Anonymous Dude
The videos are addressed to idiots. Everyone who tries to understand what a cryptocurrency is by watching youtube videos, he is an idiot. Everyone who is not able to read the code, but he invest his wealth in cryptocurrencies, he is an idiot. It is like signing a contract without being able to read it. Whoever is illiterate but he is smart, he knows that he should avoid signing contracts. Whoever is illiterate but he is an idiot, he signs whatever contract is given to him. If you are code illiterate and you invest in cryptocurrencies, it is like playing in the casino. Most idiots lose, and some lucky few idiots (and most of the intelligent casino owners) win.
You are idiots, useful idiots I would say. Stop watching youtube videos, stop reading forums, stop watching miss piggy's ads. Just try to learn how to read the code, and start using your own little brown brain cells.
The code is there myfriend, and it is a written text. It is neither a video, nor a sound, nor an image. Whoever tries to explain it to you by using videos/images/sounds he/she is a scamer. Try to read what is written, and if you are idiot and not able to do it, just accept yourself, have self knowledge and avoid to mess with things you dont understand.
I think you need to step back and smoke a blunt demo. Pretty female faces will always attract males, or else how do you think the world ended up with 7 billion people? Lulz.........