The situation in Japan

What is the situation in Japan now?
Japanese laws and regulations are not restrictions on cryptocurrencies. It regulates exchanges.
The initiative of the examination when exchanges newly listed cryptocurrencies was transferred from the FSA to the JVCEA of the self-regulatory organization.

In Japan, there is no law prohibiting the listing of Dash, and JVCEA does not prohibit the listing of Dash. JVCEA prohibits the listing of coins that may not be audited and coins that may be used for money laundering rather than bitcoin.

Dash can be listed if the exchange that wants to list Dash persuades JCVEA and FSA.

The situation in Japan has not changed since the time of posting # 32.
I work with the Dash Core Group to help Japanese exchanges list Dash.
Today, Coincheck announced the listing of Stellar Lumens (XLM).
It was the first time in 22 months since December 4, 2017 that a new coin was listed on the Japanese exchange.
This is the first time since the JVCEA was founded.
Coincheck's founder, Mr. Wada, said, “This is because the flow of currency listing is complete throughout the country, and I think that various currencies will be listed in the future!”
With the help of the Dash Core Group, I have submitted our first proposal. This is the first proposal submitted for the Japanese market and Dash Japan.

Dash has been delisted from all Japanese exchanges based on the shared misunderstanding by Japanese regulators, their advisors, and several exchanges that Dash’s blockchain is private, untraceable, and cannot be audited.

To resolve this situation in Japan, we are requesting funding from the DAO to engage Japanese lawyers and CPAs for specific services related to engagement with regulators.

Please support!
If it can help the Dash Community, the utility provider will be seeking to add Dash onto the P2P Fiat-2-Crypto trading with JPY if there is a local demand for it based on what I am reading in this thread... feel free to reach out to me if I can help of help (CMO at GokuMarket). Thank you
If it can help the Dash Community, the utility provider will be seeking to add Dash onto the P2P Fiat-2-Crypto trading with JPY if there is a local demand for it based on what I am reading in this thread... feel free to reach out to me if I can help of help (CMO at GokuMarket). Thank you
Thank you for contacting us!
You need a Japanese license to provide services to residents of Japan. If you do not serve Japanese residents, adding a DASH/JPY trading pair is probably not illegal. I recommend consulting with your lawyer.
The Financial Services Agency (JFSA) has published the results of "Research on privacy and traceability of emerging blockchain based financial transactions (20th March, 2019)" last Friday.

This is cooperative research by the JFSA and Mitsubishi Research Institute (MRI). MRI is a leading think tank in Japan, and JFSA paid them about $410,000 in research costs.
Unlike JVCEA and some exchanges that do not have many resources for research, it turns out that JFSA has done a detailed investigation into the anonymity of Dash and cryptocurrencies.
This research demonstrates that Bitcoin's Lightning Network and third-party mixing services are used for money laundering.
Page 70 describes Dash's PrivateSend. There is a description "it must be noted that transaction content (senders, receivers, and amounts) is not anonymized."

Also, JFSA has published reference material for this research in Japanese only ( On page 45 of the reference material, "PrivateSend obfuscates the relationship between inputs and outputs by mixing and does not conceal addresses or remittance amounts. These transaction histories are visible to everyone on the blockchain, just like Bitcoin. Therefore, the level of anonymization is not as high as other anonymous altcoins.''
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