would-be Dash users and businesses 1 by 1. The honest way. I do not plan on using smoke and mirrors to create an illusion of success, I will prove it with users, direct traffic and so on. No pulling numbers out of my butt from trying to claim I did that, I will show you by using my own microsites and so on to better understand the traffic data and present all of it to the community.

q: What are the funds for? You? Materials? Advertising?
a: The monthly cost is basically to fund my time, resources to do such a job as its mostly just a time consuming job to get a good campaign rolling, not exactly rocket science per say. I will use funds to pay for marketing collateral, printing, my 30-40 hour weeks & I will not be purchasing many ads if any at all. If I choose to go this route I will develop a plan and share it first anyways. Mostly this is to pay myself to work as hard and long as I can to provide value to Dash, at a pegged amount of hours, for simple maths. I will also pursue other routes of growth, campaigns and what not.

q: How do you plan on providing progress reports to the community?
a: I will have a google analytics setup with all of my landing pages, mailchimp data with all of my email campaigns, stats from all of my social media accounts and so on on a monthly basis, a week before the voting cycle ends to provide ample time for everyone to digest said data and chit chat.

As per previous marketing proposals, I will not be flooding you with crazy number mumbo jumbo, I will merely be reporting on growth and leads as they come in an an effort to only recruit quality businesses and users to Dash. As opposed to just anyone. Landing pages will make tracking my progress fairly simple and straight forward as will things such as follower counts and what not per platform. I will be creating my own social media accounts for these campaigns and operating multiple accounts on all the most popular social media platforms, constantly be searching for "Dash appropriate" businesses, users and conversations to be in touch with!

I also won't be targeting EVERYONE at once, I would prefer to get better conversion rates than just throwing big nets out I hope to bring in Dash users 1 by 1, businesses as well. This requires a bit of hand holding along the way and between myself and DashChat I think we can pull it off with no issues.

I hope to provide a service to the blockchain just as the blockchain provides me with a service, and I hope the nodes can see the value presented here and vote accordingly. I welcome any criticism, questions, concerns or further of my proposal and will do my best to provide a quality straight forward answer for you. Thanks

The ever so polite, lovely and welcoming, DashGuy

Now be nice. Lets talk business folks. :]

I am going to bed soon, but I look forward to waking up and answering all the lovely questions here.

edit: oops I fat fingered my title...
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If I recall correctly, @TheDashGuy, weren't you bragging on Slack just last week how you sold all your Dash and good riddance?

You project negativity and childishness in nearly every online Dash forum... and this is supposed to be representational of our product?
If I recall correctly, @TheDashGuy, weren't you bragging on Slack just last week how you sold all your Dash and good riddance?

You project negativity and childishness in nearly every online Dash forum... and this is supposed to be representational of our product?

Well well well lets just start right off with the obvious stuff I guess..

Please quote me when saying I sold all of my Dash and good riddance, sure I get heated, but that has literally nothing to do with something like this as I will not be interacting or dealing with the core team much unless they would like assistance with something, so there won't be any need for arguing about anything there.

Yes there is plenty about Dash I dislike, that doesn't mean I can't promote the pieces I do, does it? Dash still could operate as a decentralized economy, and that is what I am attempting to illustrate here. I just so happen to have skills to offer the blockchain that I haven't in the past because everyone was so stuck on hiring big ol' companies hoping for home runs instead of doing what needs to be done, day in and out.

Anything else sir?
My questions below, I am trying to be unbiased in my questions as this is business but its hard based on your history....even still you have done some good stuff for Dash!

1) I dont really see any deliverable besides your "time" 30 hrs a week and a re-design of a micro-site. I would prefer a high level marketing strategy as the proposal. Saying "I will market Dash and chat to users" isnt really helpful.......Provide the how, on what platforms, what Dash features, targeting what "groups", how will you do it differently than how its done now?
2) Dash already has great talent providing marketing, Amanda, Tao, Dash Times, SovereignBTC - what makes you differentiate from them?
3) Do you have existing databases of users that you are going to target with this strategy? If not, where will you get this? And if you do, whats the current figures.
4) Last thing I remember reading about you was on slack calling other dash member a "c*nt" and rage quitting..I know you are passionate.. but why would the blockchain support someone who abuses other dash members? How can we trust that you wont just fly off the handle and walk away with our Dash?
I will add a bit of professional relationship experience to help with your questions @Stealth923.

I hired thedashguy to redesign our company website. He completed it in about 3 weeks and it looks fantastic. Not only did he do the job at much less than the "big company" that first did our website that claimed they knew a lot about web design, but he helped me with marketing. I was able to setup google tools and ads that I was paying another company to do. He also gave me a bunch of marketing ideas. I would much rather work with someone that knows what they are doing with marketing and can be flexible.

What about the other marketing proposals? There is just too much info to learn to get from "What is Dash?" to "I accept Dash at my company" for most people. I think the 1 on 1 approach like SovereignBTC is doing will work. Adding the targeted webpages and materials will be key for this type of thing and thedashguy can do that part well.

As for existing databases. Really, is there anyone you can't sell Dash to? Just do it. I have done sales for many years, you can make excuses about who to contact or where to start, or you can just do it.
Hey everyone, your neighborhood slacker is here with a proposal for you finally. If you don't know me yet, I'm Jake, (TheDashGuy) and I have always loved the idea of working for a blockchain, the Dash blockchain to be specific.

What i have read from you on several occasions (Reddit, Slack, Dashtalk) were insults and calling people names in various flavors.

Beside some ragequits and rejoins.

Who cares I'm done anyways I don't need this shit. Have a blast. @yidakee literally ruined this entire project for me and I'll I wanna do is beat his ass.

Beside your "I quit Dash and convert to XMR"-stunt [1] for which others had to pay the bill for [2].

Beside your "Dash is broken" blog post [3].

Is this some kind of push & pull, on & off relationship you are trying to maintain?

Do you seriously expect that you have just a nounce of credibility left and anyone is expecting you to become the next Dash advocate / PR campaign driver?

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@TheDashGuy Man, I hoped for the best in yourself. But you often disapoint me.

You had three weeks for dash nation community links directory. Hardly any comunication from your side and the time is already over.

I can't support such project, when I have this experience with your integrity as such act of support would go against my integrity.
Many people (including myself) have said things we regret or simply got too excited / passionate about. With this in mind, I think it's perfectly okay to be flexible and allow some redemption.
Jake, you're a good web designer -- there's no doubt about that.

But it's pretty cuckoo that you'd list on your resume, buddy.

Would you like to tell everyone why I had to revoke your access to that website, or shall I?
Jake, you're a good web designer -- there's no doubt about that.

But it's pretty cuckoo that you'd list on your resume, buddy.

Would you like to tell everyone why I had to revoke your access to that website, or shall I?

We'll since this one is the most surprising response, I will respond to it first. I think I might have to go into detail so everyone knows just how much you just twisted that story and for what reasons you are doing so.

First and foremost, I approached you, offered you a free website as a fan of the daily decrypt and have 100% of the chat logs to prove it, I spent roughly 5 hours video chatting with both you and Pete to get a grasp of what you needed and then proceeded to build you a wonderful website as long as I could link back to mine at the bottom for exposure and get 1-2 shout outs on the daily decrypt (which were complete failures but hey, no biggy tere, I never complained. But you could have atleast followed my script and not giggled the entire way through.)

Secondly, was donated to you by I believe @MangledBlue and he had been PMing me AND YOU for weeks trying to get his name added to the footer, then once he started bugging me about it I didn't see any issues since your host, and your webdesigner (myself) where already in said footer, what was so bad about adding @MangledBlue in? Honestly? Are you just that obsessed with control?

Third, are you coming at me sideways even though we've discussed marketing for a few weeks because you are hoping your cousin will submit a proposal instead? Cause there was no sign of YOU coming at me sideways since I'm ALWAYS so helpful to you and proctive about helping you grow you show. But it's cool I see how it is.

Soooo go ahead @amanda_b_johnson , why don't you tell them how you flipped out over me putting "Domain donated by mangledBlue" into the footer of the website you did literally nothing to create? The $500 website I handed you for free. The one you squandered after I gave you marketing advice you refused to follow as well.

I'll keep that in mind from now on, didn't know you had it out for me too. Cool. Glad you showed your hand, you always seemed a bit bitter over something. Now I know what.

Tell your cousin best of luck with her marketing proposal. Let's hope she knows what she's doing!
@TheDashGuy Man, I hoped for the best in yourself. But you often disapoint me.

You had three weeks for dash nation community links directory. Hardly any comunication from your side and the time is already over.

I can't support such project, when I have this experience with your integrity as such act of support would go against my integrity.

Thats @Tao's project I just made it for him.

Yes I told you I would add you too a link directory. I apologize I have been working 40-50 hour weeks and haven't really had time to do anything further for free as I have already poured hundreds of free hours into Dash as is. If that keeps you from voting for me, fine by me. I didn't come here to make friends or please people who dislike me anyways. Sorry you feel that way.
What i have read from you on several occasions (Reddit, Slack, Dashtalk) were insults and calling people names in various flavors.

Beside some ragequits and rejoins.

Beside your "I quit Dash and convert to XMR"-stunt [1] for which others had to pay the bill for [2].

Beside your "Dash is broken" blog post [3].

Is this some kind of push & pull, on & off relationship you are trying to maintain?

Do you seriously expect that you have just a nounce of credibility left and anyone is expecting you to become the next Dash advocate / PR campaign driver?


Notice how none of it ever got deleted, and I'm still here presenting a fully equipped proposal under my own name. i could have easily made up some shell company and claimed it had years of experience and you guys would never even know the difference, but I did it the honest way. Some people could learn something from me. Applying to the blockchain directly? Without cloaks, smoke and mirrors? INSANE.

Anything else or would you like to actually read the proposal now instead of starting unneeded drama?
My questions below, I am trying to be unbiased in my questions as this is business but its hard based on your history....even still you have done some good stuff for Dash!

1) I dont really see any deliverable besides your "time" 30 hrs a week and a re-design of a micro-site. I would prefer a high level marketing strategy as the proposal. Saying "I will market Dash and chat to users" isnt really helpful.......Provide the how, on what platforms, what Dash features, targeting what "groups", how will you do it differently than how its done now?
2) Dash already has great talent providing marketing, Amanda, Tao, Dash Times, SovereignBTC - what makes you differentiate from them?
3) Do you have existing databases of users that you are going to target with this strategy? If not, where will you get this? And if you do, whats the current figures.
4) Last thing I remember reading about you was on slack calling other dash member a "c*nt" and rage quitting..I know you are passionate.. but why would the blockchain support someone who abuses other dash members? How can we trust that you wont just fly off the handle and walk away with our Dash?

Wow thanks for actually giving me some decent question instead of attacking my ADD personality, much appreicated.

1. A proper marketing campaign isn't done at a "high level", these types of campaigns only bring more press releases, events full of people who know about crypto already & junk traffic. What I am proposing is roughly 6-9 hours a day of actually "in the dirt" social media marketing, with some elements of traditional marketing to track the traffic, improve the conversion rates and overall make sure I'm not bring in people who just wanna sell and quit next month when the price dips. I want to recruit proper, Dash minded folks who don't know about Dash yet. People who need Dash. This requires lotsa of normal day-to-day marketing and currently noone is doing that.

2. As much as I love Tao, he's not a professional marketer, he just has been around for quite sometime and has a decent following of folks on his twitter etc. Amanda does no marketing, just videos. And shes not exactly knowledgable in the subject. Supposed she wants to hire her cousin to do this for her, but shes untested in the eyes of the Dash world. Sure she may have marketing degree, but who doesn't? And SovereignBTC is doing a much smaller scale project than myself. All of these projects have different goals, but if you try really hard, I guess you could toss them all under the marketing umbrella, depending on your definition of Marketing.

3. I have a few thousand users I can reach out to currently that would be receptive to me spamming twitter with tweets, sure. But Thats not what I plan on doing. I plan on finding people outside of the Dash sphere and spitting knowledge at the one tweet, post, postcard, meeting or business card at a time. I do not intend on being the "face of Dash marketing" as some have tried to say; I won't be promoting on my DashGuy accounts I will be making brand new themed accounts that would fit into my campaign and growing those with users unrelated to our current ecosystem. No junk traffic is the goal.

4. If this is super obvious I have ADD, so if you ever expect to belittle me, argue with me or tell me I'm a troll you are basically asking for it. I still have done more for Dash than 85% of the people here. If my services are not wanted, thats completely fine by me. I just wanted to lead by example when it comes to getting the blockchain to hire you. I knew my past arguments would play a huge rule in this, but I am surprised its almost 100% of the comments so far. you could say I'm livid, but you don't see me rippin yall knew booty holes now do you?
i like your enthusiasm and passion but i can't support this proposal at this time.
i don't like the multi month proposal and think it's too much money for something unproven. i would however support a one month proposal at about half the price. if everything works out how you say and you could provide proof and results then it could be worth the full price you are asking and a 3 month proposal.
i have seen you rage quit more than once and have other issues so no way would i support a multi month proposal at this time. you would need to prove yourself first but i would be willing to give you that chance as i explained above.

p.s. are you sure you would even have the time to do all this......

Thats @Tao's project I just made it for him.

Yes I told you I would add you too a link directory. I apologize I have been working 40-50 hour weeks and haven't really had time to do anything further for free as I have already poured hundreds of free hours into Dash as is. If that keeps you from voting for me, fine by me. I didn't come here to make friends or please people who dislike me anyways. Sorry you feel that way.
Thanks for your responses.

I have to agree with @mastermined - at this stage the only way I would give a yes is if you halved your cost (~80 dash) and it was a single month proposal for the same level of work as described above..

I would not agree to multi month proposal with your track record..That way you can rebuild trust with the community before submitting anything longer term and can prove that your strategy is working.
I wouldn't bother man... The only way to get the SuckerNodes to approve a thing, is to show them you're in bed with the core. If not, they'll take it to the point of threatening frivolous money/time wasting lawsuits to keep anything but themselves and their sycophants in the free money cookie jar.

Further evidenced by the suggestion that he join core, because only they will be approved...

The SuckerNodes can't lead. They don't know how. They're in way over their heads. Fishes out of water. What is governance that does nothing but look to the Oligarchy for it's decisions?

Go do something useful with your time. Let these guys have their echo chamber ponzi BS. If success comes to DASH it will be in spite of it's leadership and community, not because of it. Desperately trying to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory...

The most obvious and simple way to gain a solid foothold in Retail, and get Vendors to beg for integration, has been under their nose for over a year now. They not only fail to take action, they actively do their best to stifle it.

I desperately hope they manage to fail upwards, but that's a slow process, and there are a half dozen competitors that don't put nepotism, epeen and infighting at a higher priority than developmental progress... The amount of time, money, and energy being wasted here could have done the job a year ago.

There's a reason grown-ups can't take crypto seriously. Sad to see so much of it in DASH.

[repeatedly censoring my post for "foul language" when much worse things are peppered about the forum is obvious hypocrisy and stinks of exactly the corruption I've been exposing. I suppose censorship of that which exposes you shouldn't be a surprise. Is an outright ban too obvious, eh?]
That way you can rebuild trust with the community before submitting anything longer term and can prove that your strategy is working.
This speaks to a larger underlying issue. Swolen Heads. Even inside the cryptosphere, DASH jsut isn't that big of a deal. Albeit, mostly because the average cryptoard is exactly that. But, outside the cryptosphere, DASH is taken even less seriously because of it many obvious failures to execute in a market where it holds a monopoly! You're just not that special, guys. Nobody is going to beg for your peanuts. Way too full of yourselves. You expect to have your asses kissed for the privilege of letting people do things for you? It's like applying for a job that you're expected to pay money to the company for the privilege of doing their work for them... Even Tesla can't get away with that!

Pride cometh before the fall...

Trust is a two way street. Competent adult business people don't trust DASH for very, very good reasons that DASH seems to brag about and put on display. You're advertising your failures and cluelessness and calling it a good thing... Who can take you seriously when you beclown yourselves so badly?

DASH imagines itself in such a position of power that it doesn't have to listen to anyone, and endlessly levy more demands because DASH is sooo special... It's like a cockroach is giving the me the finger and telling me I better watch my back as I step on it... Your egos are way overblown. You're just not that big of a deal.

DASH is the one that needs to earn trust and demonstrate that it's not clueless about the needs of Vendors. But, it is clueless, and stubbornly insists on staying that way. It can't even function internally to leverage it's own feature set! Who is going to trust that? How do you fail so badly to implement a feature set that grants you monopoly? I don't think a marketplace failure of that magnitude has ever occurred in all of recorded history! There's no one holding DASH back but it's own immature SJW attitudes.

The only people "promoting" DASH, are people who realized there's a money hose of rubes, promoting it to their buddies to come take advantage while you still can... You're making absolute fools of yourselves, yet still believe you're in a position to pass judgment and act like the boss of something... You're nothing, and the sooner you admit it and make an effort to gain trust, instead of levy endless demands, you'll get some respect and trust from Real People.

The world doesn't owe you adoption. It doesn't owe you anything. Quit acting like the world owes you it's existence. Brats...
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[repeatedly censoring my post for "foul language" when much worse things are peppered about the forum is obvious hypocrisy and stinks of exactly the corruption I've been exposing. I suppose censorship of that which exposes you shouldn't be a surprise. Is an outright ban too obvious, eh?]

yes your 2 other posts were deleted due to the 'foul language ' problems
(moderated threads are moderated)

"hypocrisy and stinks of exactly the corruption...."
all you are 'exposing' is your own paranoias and conspiracy theories !
Take it a notch down , maybe get some sleep and come back with some facts once and for all.
(i remember your last row of posts regarding 'criminal changes against u' nonsense and still unproven)
Umm @camosoul, you are getting crazier by the week - look at Living Room of Satoshi, SoverignBTC, Amanda's 6 month extension, Slack Tip Bot and soon to be Crypto Show sponsor....all proposals have NOTHING to do with the core team and they are approved by the community????

Whats your conspiracy theory now, they are all in bed with the Core team? or is it that they act and present themselves in a clean, professional manner that provides some level of trust for approval.

I wouldnt approve this proposal because of past actions, yes they do count....all you need to do is look in the mirror and see how you present yourself to the community and if you were conducting business with someone of that nature would you be prepared to entrust them with your money to achieve a good result? Last I read, you were telling other Dash members to "f*ck off and die"