The sophistry of "tranparency"


Well-known member
Why is nobody talking about this?

It's been going on for longer than cryptocurrency. It's one of the central concepts of why cryptocurrency was invented!

Privacy is, by definition, a lack of transparency.

Why have we allowed corrupt governments to play these word games and not call them out on it?

In a vacuum of government force, privacy is that natural human condition.

After decades of obscene violations of the limits placed against them, governments continue the sophistry of "transparency."

The spread the propaganda of "terrorism," "drug dealers," "human trafficking."

Yet, all they can offer us is the rare token example of this accidentally being solved by means that had nothing to do with the advertised purpose of these financial "regulations."

They use these vagaries as the disconnected accusation from which were need to prove our innocence. Which can only be done by throwing privacy under the bus, they tell us.

We've had a half-dozen solid decades of this guilty-of-fill-in-the-blank-until-proven-innocent. Oh, you're not on trial because there's no actual accusation of something. It's just an accusation. But, you soon will be on trial for failing to prove your innocence...

The administrative overhead of this absurdity costs more than int brings in, by a very wide margin. Not only is it failing to serve the advertised purpose, but a full layer beyond that, it doesn't come close to paying fr itself.

FATCA and FBAR alone, just the most recent examples of the absurd lies and violations of the privacy limitations placed against governments by it's people, cost so much that most global institutions are refusing to do business with Americans. FBAR and FACTA are structured with the full knowledge that these "regulations" will cost waayyy more than they bring in. So it forces foreign institutions to bear the cost in an effort to hide the absurdity in audits. But FBAR and FATCA are nly the most modern examples of this shit...

For decades, hundreds of thousands of people have fallen victim to these guilty-until-proven-innocent regulatory schemes.

Proof of source of funds.

What happened to the prosecutor having the burden of proof? Where is the evidence that any crime has even occurred, much less that the person who dares do be opaque, asserting their right to privacy, did it?

I don't like forced child prostitution any more than anyone else. But, how can we use that as an excuse to blanket-accuse the entire population of the planet, and force them to prove their innocence?

Where's the evidence?

By all means, catch the bad guys. By finding evidence that they have committed a crime. What an novel concept!

But now, anyone who doesn't fill out a certain form is a criminal, guilty of not filling out the form. This is the overwhelming source of prosecutions. I can't find even one single example of money-laundered being caught by any of the multi-trillon dollar bureaucratic "regulatory" schemes. And these prosecutions are vicious because the parties charged with enforcement are desperate to make themselves look useful.

In spite of being outrageously predatory prosecution of people who didn't know about the secret laws passed to criminalize a failure to fill out a form that no one would think exists due to the previous presumption of innocence notion that we believed western societies held as precious... They still can't come even remotely close to paying their own bills.

Is crypo just going to let them keep getting away with this, just like everyone else?

If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear! It's become the unquestionable norm. Fear has become wisdom. Will no one even point this out, much less fight back?

DASH appear to be on the path to eliminating PrivateSend and MasterNodes because it fears so much as a conversation on the topic. Ditch PrivateSend, don't argue for privacy. Ditch MasterNodes because protecting them, or even discussing that they should be protected, is a forbidden topic.
I have friends dealing with FACTA and FBAR. Should have been named FUBAR.

For those who are unfamiliar, these regulations require americans living overseas to declare their income and all savings accounts, even if not one penny was earned in the US, and even if not one penny will ever enter the U.S., and even if you don't live in the U.S. and even if you -never- lived in the U.S.

There are only 2 or 3 countries in the world that require this, and the other one being Eritrea.

For those who still think, "If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear." I would recommend two resources.

1. You Too, Three Felonies a Day

If they want you to be a felon, you likely did something today that was a felony. Or, if not today, certainly this week.
The system is broken.

2. The most valuable 45 minutes you will ever spend on YouTube:
Never Speak to the Police (without your lawyer.)

And by the way, in no way is private send going away. It will only get better.
I have friends dealing with FACTA and FBAR. Should have been named FUBAR.

For those who are unfamiliar, these regulations require americans living overseas to declare their income and all savings accounts, even if not one penny was earned in the US, and even if not one penny will ever enter the U.S., and even if you don't live in the U.S. and even if you -never- lived in the U.S.
It's much worse than this. Work in a foreign country is becoming impossible because nobody wants to deal with this same BS as an employer. Find a job as an American in Austria or Switzerland. I dare you. They just won't do it, and I don't blame them.

I don't particularly care for work anymore. :p I've busted my ass way too hard for way too long. I want to make like SV Delos, but with a Solarwave 55.

Alas, I'm forbidden from spending my own money. If I want to buy a SolarWave 55, I must first renounce my citizenship.

I'm white. I'm male. I am a cryptocurrency advocate... It doesn't matter what I've earned, or the wise choices I've made. I am forbidden access to my own money under the blanket accusation that I am a child raping, racist, bigoted, drug dealing, domestic terrorist who can't prove any of that to be untrue; because nobody can prove a negative against made-up nonsense.

It makes perfect sense where the SJW/Snowflake generation came from. They're only following the example of the government that raised them. Their surrogate parents, big brother, just make up wild nonesense and use violence to enforce it. Facts don't matter. Like parents, so the children become. The US government has been a violent brat with way too much power, maiking up lies and throwing people in prison for those lies, for decades. The Judicial branch is an absolute joke. It's only natural that those raised by that sort of mentality reflect it...

It's a self-fulfilling paradox. I'm going to become a rage-filled, violent white man if these assholes don't stop poking me in the eye... You can take this abuse for only so long... Keep provoking me. Keep antagonizing me. I've been in Fight or Flight mode for decades, but Flight is forbidden. I'm chained up, working like a slave for the lying degenerates that keep pretending that they're the oppressed ones...

It started at the top. This is the example and behavior of the US Government. It absolutely needs to die.
The most valuable 45 minutes you will ever spend on YouTube:
I was telling people this waayyy before this video was made. And I was called a tinfoil hat loon...
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Why is nobody talking about this?

It's been going on for longer than cryptocurrency. It's one of the central concepts of why cryptocurrency was invented!

Privacy is, by definition, a lack of transparency.

Why have we allowed corrupt governments to play these word games and not call them out on it?

In a vacuum of government force, privacy is that natural human condition.

After decades of obscene violations of the limits placed against them, governments continue the sophistry of "transparency."

The spread the propaganda of "terrorism," "drug dealers," "human trafficking."

Yet, all they can offer us is the rare token example of this accidentally being solved by means that had nothing to do with the advertised purpose of these financial "regulations."

They use these vagaries as the disconnected accusation from which were need to prove our innocence. Which can only be done by throwing privacy under the bus, they tell us.

We've had a half-dozen solid decades of this guilty-of-fill-in-the-blank-until-proven-innocent. Oh, you're not on trial because there's no actual accusation of something. It's just an accusation. But, you soon will be on trial for failing to prove your innocence...

The administrative overhead of this absurdity costs more than int brings in, by a very wide margin. Not only is it failing to serve the advertised purpose, but a full layer beyond that, it doesn't come close to paying fr itself.

FATCA and FBAR alone, just the most recent examples of the absurd lies and violations of the privacy limitations placed against governments by it's people, cost so much that most global institutions are refusing to do business with Americans. FBAR and FACTA are structured with the full knowledge that these "regulations" will cost waayyy more than they bring in. So it forces foreign institutions to bear the cost in an effort to hide the absurdity in audits. But FBAR and FATCA are nly the most modern examples of this shit...

For decades, hundreds of thousands of people have fallen victim to these guilty-until-proven-innocent regulatory schemes.

Proof of source of funds.

What happened to the prosecutor having the burden of proof? Where is the evidence that any crime has even occurred, much less that the person who dares do be opaque, asserting their right to privacy, did it?

I don't like forced child prostitution any more than anyone else. But, how can we use that as an excuse to blanket-accuse the entire population of the planet, and force them to prove their innocence?

Where's the evidence?

By all means, catch the bad guys. By finding evidence that they have committed a crime. What an novel concept!

But now, anyone who doesn't fill out a certain form is a criminal, guilty of not filling out the form. This is the overwhelming source of prosecutions. I can't find even one single example of money-laundered being caught by any of the multi-trillon dollar bureaucratic "regulatory" schemes. And these prosecutions are vicious because the parties charged with enforcement are desperate to make themselves look useful.

In spite of being outrageously predatory prosecution of people who didn't know about the secret laws passed to criminalize a failure to fill out a form that no one would think exists due to the previous presumption of innocence notion that we believed western societies held as precious... They still can't come even remotely close to paying their own bills.

Is crypo just going to let them keep getting away with this, just like everyone else?

If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear! It's become the unquestionable norm. Fear has become wisdom. Will no one even point this out, much less fight back?

DASH appear to be on the path to eliminating PrivateSend and MasterNodes because it fears so much as a conversation on the topic. Ditch PrivateSend, don't argue for privacy. Ditch MasterNodes because protecting them, or even discussing that they should be protected, is a forbidden topic.

Where are you getting the impression that Dash (or the Dash community) fears conversation on the topic? You ask if crypto is just going to let them do this, but what would you have crypto do about it? If you're looking for a political movement then great, encourage people to support it, but don't limit it to crypto and don't be surprised to find that cryptocurrency enthusiasts have a variety of views on the subject. I happen to agree with the views you expressed btw
Where are you getting the impression that Dash (or the Dash community) fears conversation on the topic?

A significant part of this community aspires for Dash to be adopted as a mainstream payment system on par with PayPal, Apple Pay, et. al. This means playing by the rules of the mainstream financial/banking system, which in turn means playing down features of Dash that violate the rules of the mainstream. So emphasis is placed on the "transparency" of the Dash public ledger while the privacy features are voluntary for those who value their privacy. You see this happening when InstantSend is trumpeted but PrivateSend is barely mentioned in a presentation.

There is going to be tension between those who highly value the privacy features of Dash and those who want to see widespread mainstream adoption of Dash, because, at the end of the day, strong privacy features are not compatible with current trends in the financial services industry and its regulators.