The North American Bitcoin Conference Thread Day #2

Now we must wait to hear the participant's reports :)

I'm really glad I got to see that just now, as I have to leave for a bit, but nice and satisfied like I just had a nice savory meal :D Thanks again Tungfa, TheDashGuy, and everyone for your hard work!
Yea, I just had a bit of a nerdgasm ;P

Great stuff guys! Super jelly I'm not there :( Maybe my wife and I can sneak over for some after party :p

Good work though guys! Evans speech was really good (minus the POS Point of Sale/Proof of Stake slip up!)

LOL - great start - fer ser

I can hear Evan's wife sweeping in the back-ground... lol

My silent partner has been asking, "When is DASH gonna be more user friendly? - nobody but you nerds understand this...."
[he's 64 but appreciates the entire concept]
NOW - I have a viddy to prove - IT'S HAPPENING!!!!

[next up - conference :-D

THX GUYS !!!!!
Yep - I need a drink and some more fiat toilet paper to throw at DASH - ugh

speechless - SO nice!
I've not yet watched the video but is it good? Like does it do dash justice? Will the average joe know how to use it and get it?
Another Dash n' Drink vid:

I think I have a new addiction, watching videos of people buying soda with Dash, LOL. I can't get enough, keep filming!!!

I've not yet watched the video but is it good? Like does it do dash justice? Will the average joe know how to use it and get it?

YES, this was a great presentation, no, I think the average joe would only come out of it with this slide:
I like this picture:

I don't know what kind of people the audience was made up of, but hopefully they understand "Bitcoin Technobabble" LOL, I'm sorry, but although I understand, we're going to have to change our presentations for outsiders. I'm also guilty of being so immersed in the Bitcoin space, I can't tell when I'm being opaque to outsiders. But my husband and family remind me of this every time I try to explain something. And this has nothing to do with intelligence. It's mostly that when you throw in techno babble to non-insiders they lose their ability to follow. But it was a great presentation for those on the inside, which I'm sure this convention's attendees are :D
My comment above is not meant to be a criticism but rather I'm starting to see a dire need for our community to come up with a person who can speak to outsiders. I say outsiders because even highly intelligent Mensa members are not getting this. So I hate to say the "average person out there" We need to be clear to 99% of the population by using "normal" wording. I'm almost at the point where I would like to hire Andreas Antonopoulos to speak on Dash. I believe he is a paid speaker, and basically is paid by someone, probably a big corporation or entity interested in Bitcoin to make presentations. Nothing wrong with that, but if he is willing, we may be able to get him to do some presentations on Dash if we pay him. It would certainly benefit him as his speeches are getting a bit redundant :)
My comment above is not meant to be a criticism but rather I'm starting to see a dire need for our community to come up with a person who can speak to outsiders. I say outsiders because even highly intelligent Mensa members are not getting this. So I hate to say the "average person out there" We need to be clear to 99% of the population by using "normal" wording. I'm almost at the point where I would like to hire Andreas Antonopoulos to speak on Dash. I believe he is a paid speaker, and basically is paid by someone, probably a big corporation or entity interested in Bitcoin to make presentations. Nothing wrong with that, but if he is willing, we may be able to get him to do some presentations on Dash if we pay him. It would certainly benefit him as his speeches are getting a bit redundant :)

Not sure he's such a fan of Dash. A lot of the big BTCers are kinda like that. They don't wanna see Bitcoin dethroned anytime soon, so any legit shot at that is casted in a negative light.

But I do agree with the rest of it, kind what i'm going for w/ I want ANYONE to be able to start out without knowing about Bitcoin, and learn about Dash from me. I plan on doing this at libraries and such as well, so I also need to find a way to explain Dash in laymans terms.
My comment above is not meant to be a criticism but rather I'm starting to see a dire need for our community to come up with a person who can speak to outsiders. I say outsiders because even highly intelligent Mensa members are not getting this. So I hate to say the "average person out there" We need to be clear to 99% of the population by using "normal" wording. I'm almost at the point where I would like to hire Andreas Antonopoulos to speak on Dash. I believe he is a paid speaker, and basically is paid by someone, probably a big corporation or entity interested in Bitcoin to make presentations. Nothing wrong with that, but if he is willing, we may be able to get him to do some presentations on Dash if we pay him. It would certainly benefit him as his speeches are getting a bit redundant :)

I know what you are saying, but I think Dash is still in the phase where it is most important to win over technical people who are already into crypto. They will be the ones who expand development and usage.

But I am a huge proponent of trying to reach average people - I've spent a large part of my career bridging the gap between tech and non-tech people through both writing and public speaking, and I've found that most tech people have a hard time explaining tech things in non-tech terms. I even wrote a beginner's book on Bitcoin specifically to address the issue of making it understandable to average people. Perhaps it might be worthwhile to write something similar for Dash.

So I agree with your overall idea, but perhaps the higher priority should still be on insiders.
There are other people. Personally, I'd love to groom Amanda Johnson for the position. Mostly because I really like her style, I know she likes Dash, and frankly:
She's female in a male world
She's very pretty
She's perky
She's friendly, not scarry, and attractive and charming in personality, yet doesn't come across as stupid. At least not to me.

I think having her head up a team of speech writers, event coordinators and some $ from the budget system, we could really knock that adoption wall down.

OK ericsammons I can see that I'm jumping a little ahead, but if we plan for this, we'll be ready when the time is right, eh? And I'm pretty sure that within the year - no more than a year and a half, we are going to be ready for serious mass adoption. So I want to start wooing people who can do this. Amanda isn't completely knowledgeable on Dash (she does many currencies, and can't possibly get that deep with all of them) But she does seem to be interested enough to maybe take the time to become more fluent in Dash, and then she could be our best vehicle to the outside world :p
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