The Polish DASH Exchange


Yeah, it's me....
Staff member
Dash Core Group
Foundation Member
Dash Support Group
Hello community.

There is a new, crypto 2 crypto, polish exchange:

The engine of this exchange is based on
Today they have added the english support so more people can test it too.
The exchange is KYC FREE and supports InstantX in & out.
I invite you guys for testing and for reporting, your views and suggestions.
Hello @Pablo, no I`m not, I`m simply supporting the old polish DASH supporter.
I have no financial incentive in advertising it at all.
I simply thought it will be cool to give a shout and let the community know about it.
In relation to overloading Bitcoin network, we've added "express transfer" in withdrawal funds tab, since now standard costs 0.00015 BTC, express 0.0005 BTC. Details, about network fee can be found in Informations->Fees.
There is lack of sendtoaddressix function in new version of DASH, have had it implemented for express withdrawals. Anybody can explain how to use InstantSend in new verison of DASH RPC?
instantsendtoaddress "dashaddress" amount ( "comment" "comment-to" subtractfeefromamount )

dash-cli help instantsendtoaddress