The Next Generation of Digital Currency


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An interesting piece by Michael Copeland, Partner at Andreessen Horowitz.

Might be nice to contact him about DASH.

There was a time when people happily used chickens, pigs, or a nice pile of lumber as payment for a cow, some clothes, or anything else of value. And then some smart people got behind a breakthrough—they introduced currency.

Swatches of buckskin, stamped pieces of gold, and later, paper notes—these were a mighty intellectual and technological leap ahead from that clucking bird. It may not seem like it in today’s world, where cash has a whiff of the downright prehistoric, but paper currency was mind-blowing in its heyday—the first U.S. government-issued currency debuted during the Civil War—because of its advanced features: It was lightweight, portable, reliable (hyper-inflationary events notwithstanding), efficient, and powerful. These are descriptors we might apply to the latest smartphone today.

The point is, currency for hundreds of years has been an evolving form of technology, with the faster, better, cheaper underpinnings found in all great technologies. But arguably, not since the arrival of the greenback has currency been poised for a more dramatic leap forward. Digital currency is finally taking hold.

Driven by two massive technological waves—the Internet and the mobile phone—digital currency is bringing banking to the unbanked; it’s making new forms of transactions financially feasible; and it's allowing currency to do things it could never do when trapped in a physical form.

With digital currency as the stream through which value flows, barriers to truly global trade are poised to fall. The knock-on effect is that the advantage that developed nations held for so long—as hubs through which value of all kinds move—is weakening. As with all forms of digital goods, it’s the most connected nation, or company, or individual that has the power. That does not necessarily mean the nations and companies that have traditionally led the global economy will continue to lead. The fastest, most secure data exchange will win—wherever it may be.

Digital currency acts as a catalyst for all kinds of businesses—large, small, legal, and not so legal. It’s enabling a whole new wave of competition. Whether you are running the corporate show, or investing in it, be prepared to take digital currency on, or be prepared to be left behind.

The digital currency everyone has heard of lately is Bitcoin, but there are many other forms this new platform takes. Each has its network within which it is exchanged. For Bitcoin that is the Internet, and by extension, the globe. For others it might be a single country, a company, or a game (hard to call it a currency if you can’t get it out of the game, but it’s pretty close). At a high level, what all these currencies have in common is the conversion of value into ones and zeros, into digital data. That in itself isn’t revolutionary. Banking today is mostly a function of moving around digital data. Where it gets far more interesting is when smart software hooks into that data and emerges on the front-end as new services serving networks of people and organizations—that’s when new digital currencies will be able to take on properties we’ve never seen. For example, banking without any banks.

In the U.S. with banks on every other downtown corner, it is hard to wrap your head around the fact that more than 2.5 billion people worldwide don’t have bank accounts. What they do have, however, are mobile phones. Take a form of digital currency, introduce some software that allows value to be exchanged on phones between people and businesses, and all of a sudden “money” is moving where it never has. That is the case in Kenya with the digital currency M-Pesa (“M” stands for mobile, “Pesa” is Swahili for money).

Launched in 2007 by the nation’s largest wireless carrier, Safaricom, M-Pesa is a service that allows registered users to do things like deposit money in accounts, transfer money person-to-person, or to one of tens of thousands of shops that take the digital currency. You put value in; it resides on the network (so if you lose your phone you don’t lose your money) and you take it out on your phone.

Even more interesting is that the service has led to a wide variety of businesses being built on top of it that couldn’t have been anticipated—such as shops and bars, travel insurance on animals being brought to market by farmers, and of course lots of money transfers from the city to relatives in rural areas. Saving for later—to buy a home, or to buy that thing to start a business—is another byproduct of this form of digital currency. M-Pesa’s success has been phenomenal. Recent statistics show that fully one-quarter of the Kenyan economy flows through M-Pesa.

Other countries are taking a crack at a similar mobile digital currency. Vodacom (majority owned by UK-based Vodafone, which owns a minority stake of Safaricom) has launched M-Pesa in other African nations, as well as India and parts of Eastern Europe. In Latin America, Ecuador recently announced it would launch a nationwide digital currency, residing largely on people’s smartphones to accompany the U.S. dollars that are the country’s official currency. The hope is that a digital currency will bring the same safety and ease of monetary transfer that the M-Pesa has to Kenyans to the roughly 40% of Ecuadoreans who don’t have access to a bank account. Plus, it offers Ecuadoreans the opportunity to start saving. The difference in Ecuador is that the Bank of Ecuador is backing the digital currency, essentially bypassing the big commercial banks in the nation, at least for now.

Will M-Pesa take root in the United States, or will the as-yet-unnamed Ecuadorian digital currency get passed around at local stateside grocery stores? Not likely. Those digital currencies are designed to fit the needs of the populations in the region they serve. That is the lesson here. Digital currencies can and will adapt to the population they serve with the help of smart entrepreneurs. They will do so with—or without—the help of banks.

It’s no surprise that some of the largest tech companies in the world have been trying to move us to a form of digital payments. They get to sell more handsets, and serve up better ads if they build in a form of mobile payments. The problem for all of these has been the lack of a network effect, not enough devices useable in enough places for it to take off.
What is increasingly evident is that the traditional role of banks is being reimagined by non-banking software and hardware companies. They can move money, assign risk, and even raise money in the case of Kickstarter, Tilt and other crowdfunding services. Does this make them banks? What role do banks play in this era? These are becoming less easy questions to answer with each additional service that gets launched.

In the United States, and the rest of the developed world, get ready for a variety of options when it comes to moving, spending and raising money. Get ready to move as fluidly between digital currencies and payment services as you do between apps. Some will be anchored in the dollar, others won’t (and like Bitcoin, the value of those digital currencies not pegged to any fiat currency will get set by an online market of buyers and sellers). The conversion will happen for you with a simple tap.

And, finally, there is Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the most dramatic emerging example of building a financial infrastructure outside of the purview and control of central banks—or banks of any kind.

In the U.S. (and Asia and Europe) the momentum for a universal digital currency is certainly behind Bitcoin. From a network effect vantage point it will be hard to dislodge—there’s too many people using it, and too many people developing software and services to extend its use.

As regulation makes Bitcoin less shadowy, and smart software companies partnering with a growing list of merchants make it easier to use, Bitcoin will increasingly enter the mainstream and challenge the traditional rails of finance along which money has moved.

The promise of Bitcoin is its global reach, unyielding security, and that it is very, very cheap as a means to exchange value. The Bitcoin protocol runs on top of the Internet, and, just like video chatting with someone halfway across the globe, it makes moving data—in this case Bitcoin—essentially free. That makes micropayments possible, such as paying small amounts to read a story or watch a video. Imagine if sending email required a very small payment from the sender—spam would disappear.

Regulations aside (and there will be plenty), what happens if it is trivial to move money to anyone on the planet? For starters, global businesses become truly possible. If you aren’t a bank you can’t imagine how expensive and difficult it is to move money across nations. Without that burden, coders in Singapore can sell their services to outfits in the U.K. or the United States with ease. Goods of all kinds can reach customers in places that just didn’t make financial sense in the past.

This leads to the increased competition for all kinds of things, especially for information-based products and services that the United States leans on for much of its economy. Digital currencies, Bitcoin in particular, will lower economic barriers. If you are a crack engineering firm in Thailand that is great news. If you are an engineering firm in the U.S. you might wonder why you have to hustle harder for business.

Software joined to currencies allows currency to be more than static units of value. Digital currency becomes much more than the transfer of value, and banks by extension will need to become more than institutions that do a good job of moving around money. In the future of currency, that kind of transfer will be a commodity. Banks will need to distinguish themselves with the services that they can offer on top. It might be different kinds of loans, payroll and other small business services and specialized accounts that serve specific needs and populations.

For banks and financial institutions to compete and grow in a marketplace powered by digital currency, they’ll need to tap into next-generation software to convert rivers of new data into more specific and more nuanced banking services -- ones that can be tailored to both individuals and individual corporate customers.

The net result will likely be new products for customers and new revenue streams for banks based on a much broader set of data points. The opportunity to know and serve customers will become far more efficient and far more intimate.

That shift is already underway. Banking as we know it will change, as will the definition of a modern bank. Digital currency sets it all in motion.

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What is increasingly evident is that the traditional role of banks is being reimagined by non-banking software and hardware companies. They can move money, assign risk, and even raise money in the case of Kickstarter, Tilt and other crowdfunding services. Does this make them banks? What role do banks play in this era? These are becoming less easy questions to answer with each additional service that gets launched.

In the United States, and the rest of the developed world, get ready for a variety of options when it comes to moving, spending and raising money. Get ready to move as fluidly between digital currencies and payment services as you do between apps. Some will be anchored in the dollar, others won’t (and like Bitcoin, the value of those digital currencies not pegged to any fiat currency will get set by an online market of buyers and sellers). The conversion will happen for you with a simple tap.

And, finally, there is Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the most dramatic emerging example of building a financial infrastructure outside of the purview and control of central banks—or banks of any kind.

In the U.S. (and Asia and Europe) the momentum for a universal digital currency is certainly behind Bitcoin. From a network effect vantage point it will be hard to dislodge—there’s too many people using it, and too many people developing software and services to extend its use.

As regulation makes Bitcoin less shadowy, and smart software companies partnering with a growing list of merchants make it easier to use, Bitcoin will increasingly enter the mainstream and challenge the traditional rails of finance along which money has moved.

The promise of Bitcoin is its global reach, unyielding security, and that it is very, very cheap as a means to exchange value. The Bitcoin protocol runs on top of the Internet, and, just like video chatting with someone halfway across the globe, it makes moving data—in this case Bitcoin—essentially free. That makes micropayments possible, such as paying small amounts to read a story or watch a video. Imagine if sending email required a very small payment from the sender—spam would disappear.

Regulations aside (and there will be plenty), what happens if it is trivial to move money to anyone on the planet? For starters, global businesses become truly possible. If you aren’t a bank you can’t imagine how expensive and difficult it is to move money across nations. Without that burden, coders in Singapore can sell their services to outfits in the U.K. or the United States with ease. Goods of all kinds can reach customers in places that just didn’t make financial sense in the past.

This leads to the increased competition for all kinds of things, especially for information-based products and services that the United States leans on for much of its economy. Digital currencies, Bitcoin in particular, will lower economic barriers. If you are a crack engineering firm in Thailand that is great news. If you are an engineering firm in the U.S. you might wonder why you have to hustle harder for business.

Software joined to currencies allows currency to be more than static units of value. Digital currency becomes much more than the transfer of value, and banks by extension will need to become more than institutions that do a good job of moving around money. In the future of currency, that kind of transfer will be a commodity. Banks will need to distinguish themselves with the services that they can offer on top. It might be different kinds of loans, payroll and other small business services and specialized accounts that serve specific needs and populations.

For banks and financial institutions to compete and grow in a marketplace powered by digital currency, they’ll need to tap into next-generation software to convert rivers of new data into more specific and more nuanced banking services -- ones that can be tailored to both individuals and individual corporate customers.

The net result will likely be new products for customers and new revenue streams for banks based on a much broader set of data points. The opportunity to know and serve customers will become far more efficient and far more intimate.

That shift is already underway. Banking as we know it will change, as will the definition of a modern bank. Digital currency sets it all in motion.

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Great article. Thanx