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holy crap look at litecoin..
Many altcoins were pumped this week with huge volumes... Was it a consequence of started marginal trading?
holy crap look at litecoin..
Purism Librem 15 Laptop
July 14, 2014
The first high-end laptop designed specifically with security, privacy, and freedom as the default for all users. There is absolutely no mystery code running in the kernel, the operating system, or any software applications whatsoever. Running PureOS, Purism’s own operating system, built with the most secure software, the best privacy protection installed by default, all while respecting your freedoms. The design is thin, clean, and durable, with many standardized ports. This case is brushed metal, inside we have a 1920×1080 resolution display, 720p webcam, CD/DVD, one (1) HDMI port, three (3) USB 3.0 ports, one (1) headphone jack, one (1) SDXC card slot, and one (1) RJ45 pop-down network jack. View the full size image.
Purism follows a strict belief in your rights to privacy, security, and freedom. We developed Purism so that users can have access to the highest quality computers without compromising these beliefs. The founder of Purism developed the Philosophical Contract, that we all abide by, which was adopted from the Free Software Foundation, and expanded to include hardware manufacturing as it relates to software.
yep, passwords are encrypted but hackers can use brute force to get the plain password.
The time to get the password using brute force depends on the algorithm used to encrypt the password, the password length, the chars included in the password and the power of the system used to crack.
For example, to brute force a salted password with 6 letters it would take 42 seconds but if you include numbers, it would take almost 5 minutes.
If you increase the password length to 10, it would take 15 years 236 days 9 hours 36 minutes 50 seconds.
Keys per second use in the example : Salted SHA
This Brute Force Calculator determines the amount of time it would take to exhaust the keyspace of a particular password given the complexity of the password and the number of keys per second that can be cracked. The keys per second depends on power of the system cracking the password and the algorithm the password is encrypted with. It should be noted that this calculator does not speak to the to the choices users make when choosing passwords. Additionally, for certain algorithms, there are well known methods (e.g. rainbow tables) which greatly reduce the amount of time it takes to exhaust a keyspace. Before relying on these results, its recommended that you attempt to identify if speeder methods exist for the algorithm your targeting. is a good start.
For convienence, a list of popular algorithms along with the number of keys per second has been provided. This list was generated on an 3.4GHz Intel Core i7-2600K, using benchmarks from john the ripper and aircrack-ng (for WPA-PSK). Since computation times varies across systems, the "custom" option is available to allow more realistic results applicable to your environment and the current state of cracking.
Many altcoins were pumped this week with huge volumes... Was it a consequence of started marginal trading?
TanteStefana - what a brilliant idea for a thread!
Look what I just found guys and gals...
Sigh, I wish I could ensure my old computer were as safe Maybe it is? It was bought in 2007, do you think that was before the guv started putting spyware in our computers? LOL
Thing is, I use Ubuntu, could use a more secure distribution of linux, but then you lose the fun-ctionality. I like gaming, etc... and don't want a command line box, LOL
That is VERY cool, but is it open sourced? How can it be trusted?
As why we aren't being pumped is that day traders thrive on news and there's been none for quite a while. Secondly the move to dash is still ongoing unfortunately and people hate uncertainty.
Intel CPU = cannot be trusted. There are still firmware and BIOS elements that are closed source.
My link on Jim Willie briefly discusses intel CPU's and says all of them have back doors, he also that anything that the banks are involved will be corrupted and mentions ripple (as a warning) near the end.
Also that a type of gold backed cryptocurrency is on the cards.
Thanks for that - was very informative! and thanks for the friendly welcome.Hi, Welcome!
specially for you: